The refreshed version of the classic game Suikoden has arrived, and one essential feature is gathering all 108 Star of Destiny recruits. If your goal is to complete the game fully and unlock all achievements, we’ve got you covered!
This step-by-step breakdown serves as an easy-to-follow list for players who prefer not to frequently revisit sections of a detailed guide. The aim is to ensure that they don’t overlook any steps crucial for the completion of all treasure collections and character recruitments.
Suikoden offers a concise gaming experience with flexible customization options for your battle squad. Seasoned RPG players should find it relatively easy to conquer the game’s primary obstacles, as its dungeons tend to follow a straight path. However, there are certain parts of the game that may prove challenging; we’ll make sure to highlight those areas.
What this walkthrough will do:
- Offer a minimalist walkthrough so you know what you need to do at any point in the game.
- Point out recruits and missables so you can easily complete the game 100%.
What the walkthrough will not do:
- Offer in-depth strategies for bosses or party build.
- In-depth Dungeon Walkthroughs. Basic directions will be provided to help navigate to all items, but other than that, most locations in Suikoden are straightforward.
- Opening
- On the run, Rockland & Mt. Seifu
- The Liberation Army
- Elves, Dwarves, and Kobolds
- Scarleticia
- A Fated Encounter
- The Neclord Diversion
- The Dragon Knights
- Finale
As a gamer diving into the Suikoden Remasters, I’m thrilled to find that my early purchase comes with some awesome perks! Right from the get-go, I’ll be rewarded with these goodies:
[Here you can list what the player will obtain at the start of the game]
- 57300 potch (money)
- Fortune Orb x1
- Prosperity Orb x1
At any rune shop, you can affix either the Fortune Orb or the Prosperity Orb onto a character. Once attached, they transform into the Fortune Rune or Prosperity Rune respectively. These special runes will double the experience points earned by their associated character and the money acquired after battles respectively. You can recognize a rune shop by its circular symbol on store signs. Obtaining more of these runes is part of regular gameplay; this is simply an extra boost to begin with.
Note: There is an achievement for beating Suikoden on Hard mode. So, if you were aiming to get all achievements during your playthrough, make sure you are on that mode now.
- In any case, talk to Teo and watch the scene.
- Move to the first floor and speak with Kraze on the left side, then talk to Teo again.
- Before heading out, examine the suit of armor far to the right for 100 Potch.
- Once you leave the castle, you’ll automatically be sent to your home, the McDohl household. Don’t explore your home just yet. Head back into the city of Greminster.
Take time to acquaint yourself with the city of Gregminster.
- Inns – These have the bed icon. This is where you can save your game. The inn in Gregminster is free.
- Item Shops – These have the potion icon.
- Armor Shops – These have the suit of armor icon.
- Appraisal Shops – These have the magnifying glass icon.
Before you explore Tir’s home, there’s a bonus you can get if you want to wander the world early. You can get a spare Fortune Orb OR Prosperity Orb, in addition to the ones obtained as DLC. You cannot get both.
In order to get another Fortune Orb, you need to explore the world with Tir only. If you want the Prosperity Orb, you need to recruit Ted at the McDohl household, and then explore the world. However, there’s not much point to having two Prosperity Orbs, so if you were to aim for one, I would suggest getting another Fortune Orb. Once you recruit Gremio, Pahn, and Cleo, you can no longer get these rewards.
This guide will assume you will do this exploration.
- Save, then head out to the world map.
World Map – Gregminster Area
To begin with, Suikoden doesn’t feature a bestiary like other popular RPGs, so there’s no need to focus on encountering and defeating every type of enemy. However, it’s important to be cautious when exploring alone as enemies can pose a threat. It might help to take down some Fuzzballs early on to gain levels quickly, and you’ll want to prioritize upgrading your weapons and armor as soon as possible. Traveling with Tir will make earning experience points faster, so you should aim to reach levels 9 or 10 after just a few battles.
To the east of Gregminster lies the small town of Rockland. It’s not much to look at, but there’s a character named Marco who will challenge you to a game of cup shuffling. You can wager money in hopes of winning more, but be cautious as the higher your bet, the tougher it becomes to win, with the 10,000 Potch option proving particularly challenging. In the original Suikoden, this minigame was exploitable due to predictable patterns, but I haven’t noticed that in the current version. If you figure out a way to manipulate it, do let me know!
- Directly south of Gregminster is Lenankamp. Here, there is there is one new kind of shop.
- Blacksmith – identified with a hammer icon on the shop sign. You can spend potch to strengthen weapons for each character. This is how weapon upgrades work in Suikoden, and every ugprade is permanent. This blacksmith can only rank up your weapons to rank 5, but eventually you’ll be able to get to rank 16.
The armor shop will have upgrades. Buy them.
- Once you are level 9 or 10 and have upgraded equipment, head west of Gregminster to Mt. Tigerwolf.
Mount Tigerwolf
- Head up the linear path to the end. Skip the chests, and note that the bar building that you pass is locked.
- You’ll emerge near another town, Sarady. Enter it.
- In here, you can buy a Water Orb from the shop, which can be attached to a character to become a Water Rune. These are useful for healing. I would go ahead and buy one if you can.
- Speak to the NPC in the upper right house. If Tir is alone, you’ll get Fortune Orb. If you grabbed Ted, you’ll get Prosperity Orb. That’s the whole reason we came here early.
- Head back to Gregminster when ready. Unforunately, you’ll have to walk.
- When ready to proceed, head inside your house for a series of scenes.
- Pick up Ted (if you haven’t already). Talk to the other characters if you’d like, and head to your room on the 2nd floor to proceed. Head to the dining room and sit in your chair next to Teo.
- During the scenes, head out of your house. You’ll gain your first Stars of Destiny (recruited characters) during this sequence of events. Note, I will start explicitly counting the Stars of Destiny as soon as we get a means to do so in-game, but this won’t happen just yet. Don’t worry, if you follow this guide, you should end up with all 108 Stars.
- Gremio – Automatic
- Cleo – Automatic
- Pahn – Automatic
- Ted – Automatic
- You can also Save in Tir’s room at this point.
- Once you are free to explore, it’s worth training up your starting party, upgrading their weapons and equipment in Lenankamp, and attaching the Fortune, Prosperity Orbs, or Water Runes you have. For the moment, you’ll only be able to attach to Cleo and Gremio.
- You can buy Winged Boots in Gregminster for Cleo (or any female character). These are expensive, but can last the entire game. You can even get two sets.
