Star Wars Outlaws Hands-On Preview: Hey Kid, You Wanna Do Space Crimes?

As a long-time Star Wars fan who has spent countless hours immersed in the galaxy far, far away, I must say that Star Wars Outlaws is an exciting new addition to the franchise. Having played many open-world games before, I was immediately drawn to the freedom of exploration and the opportunity to make my own choices in a vast Star Wars underworld.

1. From my lengthy playthrough of Star Wars Outlaws, I gained insight into its unique emphasis. Unlike many other Star Wars games that primarily focus on action, featuring intense battles against numerous enemies using blasters, lightsabers, thermal detonators, and assorted vehicles, Star Wars Outlaws stands out as a stealth game. In this title, it’s generally wiser to avoid confrontations, and attempting to shoot your way out of tricky situations usually results in panic-stricken escapes that rarely end favorably.

Over the weekend, I delved into approximately four hours of Star Wars: Outlaw’s vast open-world at an exclusive media event. Contrasting my earlier experience at Summer Game Fest, where the focus was on quick, action-packed gameplay, this preview offered a more comprehensive look at how Outlaws unfolds as a quest-driven, open-world title.

In this story, the main character Kay Vess is similar to Han Solo in her roguish ways, navigating the galaxy during the time between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. This era sees the Empire at the height of its power against the Rebellion, having almost defeated it on Hoth and intent on completing their victory. Consequently, criminal activities have flourished in this period, especially in the Outer Rim regions where various syndicates compete for dominance and wealth amidst the less explored planets and systems of the galaxy.

1. The game commenced shortly following Kay and her extraterrestrial companion Nix’s crash on the planet Toshara, which appeared to be after a sort of tutorial segment where Kay pilfered a spaceship from a criminal mastermind, thus earning herself a bounty that would track her throughout the cosmos. Moments after touchdown, tension escalated as Kay stepped out of the spacecraft, narrowly escaping a Rodian’s aggressive charge, who was being pursued by bandits. A momentary confusion ensued between Kay and the Rodian, with him nearly striking her with a wrench. However, it wasn’t long before the actual bandits appeared, prompting Kay to brandish her blaster to handle them. Once they were vanquished, we discovered that this individual was Waka, a mechanic who would mend the spacecraft (which we learned is named the Trailblazer) because of your assistance.

In quick succession during the gameplay, the following events unfolded: After barely exchanging words with Waka, Kay was dispatched to Mirogana city to speak with Gorak, the Pyke Syndicate’s local boss, in order to secure work and acquire components to mend the ship. This hectic pace was a common theme throughout our session, as we were consistently pushed forward to finish tasks, uncover missions, and betray employers for a modest increase in compensation.

In essence, this implies numerous awkward instances where a questionable alien approaches you on the street, trying to recruit you for space-related misdeeds, such as “Psst, hey there, kid, fancy committing space crimes?” Such scenes, particularly in the game’s beginning, like the encounter with Waka in Star Wars Outlaws, felt contrived and reminiscent of typical video game dialogue. This was due to a blend of characters stating things like “Return when [my faction] has more faith in you” (essentially instructing you to accomplish certain missions to boost your reputation) and “Stranger I just met, I approve of your style, go carry out a mission for me, which might lead to your demise.” Naturally, Kay always consents, albeit hesitantly.

Star Wars Outlaws Hands-On Preview: Hey Kid, You Wanna Do Space Crimes?

In a candid assessment, it’s evident in many of those interactions of the second kind that these individuals recognize your status as an outsider from another planet. Consequently, you become an ideal candidate for employment – disposable yet obscure. The dialogue effectively conveys this aspect, portraying unsavory characters who are prepared to exploit you for their gain without much concern for your wellbeing or safety. This atmosphere perfectly encapsulates the essence of Star Wars Outlaws. However, the impact can be weakened if realism and character development are sacrificed in favor of expediency. The game must rapidly involve you in criminal activities, resulting in an unrealistic feeling that everyone in town suddenly recognizes who you are and what you’ve accomplished, eager to collaborate with you.

Crime Time

For more than half of the game session, I delved into Mirogana – an expansive, labyrinthine city ensconced within a colossal rock formation. The city brimmed with activities, encompassing both primary objectives and ancillary tasks, within its urban core and surrounding regions.

1. Your initial task involves locating Gorak, who can be found in a private room above a tavern. However, remember that a Pyke underboss doesn’t converse with just anyone, and you’re not allowed to use the elevator to reach his location. The game, Star Wars Outlaws, seems to emulate an immersive-sim style by offering various solutions to problems, allowing you to decide which approach works best based on your own strategy. While I couldn’t fully evaluate the depth of these solutions in a limited preview, I did notice multiple access points leading into different zones as I explored the game world.

