Swordmaster Build Guide – Dungeonborne

As a seasoned adventurer with years of experience in the perilous lands of Dungeonborne, I can confidently say that the Swordmaster Build is a force to be reckoned with. Having honed my skills through countless battles and encounters, I can attest to the power and versatility of this build.

In the game Dungeonborne, the Swordmaster class is known for its nimbleness and high damage. Here, I’ll show you how to create the most effective build for both player-vs-player (PvP) and player-vs-player-versus-environment (PvPvE) situations. We’ll cover all aspects of this class, including abilities and passive skills, as well as the finest equipment and stats.

Best active skills for PvP and Solo for Swordmaster Build in Dungeonborne

In Dungeonborne, just like other classes, Swordmasters come equipped with two effective active skills. Let’s take a quick look at each one and understand why they shine.

SkillEffectWhy It’s Great
Psionic BladesSummons up to 4 Psionic Blades from your inventory that track and attack enemies to deal damage. The cooldown is determined by the number of swords launched.It offers great damage and self-sustainability, making it an invaluable option in prolonged fights. Additionally, with Healing Scabbard, you also restore 30 life per hit, which makes it an even better option that does crazy damage and healing. 
Whirling BladeSummons 1 sword that continuously orbits around you for 8 seconds, dealing small amounts of damage to nearby enemies.This one provides constant area damage, which is a great option when you are surrounded by a mob. On top of that, when you have Deflection, you also neglect 50% damage taken, which makes it a top-tier skill. 

Best passive skills for PvP and Solo for Swordmaster Build in Dungeonborne

The choice of passive skills can determine the success or failure of this build in PvP. You should focus on selecting the appropriate ones first, as acquiring them in PvP is relatively easy. However, for adventuring, you’ll need to put in some effort and unlock specific weapons to gain access to certain passive skills. Here’s a suggestion for prioritizing passive skills for both PvP and adventure.

Passive SkillEffectWhy It’s Great
Healing ScabbardPsionic Blades restores 30 life on every unblocked hit.Essential as it not only helps you deal damage but also restores a lot of health to increase survivability. 
DeflectionReduces all damage taken by 50% while Whirling Blade is active.It’s a no-brainer since you become mostly invincible for a short time where you can get up-close and deal tons of damage. 
MomentumIncreases your Critical Strike Chance by 50% for 5 seconds after hitting an enemy with Psionic Blades.This one is to support Psionic Blades by adding more fire-power that you can use with other attacks afterward.
Flurry of BladesReduces the cooldown of Psionic Blades by 10 or 15 seconds after firing 3 or 4 blades simultaneously.Lastly, this skill allows you to use your Psionic Blades more often, which lets you active the other passives more often. 

Best stats for Swordmaster Build in Dungeonborne

To make progress in the game by increasing your character’s level or selecting equipment, focus on enhancing specific statistics to unlock passive abilities more quickly.

Strength54Unlocks the Healing Scabbard passive, which is crucial for self-healing during fights.
Stamina36Unlocks the Deflection passive, which greatly reduces incoming damage.
Dexterity35Unlocks the Momentum passive, significantly boosting your critical strike chance.
Will27Unlocks the Flurry of Blades passive, allowing you to use Psionic Blades more frequently.

Best Swordmaster Build gears and affixes for PvP in Dungeonborne

In player versus player (PvP) battles, you’ll have an abundance of equipment to select from, which can be quite confusing. To maximize your effectiveness, prioritize primary stats that help unlock passive abilities you haven’t yet activated. Additionally, focus on secondary stats or affixes granting life upon hitting or killing enemies to enhance your resilience further.

Best Swordmaster Build gear and affixes for PvPvE and Solo in Dungeonborne

When it comes to using equipment in PvPvE or solo adventures, the gameplay dynamics shift. In such cases, aim for the finest gear at your disposal or create “legendary gears,” which I’ll refer to as heirloom gears for clarity. For heirloom gears, enhance them with the necessary stats to finish your build and add survivability-boosting properties like life steal.

As an avid player, I’d be happy to share a handy tip for acquiring heirloom gear: instead of starting the crafting process from scratch, you can purchase a pre-made heirloom item using a Mithril Token. Obtaining a token requires spending 1,000 coins from your in-game currency at the merchant’s shop. By opting for this method, you’ll only pay 1,000 gold for the heirloom gear, making it an affordable and wise choice even if you’ve already crafted it yourself.

How to play the Swordmaster Build in Dungeonborne

As a seasoned player with years of experience under my belt, I strongly believe that adhering to a well-planned gameplay loop is crucial for effectively wielding this build. The loop ensures that I deal maximum damage while minimizing the risk of death. Of course, there are exceptions where deviating from this strategy becomes necessary, such as dealing with unique in-game situations. But, in most instances, staying true to this loop is the key to success.

  1. Start engaging with the enemies by launching your 3 or 4 Psionic Blades to deal damage and start healing. With 3 or 4 blades, your cooldown for Psionic Blades will be reduced. 
  2. Right after that, use the Whirling Blade to reduce all incoming damage by half and deal damage to nearby enemies. 
  3. Also, take advantage of Momentum and start attacking with your sword to deal critical damage with the increased chances. 
  4. If the enemies are still alive, use Psionic Blades again to start the whole cycle again. 
  5. Lastly, when you are done, stock yourself with swords to use Psionic Blades for the next encounter. 

How to beat bosses

In Dungeonborne, dealing with bosses can be quite a challenge, yet by implementing the suggestions that follow, your odds of triumphing over them significantly improve.

  • When fighting bosses, positions are important in how things turn out for you. Always be in a place from where you can hit the boss with Psionic Blades. 
  • Another thing you need to keep in mind is to use Healing Scabbard effectively and as much as you can to stay in the fight. 
  • Lastly, if you can not avoid the boss, use Whirling Blade to reduce the damage you take.

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2024-07-26 18:22