- You can also pick up the items in Mt. Tigerwolf you missed before, now that you have inventory space.
Mt. Tigerwolf Items
The path is basically linear, with just small branching paths.
- Circlet
- Medicine
- Gloves
- Wind Rune Piece
- Antique (Octopus Urn, must be appraised)
- Medicine
- Clone Orb
- 1000 Potch
- Head back to Kraze at the Gregminster castle 1F to get your assignments.
- On the east side of the castle is the dragon-rider, Futch, who will take you to Magician’s Island.
Magician’s Island
- This is a linear area with only two chests.
- Medicine (slightly hidden on left side of the path)
- Fur Robe
- You’ll encounter your first Boss, Golem, who should be easy if you prepared your party at all around Gregminster with sharpened weapons and improved equipment.
- After the boss, keep following the linear path for a few scenes with Leknaat and Luc. During the scenes, you’ll get the Astral Predications key item and a Fire Orb for attaching as a Rune, should you choose to. You’ll be sent back to Gregminster.
- When ready, report to Kraze at Gregminster Castle 1F. You’ll get a mission to go to Rockland.
- Note: There is a missable Antique item (Celadon Pot) you can get dropped by Furballs around Gregminster. It doesn’t do anything at all, except you can display them later, but pick this up now if you want it.
On the run, Rockland & Mt. Seifu
- Head to the big north building for a scene. You’ll be tasked to go to Mt. Seifu, east of Rockland. Note, you can’t pick up the chest that you see here yet.
- Be sure to buy at least one Escape Talisman. These allow you to leave dungeons more easily.
- Also, a general reminder to check every shop you see in each new location you visit. Eventually you’ll be able to access shops that have all items from all other shops, but only if you’ve visited them once before.
Mt. Seifu
- This dungeon, like most in Suikoden, is relatively linear. When you get to the five-way split, take the center north path last. This is the way forward, so take the dead ends first for treasures.
- Boots
- Medicine
- Antique (??? Urn – Flower Vase)
- 1000 Potch
- PROT Rune Piece
- This is a consumable item that raises a character’s Protection Stat. Tir is a good a character as any to use it on.
- Medicine
- Escape Talisman
- Greaves
- Lightning Rune Piece
- During the boss battle with Queen Ant, just defend for three turns. You cannot win. Afterwards, Ted will take care of it in a cutscene.
- At the top, you’ll fight an event battle with bandits, then a a boss battle that you can actually beat.
- Boss: Varkas and Sydonia. Take out Sydonia first, since he has less HP. Use Medicines when needed.
- You’ll automatically leave back to Rockland after.
- Take items off of Ted. He’ll leave the party soon. Sell his equipment items if you want to.
- Take items off of Pahn, too, if you want to.
- Approach the new sprites in Rockland, to the NE, and choose to Fight for an event battle.
- Head into the northern house for a scene. By the way, you still can’t get the chest.
- Head back to Greminster.
- A series of scenes takes place here. You can’t really miss anything during this section, so just progress as you normally would.
- After Ted leaves the party, head to McDohl’s house.
- During the events at McDohl’s house, simply keep talking to your party members to progress the event. Eventually you’ll gain the Soul Eater Rune and end up outside. Head to the Inn.
- Once you gain control, talk to Cleo and Gremio, then try to leave the inn. You’ll see an event with Viktor.
- Outside, Viktor will head north. Follow him and talk to him, then head to the city entrance. After more events, you’ll end up back outside Gregminster.
- Head to Lenankamp.
- Make sure to place Viktor in the front row and Cleo in the back. Viktor is a short range attacker, labeled S in the party menu, meaning he is nigh useless if placed in the rear of the formation.
- Another series of events takes place here.
- Stay at the Inn to proceed. Talk to the NPC behind the clock when they appear. Then after more scenes, try to leave to the north exit and talk to the NPC on the ground. Admit fault when given the choice.
- You need to head back to Rockland.
- Remember to adjust your party line up again. You can also strengthen Viktor’s weapon and improve his equipment.
- There’s a mini-dungeon here.
- Talk to the guard at the north building’s door for a scene.
- Head through the front door, fight the event battle, (finally) open the chest for Medicine.
- Head left through the house, picking up Chest Plate, Antique (appraise to identify as Hex Doll), 700 Potch, and 1000 Potch.
- Talk to Varkas for an event. Head back to the entrance of Rockland, seeing a few events on the way.
- Return to Lenankamp
- Head back to the base through the clock in the Inn.
- Talk to Odessa for scenes, and she’ll join the party. Put her in the back row. Don’t bother with her equipment, as she’s only in the team for a small while.
- Head back to Sarady through Mt. Tigerwolf
- On the way, you’ll see a scene at the building partway through the path. Afterwards, you can stay the night here for free to heal.
- Enter the building near the entrance, which is an Inn, and stay the night for a scene.
- Head all the way back to Lenankamp.
- Odessa will be leaving the party soon, so make sure she doesn’t have any cool items.
- Head to the Inn to begin a series of events. Head to the Liberation Hideout again for two event battles.
- Head south for a third event battle, then talk to Odessa.
- You need to head to Kwaba Fortress, which is SSW of Lenankamp.
Fortress Kwaba
- The name you choose doesn’t matter, but of course you should pick Schtoltheim Reinbach IV.
- Head south through the fortress, seeing some scenes.
- You can speak with Chandler at the southern exit, but he doesn’t do anything yet.
- The enemies in the next section of the world map are, of course, stronger. Try to get to Seika first, which is directly south.
The Liberation Army
- Talk to Mathiu near the middle building. Then follow him to his house in the NE. He won’t share much, but head back to the main city for another scene.
- Head back to Mathiu’s house and choose to interfere for an event battle. Talk to Mathiu afterward.
- After the event, we need to head to Kaku, which is SSW of Seika.
- You can buy better armors here, but the blacksmith still can’t go beyond rank 5 for your weapons.
- If you want, you can head south to Kouan, which has even better armor.
- Head to the bar on the south side of the city. After a small event, Camille will join up.
- For those concerned about counting the Stars of Destiny, don’t worry, I will start numbering them as soon as we get our own castle.
- Talk to Tai Ho in the basement. You must beat him once at his dice game to continue. Once that’s done, he’ll head for the harbor.
- Talk to Tai Ho at the harbor to head to a one-time-only area, Castle of Toran.
Castle of Toran
- Tai Ho will join up here. You can speak with Yam Koo to return to Kaku, if you need to. You can do this to improve Tai Ho’s armor, if you want.