1. Option A: You initially had the chance to purchase access to the suite because a man immediately recognized Kay and perceived her desire to meet Gorak, offering to sell an exclusive pass to his private suite.

Star Wars Outlaws Hands-On Preview: Hey Kid, You Wanna Do Space Crimes?

Instead, I found a vent I could open by using Kay’s dataspike, which functions as both a hacking tool and a lockpick. Unlike other games, the lockpicking process here is based on rhythm. You observe the device spinning, then time your button presses to match its rhythm in order to crack the lock. Notably, the action doesn’t pause while you pick a lock, and you can switch between first-person views to ensure no one notices you during this stealthy process.

As a seasoned freelancer with years of experience under my belt, I’ve learned that every corner of this city holds its own secrets and opportunities. Sometimes, it takes a bit of risk-taking and a dash of cunning to uncover them.

Sneaking And Shooting

In the Pyke territory, Outlaws teach you the art of blending into your surroundings by hiding behind walls and crates to stay out of enemy view. Your alien companion, Nix, plays a crucial role in Outlaws’ gameplay. When sneaking, Nix can help you open distant doors, divert enemies’ attention, or steal items without exposing Kay from his concealed position. Essentially, Nix expands your reach to engage with the environment and often provides creative solutions for seemingly unsolvable problems.

As we successfully bypassed our initial set of guards, I stumbled upon a grate I could ascend to gain a higher vantage point – a staple of Outlaws’ gameplay, particularly when sneaking through areas like this one. The environmental climbing challenges in Outlaws are reminiscent of those found in the Uncharted series or Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order; I could scale walls and traverse gaps using a grappling hook, which is crucial for navigating the world and discovering hidden paths that help me evade detection. However, the climbing mechanic feels somewhat routine at this stage – it’s not that there’s anything particularly innovative about these traversal mechanics, as they’ve been present in third-person action games for over a decade.

Star Wars Outlaws Hands-On Preview: Hey Kid, You Wanna Do Space Crimes?

1. At last, I penetrated the heavily guarded Pyke stronghold, a region teeming with marauders. The combat system followed typical Ubisoft style: spy on enemies with binoculars to track their movements, disable alarm systems to prevent reinforcements, evade guards by hiding in tall grass or slip past security cameras, and eliminate them silently if you approach undetected. Nix introduces a new twist, and the levels are crafted to encourage strategic use of this unique ability to avoid danger.

Your objective in the Pyke stronghold mission is to bypass the door guarded by a forcefield. The outlaws didn’t provide instructions on how to deactivate the forcefield, leaving you to find a solution on your own. Nearby, there were wires connected to the door leading to generators that could be destroyed or disassembled by Nix. I soon understood that following the power lines was part of the plan, but it took me a while to determine which objects I could manipulate and how to disable them. In the meantime, I was discovered and had to engage in combat.

1. In Outlaws, the combat stands out as it offers a unique twist compared to most Star Wars games. Kay is an exceptional marksman, yet her blaster’s firepower isn’t impressive. However, you can enhance it with interchangeable parts, each suitable for distinct purposes such as organic enemies, droids, or stunning opponents. Her weapon isn’t overly powerful, but you can seize weapons from fallen adversaries, providing a temporary boost to assault or sniper rifles as long as the gun has ammunition. Additionally, there’s an ability called Adrenaline that builds up during combat. Activating it allows you to slow down time, mark several enemies, and swiftly eliminate them all with a rapid-fire attack, similar to the mechanic in Splinter Cell: Blacklist.

1. In Jordan Ramée’s SGF play session, fights weren’t excessively challenging but they became intense for me since Kay can’t absorb many hits initially. Surviving required staying concealed, choosing the right moments, and frequently employing Nix to leap on enemies, momentarily disorienting them so you could eliminate them. Many arenas appeared to be strewn with explosive barrels, urging more imaginative strategies for defeating adversaries than merely barraging them with blaster shots. Since in most actual confrontations I engaged in, enemies were precise enough to hit me whenever I emerged to fire, finding methods to level the playing field was crucial.

Star Wars Outlaws Hands-On Preview: Hey Kid, You Wanna Do Space Crimes?

1. It’s evident that Outlaws usually advises against engaging in evenly-matched fights and instead encourages a more authentic depiction of gunfights. It appears the goal is either to eliminate one or two opponents swiftly, or use Nix for surprise attacks on those who spot you, followed by quick retreats to safety and repeated attempts. Unlike Jordan, who could sprint through levels, my experience was more chaotic in these instances, with even a few hits leading to dire consequences in situations involving numerous enemies.

