Sword of Convallaria - Beryl Build, Deadly Mage

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt, I’ve seen my fair share of games and builds that range from the sublime to the ridiculous. Yet, here I stand, enthralled by the Deadly Mage Beryl build in Sword of Convallaria. It’s not every day you come across a build that caters so well to your playstyle, especially when the game doesn’t offer respec.

Not all players relish the process of theorycrafting, reading through patch notes, and constructing optimal game builds, which is commonly associated with RPGs like Path of Exile (recently praised for its latest update). Interestingly, this aspect has also appeared in other games. Sword of Convallaria may not be the most intricate title in character development, but players still appreciate some advice or inspiration on creating a successful build. If you’ve chosen Beryl as your character, we will guide you on turning her into a lethal Mage in this article.

Deadly Mage Beryl build in SoC

Beryl is a character we strongly suggest re-rolling, as she’s quite valuable in our ranking system. We’ve designed a Potent Mage build specifically for her within Sword of Convallaria. Since the game doesn’t offer respec (or skill tree reset), it’s crucial to make the most of your initial choice. You can utilize a unique currency known as Castalia to acquire additional skills from the tree, however.

As a gamer, when it’s all about going full offensive, I’d rather seize the moment and maximize Beryl’s strength by forgoing any healing or supportive abilities from the skill tree right off the bat. This means focusing solely on the aggressive skills that Beryl provides.

  1. RK 1 – Wall of Flame (left),
  2. RK 3 – NRG Restoration (right),
  3. RK 5 – Cutie (right),
  4. RK 7 – Flaming Meteor (left),
  5. RK 9 – Scorching Attack (left),
  6. RK 11 – BOOOOOM! (left).

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but marvel at Beryl’s prowess when it comes to Area of Effect (AOE) damage. Not only does she excel in this aspect, but her passive skill also boosts her magic attack power, making her an absolute terror on the battlefield. She effortlessly sweeps through groups of opponents, causing havoc with seemingly minimal effort. Her versatile attack patterns make her an indispensable asset in every fight, seamlessly fitting into any team composition you choose.

If Gloria ends up being part of your team, we’ve also provided a guide to help you build and grow this character.

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2024-08-02 12:01