- Your first major boss is found in this dungeon, so make sure you are ready. He can be tough, especially on Hard Mode. Make sure someone has the Fire Orb equipped, and be sure you have medicine to spare.
- The Clone Orb is useful on Viktor. While it causes him to stagger every-other-turn, he can heal with Medicine.
- Try to reach level 17 or so.
- This is technically a one-time-only area, so make sure you pick up these items. As with previous dungeons, this is largely a linear path.
- Mega Medicine
- Toe Shoes
- Antitoxin
- 2000 Potch
- STR Rune Piece
- Pointy Hat
- Medicine
- Antitoxin
- Wind Orb (head through an invisible opening in the wall, west of the north chest)
- Haziness Orb (head through an invisible opening in the wall, north of the south chest)
- Boss: Zombie Dragon – Make sure to have a good supply of medicine, or a water rune user to heal. He’s weak to Fire. Give Cleo a Fire Orb, have her use all fire attacks. Have Viktor alternate between his Clone Rune attack and healing with medicine.
- After all the scenes, you can name your castle. The canon name is “Toran”.
- You can talk to Luc to see your current recruited “Stars of Destiny”
- If you’ve followed this guide so far, these are the Stars of Destiny you’ll have at this point
- Tir (Main Character) (1/108)
- Mathiu (2/108)
- Luc (3/108)
- Gremio (4/108)
- Cleo (5/108)
- Viktor (6/108)
- Camille (7/108)
- Tai Ho (8/108)
- Yam Koo (9/108)
- Pahn (yes he is counted despite him not being here yet) (10/108)
- That gives us 10/108 Stars of Destiny!
- Talk to Mathiu to get your assignment. Cleo and Viktor will also rejoin your battle party.
- You can now use Yam Koo and Luc. Be sure to give them better equipment if you use them. I suggest using Luc at least, he’s a great magic user, both in this game and Suikoden II.
- There’s not much else in the HQ to find right now.
First Recruits, Seika Area
- Now that we have our own HQ, time to gather some early recruits. Also, remember to check the shops in each town you visit.
- Sergei – Kaku’s Bar – Adds an elevator to HQ (11/108)
- Marie – Seika’s Inn – Adds an Inn to HQ (12/108)
- Onil – Seika northern house (13/108)
- Chandler – Kwaba Fortress – Adds a shop to HQ (14/108)
- Head to Great Forest village, SE of Kaku
- Maas – Blacksmith – adds a Blacksmith to your HQ (15/108)
- Sansuke – Western house – adds baths to your HQ (16/108)
- Head to Garan bridge west of Great Forest
- Kai – Northern side of Garan bridge near eastern exit (17/108)
- Go back to HQ and speak/cancel with Marie about ten times. She’ll eventually mention needing a skilled cook.
- Recruit Antonio in Seika’s Inn. (18/108)
- We now have 18/108 Stars of Destiny!
- Now we can continue with the story. Head to Kouan. You may have already stopped by here for some equipment upgrades.
- Talk to Giovanni on the west side of town.
- Talk to Krin in the Inn and agree to his proposal.
- After the scene, speak to Krin just outside.
Lepant’s Mansion
- This is a little mini dungeon. You can leave the way you entered, if you need to.
- For this dungeon, I will list items and events in order that you will encounter them in a bulleted list.
- Pick up the Shoulder Pads you see
- Recruit Roc, the first NPC you see, by speaking to him (19/108). He opens a warehouse to store items at HQ. Finally!
- Medicine
- 700 Potch
- In the room with the guards, you can avoid getting caught by weaving in/out, avoiding their line of sight. If you get caught, you simply have to redo the room over.
- Counter Orb
- SPD Rune Piece
- Fire Rune Piece
- Leather Armor
- Medicine
- White Paint
- Eventually, you’ll need to find all six “Paint” items for an achievement in the remaster. Hold onto this.
- You’ll meet Juppo, but won’t join yet.
- At the end of Lepant’s mansion you’ll encounter a weird spinning wheel room. Which panel you land on is completely random.
- You can gain 10 EXP
- You can lose 10 EXP
- You can fight a forced battle
- You can land on a chest (which will give Medicine)
- Landing on the ? space will reward you with Dragon Incense, which is an infinite-use item that heals a small amount of HP to the party in battle. This pairs well with the Clone Rune on Viktor. I personally would suggest trying to get this. Leave and heal if you need to.
- Once RNG goes your way and you get to the other side of the wheel room, you’ll pick up the Kirinji sword. Make your way back to Krin, which will lead to scenes in the Inn.
- During the scenes, you’ll meet Lepant.
- Afterward, leave and head north, following Lepant inside the building.
- Inside, Lepant will force his way into your party, and you’ll fight an event battle with six soldiers.
- After the event battle, check the lower left room for a Water Rune Piece. Then continue on.
- The left room has an Antique (appraises to Hex Doll). The right room proceeds the story, and you’ll fight another event battle.
- Note: The choices made here do not affect the story.
- Afterwards, Pahn will rejoin, alongside Lepant (20/108). It’s not explicitly stated, but Eileen (21/108), Krin (22/108), Juppo (23/108), and Giovanni (24/108) all also join
- Head back to HQ when ready.
- On 1F, Varkas (25/108) and Sydonia (26/108) will automatically join.
- During the banquet, Tir will be attacked by an assassin. He’ll leave after 3 rounds.
- After more scenes, Gremio will rejoin the party. Head to the docks to meet yet another character, Kirkis. After more scenes, he’ll join as well (27/108).
- After all these new recruitments, your HQ has reached Level 2! Exit and re-enter to see some changes. You can also now recruit more characters.
- Make sure Lepant and Juppo are in your battle party, for recruitment purposes.
Level 2 HQ Recruitment Round
- We can recruit a few more characters in the region now that your HQ has reached Level 2.
- Recruit Meg outside of Kaku’s Inn by making sure Juppo is in your party. (28/108)
- Save at Kaku’s inn. In the bar basement, win 5000 Potch from Gaspar to recruit him. Reload if RNG doesn’t go your way. (29/108)
- Talk to Sheena in Seika Village’s inn to recruit him, as long as you have Lepant in the party. (30/108)
- Now to continue the story. Head to Great Forest Village, found to the SE. I suggest having Pahn, Cleo, and Luc in your party. Upgrade their equipment at Kouan.
