Steam Store Is Making A Change For What Listings Can Say

As a seasoned gamer with decades of digital adventures under my belt, I must admit, Valve’s latest changes on Steam have left me scratching my virtual pixels. The new rules regarding store descriptions seem like a bit too much of a squeeze for developers and publishers, don’t you think?

Steam, owned by Valve, has declared it will modify the guidelines for writers of game developer and publisher descriptions in its store.

From early September onwards, four areas on Steam store listings will undergo changes: “About the Game,” “Brief Description,” “Any Special Updates,” and “Awards.” The first modification is that no external website links, including those to social media profiles, will be permitted within these sections. This rule is being implemented because the designated link areas for popular social platforms or websites are already provided on the store pages themselves.

In simpler terms, developers are not permitted to incorporate elements in their descriptions that resemble Steam’s user interface, such as wishlist buttons, game capsules, or price tags. Moreover, they are also prohibited from including images, links, or widgets that direct users towards other games available on Steam. Essentially, this rule prevents developers from using the store page description to promote other products within the Steam platform.

Steam has made some recent adjustments, including enhancing the process for players to find specific games more efficiently and simplifying the discovery of game demos.

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2024-08-15 03:08