Gaspar will actually end up being your primary method of earning Potch in Suikoden. You can bet 9900 Potch in his dice game. Depending on the rolls, you may earn 9900 Potch, double that (with a 4-5-6 roll), or triple that (three-of-a-kind). When you win, Gaspar will offer a ‘double-or-nothing’ type of gamble, where you can exponentially increase your earnings, as long as you get lucky a few times in a row. This is relatively easy to exploit, since the Inn is nearby to save.
Keep Gaspar in mind whenever you need Potch for sharpening weapons, armor, etc.
Elves, Dwarves, and Kobolds
Great Forest Village
- After the scene, exit to the east.
- Like other dungeons, The Great Forest is relatively linear, with just a few dead ends branching off the main pain.
- Shortly after entering the Great Forest you’ll recruit Viki (31/108).
- Viki has a Blinking Rune that can teleport you from your HQ to anywhere around the world to places you’ve already been.
- Eventually you’ll gain a method to warp back to HQ, but this won’t be for a while.
- One screen east of Viki is a Gauntlet
- South and East of Viki is an Escape Talisman
- Continue on for Needle, Water Rune Piece (slightly hidden to the South), LCK Rune Piece
- You’ll Enter Kobold Village. There’s a small scene here, but otherwise continue on when you can.
- Back on the world map, head south to Village of the Elves.
Village of the Elves
- Head up the ladder for a scene.
- Before checking out the shops, head north and talk to the Elven Elder for a scene. You’ll end up in prison.
- After the scenes in prison, leave the village and Valeria will join you temporarily. Kick out whoever you don’t need.
- Valeria’s Falcon Rune is consistently valuable and it should be used every turn. Also, it can be used from either row.
- Now, buy equipment from the shops.
- Head to Dwarf Trail East and slightly North of Village of the Elves
Dwarf Trail
- You’ll see a short scene near the end of the path, but otherwise just continue through the area. It’s another linear dungeon
- Feather
- Martial Arts Robe
- Sacrificial Buddha (left at first fork). Then continue on..
- Guard Robe (left ladder)
- Killer Orb (hidden right of right ladder)
- Medicine
- LCK Rune Piece
- Head NE to Village of the Dwarves.
Village of the Dwarves
- You can strengthen weapons up to Level 9! Do this for your physical attackers. Upgrade your armors here too.
- Remember that you can relatively easily make money using Gaspar, if you need it.
- Soon, you’ll want to make sure Pahn’s equipment and levels are powered up, as he’ll need to win a one-on-one battle.
- Speak to Meese in the Blacksmith. He’ll join as long as you recruited Maas in Great Forest Village. (32/108)
- Speak with the Dwarf Chieftain in the upper right house. Agree to his challenge.
- Head to Dwarves’ Vault north of the village.
Dwarves’ Vault
- This dungeon is just slightly more involved than other dungeons in Suikoden.
- Follow the empty path to the first switch room
- In the first switch room, click the right switch, then center switch, then pick up Sunbeam Orb
- Now press leftmost switch, then rightmost switch, then rightmost switch again. Proceed past the room.
- When you get to the maze-like room, pick up Medicine, Magic Robe, and Blue Ribbon. Exit NE.
- When you get to the platform room, take the far right platform, then the left platform, then south. Pick up Lightning Rune Piece. Go back two platforms, then south to the exit.
- In the next maze-like room, pick up Pointy Hat, DEX Rune Piece, Medicine
- In the light puzzle room. Press the buttons in this order: Left, Right, Right, Left, Left, Left, Right, Right.
- At the 4-way intersection, pick up Mega Medicine to the left, 5000 Potch to the right. Continue North.
- At the next intersection, head SW to Escape Talisman. Then head down the stairs.
- Boss: Gigantes. Weak to wind. Immune to Fire. If you’ve upgraded your weapons to level 9, you’ll have much higher damage-per-turn.
- At the 3-way fork, head left for PROT Rune Piece.
- Head down the center path for the key item Flowing Water Cane. Use the Escape Talisman you picked up before the boss to quickly leave.
Dwarf Village
- Talk to the Dwarf Chieftain for a scene. Head back to the Village of the Elves through the Dwarf Trail.
- You’ll see a small scene on Dwarf Trail. Continue to Village of the Elves.
Village of the Elves
- Before heading to the burning Elven Village, you can recruit Lorelei in Kouan, if you want. Tir must be level 25, which you should be by this point. (33/108)
- Enter the Village of the Elves for a scene. Leave, but immediately reenter. Speak with Templeton to recruit him (34/108).
- With Templeton recruited, now you can press the left face-button for a map.
- Head to Village of the Kobolds when ready.
Village of the Kobolds
- Valeria will leave your party momentarily, but Kuromimi will join.
- After an event battle, you’ll have your first War Battle of Suikoden.
Battle at Pannu Yakuta Castle
- The main thing to understand about Suikoden’s War Battles is that they are effectively Rock-Paper-Scissors. Charge > Bow, Bow > Magic, and Magic > Charge.
- Characters can die in War Battles. You’ll get a very straightforward message if this happens, and you should reset if so.
- For this battle, use Luc’s magic on Round One, which should trump Kwanda’s Attack.
- Then, use Other: Thieves to try and determine what types of attacks the enemy will do.
- Afterwards, your party is set for you.
Pannu Yakuta Castle
- The right-hand door is an Inn you can use for free.
- This is a relatively short dungeon. Here are the items to look for:
- Pick up an Iron Shield from the left door.
- Head up through the center door. Head NW for Half Armor.
- The room on the center east side of 1F has a Gauntlet.
- Head up the center stairs
- 2F NW room has Medicine
- 2F NE room has Old Book Vol. 1
- 2F SE room has Gale Orb
- 2F SW room (southern door) has Lightning Rune Piece
- Head up to 3F via the southern stairs inside. Head north to fight the next boss: Dragon.
- Boss: Dragon – Weak to Wind.
- After this, you may want to leave and Save at the Village of the Elves, but it’s a long walk.
- You have an important choice coming up, be prepared to make the right dialogue selection
- Duel: Kwanda
- Duels are also rooted in Rock-Paper-Scissors. Attack > Defend, Defend > Special, Special > Attack
The list below is inspired by a well-known guide for duels written by Mikael Månsson (Duel Guide). While some of the dialogue has been modernized in the revamped version, it still offers valuable insights into Kwanda’s actions.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you need any further assistance.
- Kwanda will Attack
- Taste the sharpness of my blade!
- Well done. But can you take this?
- Heh, now it’s my turn.
- Ha ha! You’ll have to do better than that!
- At a loss, are you? But I’ll show no mercy!
- What’s the matter? If you don’t attack, I will!
- Damn! I underestimated you.
- Whoa! Pretty good, Teo’s little boy. Now it’s my turn!
- That’s nothing!
- You’re better than I thought. But how about this?
- Kwanda will Defend
- Can you break my invulnerable defenses?
- Pretty good. How about another one?
- Damn! My turn!
- Now it’s your turn. Come on!
- Don’t bore me. Show me what you can do.
- Cautious, aren’t you. Just like a leader.
- Carefully…
- Arghhh! I underestimated you.
- Forget it. You’re methods are obvious.
- What now?
- Kwanda will use a Special Attack
- Victory is near! I strike with all my might!
- The next one won’t be so easy!
- I’ll get you!
- Here we go again!
- Take that!
- We’re getting nowhere. Here I come!
- Impossible! You can’t avoid my blows!
- Well done. You’re a worthy opponent. Now it’s my turn!
- I’ll show you how it’s done.
- Interesting. How about another round?
- After you win, talk with Kwanda. Choose “Something’s wrong here” and “I want you to join us.”
- After all the events, Kwanda, Sylvina, Stallion will join your army, alongside Valeria and Kuromimi for good. That’s 39/108 Stars of Destiny!
- When given the choice, select “Not Yet. I have some unfinished business.”
Recruitments after Elven Storyline
- Village of the Kobold: Speak with Fu Su Lu at the inn. Pay 10,000 potch and he’ll join (40/108)
- Village of the Kobold: Speak with Gon in the southern house; he’ll join as long as you have Kuromimi in your party (41/108)
- Pick up Lorelei in Kouan if you haven’t already.
- Talk to Apple at the NE house (Mathiu’s) in Seika. She’ll join (42/108).
- Head to the meeting room for a scene. Although it’s not explicitly said, Humphrey has joined your ranks (43/108).
- Sanchez “joins” too, but he is technically not a Star of Destiny. He can change your party line up, though.
- Head to Kaku. Talk with Flik in the SW building. Return to HQ and talk with Flik in the meeting room, and he’ll join (44/108).
- You’ll soon start the next War Battle.
Battle at the Fortress of Garan
- Remember, Magic > Charge, Charge > Bow, Bow > Magic
- Remember to use your “Other” skills. Thieves can predict what the enemy will do. Mathiu can power up your Charge attack.
Battle at Scarleticia Castle
- You can’t win this battle
- After the scene, pick your party and head to the nearest town to the west, Teien. I suggest having Pahn as one of your party members.
- Do your usual new town chores: check shops, sharpen weapons, get new equipment. The blacksmith here can raise weapons to level 12
- Talk to Hellion in the Inn to recruit her (45/108). Pick up the chest for Blinking Rune and Mega Medicine. With this, your HQ is level 3 now.
- The Blinking Rune allows you to warp to HQ from anywhere. This combined with Viki basically means you can warp anywhere in the world at any time. Blinking Mirror can only be used on the World Map, however.
- Make sure to warp back to HQ, exit, and re-enter to see the small scene indicating that you reached HQ Level 3. Use Viki to return to Teien.
- Buy Yellow Flower Seeds and Yellow Paint. Put it in your storage at HQ.
- You need the Yellow Flower Seeds for a recruitment. You need the Paint for an achievement later.
- Rikon is south of Teien.
- Buy Blue Flower Seeds and Blue Paint. Put it in your storage at HQ.
- Talk to Lotte upstairs in the Inn. You need to find a cat. The cat is in Kaku, near the Inn. Return and Lotte will join (46/108)
- Talk to Jabba in the Appraisal Shop. What you need to do is get a random drop Nameless Urn from Holly Masters on the world map outside, and show it to Jabba. He’ll join after this (47/108). This adds an Appraise shop to HQ
- Antei is west of Teien
- Talk to Chapman inside the Armor shop to recruit him (48/108). This adds an Armor Shop to HQ.
- Speak to Jeane in the rune shop to recruit her (49/108). This adds a Rune Shop to HQ.
- Buy Toe Shoes from the Armor shop and equip them on Tir. Talk to Mina in the Inn and agree to dance to recruit her (50/108).
- Board the boat here, and head straight south down the river. Keep going until you hit the whirlpool. You can’t pass it, so Blinking Mirror back to headquarters. A scene will take place.
- Afterwards, teleport to Teien.
- Talk to Gen in the unlocked NE house and add him to your party (51/108).
- Head next door to talk to Kamandol. He’ll join after the scene as well (52/108).
- Return to Rikon
Rikon / Liukan’s Hermitage
- A scene will automatically play here. After resting in the inn, return to the docks for another scene.
- Head back down the river, just past the rapids, to Liukan’s Hermitage. Speak to Liukan for a scene.
- Use the Blinking Mirror to return to HQ.
- Talk to Mathiu for a scene (he should be on the 4th floor, if your HQ is level 3.) He’ll give you Mathiu’s Letter.
- Head to Antei.
- Talk to Kimberly in the house behind the inn. She’ll join (53/108)
- Talk to Tesla in the house behind Kimberly’s. He’ll join (54/108)
- Head back to HQ.
- Talk to Mathiu on the top floor. You’ll get Fake Orders key item.
- You can kick out Gen and Kamandol at this time by talking to Sanchez. Add in whoever you’d like.
- Head to Soniere Prison, SW of Rikon
- This is a small dungeon area.
- Make sure to get an Opal drop from Nightmares. You’ll need this for a future recruitment. Make sure nightmare is the first enemy killed.
- With the Fake Orders, you’ll be able to get in the front door.
- Items
- Silver Collar (south of the Save orb)
- Old Book Vol. 6
- Antitoxin
- There will be a few fixed fights with guards.
- Half Helmet
- Sound Set 0
- After meeting Liukan, work your way back out of the prison. A long scene will play. Then head to HQ.
- Talk to Mathiu. Liukan will formally join (55/108).
- Say you need a moment before continuing on.
- Gremio’s items will be in your warehouse
- Head to Antei.
- Give Esmeralda an Opal in the Inn to recruit her (56/108)
- When ready, talk to Mathiu to start the next War Battle.
The Second Battle at Scarleticia Castle
- Remember, Magic > Charge, Charge > Bow, Bow > Magic
Scarleticia Castle
- Grab Red Paint from the left-most door and Magic Robe from the right-most door.
- Examine the portrait in the NW section of the first floor. Select “I actually kind of like his style…”. Grab Window Set 1 and MAG Rune Piece from the secret floor.
- Head to the second floor.
- Grab Spark Orb from the SW room. Continue South for a scene.
- Select “This man is innocent” and “Very well.”. Milich will join (57/108).
- You’ll automatically return to HQ.
Headquarters / Recruitment
- Talk to Sanchez and put Milich in your party.
- Return to Scarleticia Castle to recruit Ivanov from 1F (58/108) and Kasios from 2F (59/108).
- Head to Antei and speak with Qlon near the entrance. He’ll join (60/108)
Recruiting Pirates
- We need to beat a relatively tough battle to recruit three characters. You need to have Yam Koo and Tai Ho in your party. It helps if you strengthen their weapons. Tai Ho will be required later, too, so it’s worthwhile to power him up a bit.
- You can buy Killer Orbs in Teien to improve their crit chance. Or, you can buy each a Turtle Orb in Village of the Dwarves, which will allow you to use their Unite attack every turn.
- Get your strongest team together.
- Head to Teien and get in the boat. Head to the island to the NW. Here you can fight Anji, Kanak, and Leonardo as a group. Defeat them in three rounds and all three will join (63/108).
A Fated Encounter
- Before doing anything else, make sure Pahn is above level 30 with good equipment and a sharpened weapon.
- At HQ, talk to Mathiu in the War Room. Kasumi will join automatically (64/108).
- There’s an unwinnable War Battle. Then, a duel.
Duel 2: Pahn vs General Teo
- Remember, Attack > Defend, Defend > Special, Special > Attack
Adhere to the guidelines provided in the revised version of Mikael Månsson’s Duel Guide for understanding Teo’s actions. This can serve as a useful resource for learning more about Teo’s behavior.
- Teo will Attack
- My sword’s not rusty yet.
- Pretty good, Pahn.
- Is that all you’ve got? Now it’s my turn!
- Do you see how we’re mismatched?
- All you can do is defend, Pahn? No mercy!
- We’re getting nowhere. Here I come!
- Did you see me coming?
- That was a good one, Pahn. Now it’s my turn.
- Get serious, Pahn. This is how it’s done.
- The numbness in my hands, it’s real.
- Teo will Defend
- Strike me, Pahn!
- All right, do it again!
- I’ll see that coming next time!
- Do you give up?
- Come on, Pahn. See if you can kill me.
- You’re a smart one, Pahn.
- Good work, Pahn. I’ll have to be more careful.
- I’m losing my cool. Better be careful.
- What’s the matter, Pahn? How about another round?
- You’re better than I thought.
- Teo will use a Special Attack
- Finish me with a single blow!
- Can you dodge my blade, Pahn?
- My killer blade…
- Hmmm. Here I come again!
- The next one will be more painful.
- If you don’t attack, I will!
- Impossible! Take that!
- Now that I’ve seen what you’ve got, I’ll show you what I can do.
- That’s…no good.
- Excellent, Pahn. You’re a real fighter. Here’s another!
- If you did everything right, Pahn should survive the duel. If Pahn dies, you won’t be able to get all 108 Stars of Destiny.
- One of RPG Site’s staff writers seemingly ran into a glitch in the PS5 version of the game, where Pahn was unable to win despite high level and good equipment. I did not run into this issue with the PC version, however.
- You’ll be brought back to base. Sleep in your room. Then talk to Flik in the War Room.
- Put Tai Ho in your party, then talk to Gen and Kamandol at the docks for a new ship.
- We need to get Kirkis up to level 35, so consider putting him in your party.
- Head NW on Toran Lake, a bit north of the Pirate’s Fortress, to reach Kirov.
- There’s new equipment here, so upgrade if desired.
- We have to do a little bit of a trading sequence here to recruit Sarah.
- Buy sugar from the item shop.
- Talk to Sarah, doing laundry in the center of town. She wants Soap.
- Talk to a man outside the armor shop, who will give you soap for Soy Sauce.
- Talk to a man near the Inn, who will give you Soy Sauce for Salt.
- Talk to a woman at the SE section of town, who will give you Salt for a Yardstick.
- Talk to a man in the Inn, who will give you a Yardstick for Sugar! Make the trade
- Then proceed through the NPCs in reverse order until you can recruit Sarah (65/108).
- Examine the stew in both the center-left and center-right buildings. Then talk to Lester in the southern mansion to recruit him (66/108).
- Talk to Georges in the Inn. Beat the record time in any of the match games to recruit him (67/108).
- Head north out of town to Kalekka.
- Grab Earth Rune Piece in the SE house
- Grab Old Book Vol. 8 in the run-down bar.
- Grab Antique (Flower Painting) in the NW house.
- Don’t step on the flower buds and speak with Blackman to recruit him (68/108)
- Grab the Sound Orb in the NE house.
- Return to Kirov and talk to Melodye in the SW corner. Give her the Sound Orb to recruit her (69/108).
- Head north of Kalekka to Secret Factory
Secret Factory
- After the scene here, talk to both Kesler (70/108) and Ledon to recruit them (71/108).
- In the building, talk to Kage in the NW corner, spend 20,000 Potch to recruit him. (72/108)
- Grab the Window Set 0 in a chest
- Talk to Mose for a scene.
- Return to Kirov
Kirov / Headquarters
- Enter the southern mansion and talk to Kun To for a scene. During the events, you’ll recruit Kun To (73/108), Mose (74/108), and Ronnie Bell (75/108).
- Head back to your HQ dock. As you enter the base, you’ll see a scene where Tai Ho will leave the party and Tir will be back in his room.
- Talk to Mathiu in the War Room to continue.
The Final Battle against Teo McDohl
- Power up your Charge and use it every turn.
Duel 3: Tir vs Teo
- Remember, Attack > Defend, Defend > Special, Special > Attack
This list is derived from Mikael Månsson’s original Duel Guide. Although some dialogue has been revised in the remastered version, it still provides valuable insights into the actions Teo might take.
- Teo will Attack
- Here I come, my son.
- Well done!
- That was nothing. Now it’s my turn.
- Do you see how much better I am?
- Is defending youself all you can do? You’ll never win that way.
- We’re getting nowhere. Here I come!
- Did you see that coming?
- That was pretty good. Now it’s my turn.
- You’re soft…soft! This is how you attack!
- The numbness in my hands, it’s real!
- Teo will Defend
- Show me what you’ve learned.
- Good, try it again!
- I’ll see you coming next time!
- Is that all you’ve got?
- Come on! Show me what a man you’ve become.
- Leader of the Liberation Army! No wonder you’re careful.
- Well done! I must be more careful too.
- I’m losing my cool. I must be more cautious!
- I underestimated you! What’s wrong? Another round?
- I mustn’t underestimate you.
- Teo will use a Special Attack
- My sword is the Emperor’s sword. I’ll show no mercy!
- Can you avoid my sword?
- My deadly sword…
- Hmmm. Here I come again!
- The next one will be more painful.
- If you don’t attack, I will!
- Are you trying to surpass me?
- Now that I’ve seen what you’ve got, I’ll show you what I can do.
- That’s…no good.
- I’m delighted, my son. You’re quite a warrior. But here’s another!
After all the scenes, Alen (76/108) and Grenseal (77/108) will join.
The Neclord Diversion
- Talk to Lepant for a scene. You’ll automatically move to Lorimar.
- Viktor and Cleo rejoin, and you can add three others of your choosing. In order to recruit a character shortly, add the blacksmiths Mose, Maas, and Meese.
- Leave Lorimar and re-enter. Speak with Kirke to recruit him (78/108).
- Enter Warrior’s Village to the south-west.
Warrior’s Village
- After the scene, check the shops. Buy Red Flower Seeds.
- Save your game at the Inn. Talk to Marco north of the Inn, play his game, and win 5000 Potch. He’ll join (79/108).
- If you have the three blacksmiths in your party, talk to Moose in the NE building. He’ll join (80/108). He can sharpen weapons to 15, which will be expensive. Use Gaspar to slowly build up funds when needed.
- Talk to the NPCs from the earlier cutscene in the northern building. Chat with Zorak, then Tengaar, then Viktorm then exit.
- After more scenes, you’ll fight Neclord. You must lose this battle.
- After the battle, speak with Zorak again.
- Get Kirkis to level 35, put him in your party, head to Village of the Kobold’s Inn, speak with Rubi twice to recruit. (81/108).
- Remember, the Kobold Village is north of the Elven Village.
- Warp to Garan. As long as you have 80 characters, speak with Quincy on the side, and she’ll join (82/108).
- Grab the Red Flower Seeds, Yellow Flower Seeds, and Blue Flower Seeds from storage.
- Head to Qlon temple, west of Warriors’ Village
Qlon Temple
- Chat with Fukien straight north of you, and he’ll join (83/108)
- Before going into the shrine cave, talk to Morgan inside the shrine, to the NE. He’ll join as long 1as your HQ has reached level 3 (84/108).
- Check a bookshelf to the west for Old Book Vol. 3.
- Enter the cave and immediately leave. Talk to Zen nearby. Give him the colored seeds and he’ll join (85/108)
Cave of the Past
- Level up in the cave to level 40 or higher. This is a long dungeon. Make sure you have inventory space.
- Enter the cave and go up the first set of stairs. Again, this dungeon is largely linear. You should pick up the items in this order.
- Crimson Cape (Second set of Stairs, to the west)
- Medicine, Flowing Orb (upper fork)
- Headgear (lower fork)
- Window Orb (secret path SW of Headgear)
- Old Book Vol 2. (in room E of Headgear)
- 5000 Potch
- Escape Talisman
- Enter the stairs beyond the Escape Talisman. Here, you can find Crowley in a secret room, but you can’t recruit him just yet.
- Illustrated War Scroll (Eastern room NE of Crowley)
- Medicine, Silverlet
- Mega Medicine, DEX Rune Piece
- Check the Celestial Sword for a scene.
Village of the Hidden Rune
- This is a one-time-only area
- Head NE to see a boy. He’ll run south. Follow him and speak to him.
- Speak to the chief to the NE for a scene. Follow them into the NE house. Pick up Mega Medicine, then speak with the Elder inside the house for a scene.
- After the scene, immediately go back into the village and into the SE house. Pick up Champion’s Orb. This rune will prevent encounters with enemies weaker than you.
- Now go back through the upper house, make your way around to the lower part of the village, you’ll see a scene with Yuber.
- After the scene, go back to the chest to pick up Boar Orb. Then leave through the light.
- After picking up the Celestial Sword (which is automatically equipped to Viktor), use an Escape Talisman.
- Talk to Hugo in Qlon Shrine and he’ll join, assuming you picked up the Illustrated War Scroll (86/108)
- You can turn in your Old Books to Hugo at HQ.
Warrior’s Village
- Go into the Item Shop to the west. Give Window the Window Orb and he’ll join (87/108)
- Now talk to Zorak for a scene in the center of town.
- If Tir has reached level 40, talk to Eikei on Teien’s dock to recruit him. (88/108)
- Head to Neclord’s Castle SW of Warriors’ Village,
Neclord’s Castle
- Head up for a scene. Hix will force his way into your party (89/108). It’s ideal to sharpen his weapon and improve his armor, since he will be participating in a boss fight.
- Make sure you have someone dedicated to healing. The Flowing Orb from Cave of the Past is extremely useful.
- Head through the eastern door for a Full Helmet. The NPC here will give hints about the dungeon in exchange for Potch.
- 2F is linear. Make your way through to 3F.
- 3F: Pick up Antitoxin in the center room
- Medicine (SE room on 3F)
- Sound Set 1 (W room on 3F)
- In the painting room, counting from left to right, click on the paintings in this order: 3, 2, 4, 1.
- Make your way across the outer wall to the other side of 3F
- Pick up Earth Boots in SE room
- Pick up Green Paint in the western room
- Enter the center door to go up to 4F
- NE room (4F): Antitoxin
- SE room (4F): Earth Rune Piece
- Go around the outer wall to the other side of 4F
- NW room (4F): MAG Rune Piece
- SW room (4F): Cape of Darkness
- Enter the center room to fight Neclord. Honestly, better to focus on hard hitting physical attacks than magic. You’ll want to have the Flowing Orb equipped on a magic character for healing.
- After the boss, pick up the chest hidden south of the stairs for Rage Orb.
- You’ll have to walk the long way out.
- Viktor will leave temporarily, and Tengaar will formally join (90/108).
- You should have 90 Stars of Destiny. Leave HQ and return, and you should see a small scene showing a new flag out front. Your HQ is now at level 4.
Post-Neclord Recruitment
- I suggest equipping the Champion Rune to someone.
- Head to Rikon’s Inn. Clive has a *chance* of showing up, as long as your HQ is level 4. Keeping exiting/re-entering the town of Rikon until he does, then recruit him (91/108). He’s left of the innkeeper.
- Head to where you fought Neclord (all the way, yes). Talk to Pesmerga and he’ll join (92/108). Then you have to walk all the way back down.
- Talk to Crowley in Qlon’s cave to recruit him (93/108). You’ll have to snake down a hidden passage north of him to get to him. He is an excellent mage.
The Dragon Knights
- Talk to Mathiu for a scene. Flik and Humprey are required party members, so strengthen their equipment if necessary.
- This opportunity is limited, so be sure to do this now.
- Head to Kalekka and speak to Leon in the southern house.
- Return to Mathiu and obtain Mathiu’s Letter.
- Return to Leon and he’ll join (94/108)
Dragon’s Den
- Head northwest of Antei to reach Dragon’s Den.
- The guard here will reject you. Return to Antei
- In Antei, speak with the nearby NPC for a scene.
- Return to Dragon’s Den and you’ll be able to enter.
- Goldlet
- Old Book Vol. 5
- Power Gloves
- See a scene at the end of the dungeon. When back on the world map, head west to Dragon Knights’ Fortress.
Dragon Knights’ Fortress
- Speak to Fuma hidden in the NE section and he’ll join (95/108)
- Head inside the fortress and speak to Kreutz in the NW. He’ll join (96/108)
- Head upstairs and view the scene. Afterward, pick up Window Set 2 in the chest, and Old Book Vol. 4 from the bookcase.
- You need to put Liukan in your party and return. You don’t need to worry about equipping him.
- After the scene, Milia will join (97/108). Milia will have to fight a boss, so you probably want to strengthen her weapon and equipment.
- When you are ready, interact with the red dragon in Dragon Knights’ Fortress to go to Seek Valley.
Seek Valley
- Another mostly linear dungeon.
- Master’s Robe
- At the three-way fork, head NW for Sound Set 2. Then take the center fork (we will return to the right fork later).
- Mega Medicine
- Boss: Crystal Core. Weak to Earth (Hellion is a great choice, but you have 4 required party members for this section)
- Cyclone Orb
- Gold Collar
- You’ll see a scene at the end. Return to the entrance and leave when done.
Dragon Knights’ Fortress
- Talk to Joshua on 2F.
- During the event with Futch, simply move south and watch the scene.
- When able, talk to Joshua again. He’ll join (98/108), alongside Futch (99/108).
- Back at HQ, you’ll see a scene between Kasumi and Krin.
- Head to 4F for a scene. Taggart will join (100/108)
- Put Mose, Maas, Meese and Moose in the party. Return to Seek Valley, take the first eastern fork to Mace and recruit him. He’ll let you power up your weapons to max level 16 (101/108).
- When ready, sleep in McDohl’s room, then talk with Mathiu to begin the next war battle.
Taking the Northern Checkpoint
- You outnumber the enemy significantly, so you should have little issue.
- Remember, Magic > Charge, Charge > Bow, Bow > Magic
- Griffith will join after the battle (102/108)
- For the next section, Kasumi and Krin are required. Make sure to give them better equipment, especially Kasumi’s weapon.
- Make sure to pick up the Old Book Vol. 7 at Northern Checkpoint where you recruited Griffith.
- Head north of Northern Checkpoint to Moravia Castle.
Moravia Castle
- Pick up the Pink Paint to the right. At the NPC to the NE, you can rest and save.
- At this point, you can turn in all books and all the paint to Ivanov for the A Painter for the Ages achievement.
- Taikyoku Tunic
- (after a long linear path through rooms) Mega Medicine
- Needle
- At the end of the castle, you’ll see a scene, during which Warren (103/108) and Kasim will join (104/108). Viktor rejoins as well.
- You’ll have to run back through the castle to pick up the last chest, which holds a Mother Earth Orb.
- You can also recruit Vincent while you are here. (105/108).
- Leave Moravia Castle and head south to the Northern Checkpoint.
- You’ll recruit Maximillian (106/108) and Sancho during the scene here (107/108).
- Make sure you only have one empty space on the stone
- Talk to Mathiu in the War Room when ready.
Floating Fortress War Battle
- Use the Ninjas to see what the enemy is going to do.
- Use thieves when you run out of ninjas.
- Power up your charge attacks when you can.
- Magic > Charge, Charge > Bow, Bow > Magic
- Another mostly linear dungeon.
- Chaos Shield
- Guard Ring
- Master’s Garb
- Mega Medicine (Left at the T intersection)
- Boss: Shell Venus – Weak to Lightning and Earth
- Thunder Orb-Return back for another boss
- Boss: Sonya
- Before doing anything else, head to the basement in the HQ. Talk to Sonya
- Choose “I want you to join us” and “It doesn’t matter. Sonya will join (108/108)!
- This is your last chance to recruit more characters.
- Talk to Mathiu in the war room for a long scene. The scene will be different depending on if you have 108 Stars, or less than 108 Stars.
- Afterwards, talk to Mathiu and initiate the next war battle.
War battle: The Last Battle
- Use the Ninjas to see what the enemy is going to do.
- Use thieves when you run out of ninjas.
- Power up your charge attacks when you can.
- Magic > Charge, Charge > Bow, Bow > Magic
- For Greminster and the final section of the game, Flik and Viktor are required.
- Check the shops for the best purchaseable items in the game.
- I suggest having two offensive magic casters and a third one with a Flowing Rune.
- This is the last chance to prepare for Suikoden 2.
- Put the Windspun Armor (that you’ll get shortly) on Humphrey.
- The following characters are playable in Suikoden 2. If you MAX out their weapon in Suikoden 1 (reach level 16), they’ll get a +3 starting bonus to their weapon level in the sequel.
- Clive
- Flik
- Futch
- Hix
- Humphrey
- Kasumi
- Lorelai
- Luc
- Tir McDohl
- Meg
- Pesmerga
- Sheena
- Stallion
- Tengaar
- Valeria
- Viktor
- When ready, enter Gregminster palace.
Gregminster Palace
- Boss: Ain Gide – This is an easy boss
- A straightforward final dungeon, but with many forced battles. The forced battles do NOT respawn, so feel free to leave to heal up.
- Windspun Armor (put this on Humphrey!)
- Horned Helmet
- Power Ring
- You’ll know you’re near the final boss when you see a save point. This is the last save point in the game.
- In the Remaster, you’ll create a clear save that can be used to import into Suikoden 2 after you beat the game.
- For the final boss, defeat the head on the left side of the screen first, as it can heal. Otherwise at this point, use your best strategies.
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2025-03-06 05:33