The situation can turn sour unexpectedly while working with Outlaws, leading to some aggravation. Not long after, Kay embarks on another mission and infiltrates an Imperial space station. In this expansive hangar, TIE fighters are transported by conveyors, probe droids scan the surroundings, and Stormtroopers constantly patrol. To evade detection, I chose a route along elevated scaffolds, quietly passing a droid and employing long jumps and grappling hooks. Eventually, I reached my objective, but was unfortunately discovered by an unnoticed trooper. This revelation underscored the necessity of stealth in the given circumstances.

1. Multiple times, I dashed through the identical room, finding myself replaying large, sluggish portions if I made a mistake. Once reaching the final Stormtrooper, I opted for straightforwardness instead of finesse, shocking him in anticipation of opening the exit door before anyone noticed his fallen form.

Scum And Villainy

1. At the Pyke base, I managed to pass through the forcefield and pilfer data from Gorak’s terminal, uncovering his right-hand man betraying him to the Empire in the process. Upon my return to Danka, I encountered our client, a representative of the rival Crimson Dawn gang. In this game of crime, Outlaws offers a glimpse into another crucial aspect: its reputation system. You’ll have the choice between informing Gorak about the traitor, strengthening ties with the Pykes, or tipping off Crimson Dawn for an enhancement in their esteem towards you.

Star Wars Outlaws Hands-On Preview: Hey Kid, You Wanna Do Space Crimes?

As a gamer, it appears that maintaining a harmonious relationship with others might be crucial for success in this game, though I only got a fleeting impression so far. Allying with Crimson Dawn could potentially strain relationships with other factions, but it offers perks such as discounts from specific vendors and the freedom to traverse their territories without facing hostile fire.

1. In my subsequent mission, I leveraged my newly gained reputation to obtain a crucial blaster enhancement, which was essential for an upcoming heist. I decided to pilfer it from either the Pykes or Crimson Dawn; opting for the latter as they would now grant me unfettered access to their stronghold. After treading cautiously through a forbidden zone, I successfully swiped the item – an Ion Converter capable of overloading machines such as droids and shields – without raising any alarms.

1. In most missions involving the theft of valuable items or jobs for factions, there’s often a situation where you have a chance to betray them, risking or reversing your reputation gains. A subsequent mission found me aboard an Imperial space station after repairing the Trailblazer. My objective was to erase Gorak’s debt records, making it seem like he was betraying his Empire allies. However, as Waka pointed out during my journey through the station, I could just as easily wipe the Crimson Dawn’s debts instead, framing them for treachery and setting myself up for a larger payday. After all, wasn’t it plausible that the Crimson Dawn might one day betray me and collect on my bounty, despite their assurances otherwise? Why not take preemptive action?

You didn’t have the opportunity to observe how I would manage the complex relationships over an extended period, or predict the consequences based on Kay’s decision between loyalty or disloyalty. Massive Entertainment hinted that if my standing with a faction significantly deteriorates, they will dispatch hit squads to eliminate me. However, I believe the intricacies of the faction system and the numerous chances to betray my employers hold greater significance in the narrative than just a decrease in reputation scores.

A First Step Into A Larger World

Star Wars Outlaws Hands-On Preview: Hey Kid, You Wanna Do Space Crimes?

1. Mirogana is nestled within expansive plains and boasts scattered settlements like towns and homesteads. It appears as if it’s made up of various territories controlled by rival groups, such as bandits and the Empire. Similar to the city, you can traverse this environment freely on a speeder that becomes accessible following your encounter with Waka, discovering additional tasks or unexpected events along the way.

Outlaws often leaves you in charge of discovering the details yourself. He’ll give you a hint, such as a waypoint leading you near a hidden sabacc den or a concealed stockpile of stolen goods. These indicators serve more as leads to explore than clear directions. When I set out to locate the loot referred to by the pair of thieves, I stumbled upon their hoard behind a waterfall. However, one of their accomplices had already relocated it, leaving a message suggesting that hiding things behind a waterfall was a poor choice. This clue sent me on a new quest to find the revised stash location. Upon discovery, I encountered a locked building and enlisted Nix to unlock a hidden panel, which unveiled a conduit I could disable with my ion blaster.

On Toshara and Kijimi, the two planets we discovered, there are numerous open-world activities with different degrees of complexity. During our journey between them, I encountered space battles where I defended civilian cargo ships from Crimson Dawn fighters’ attacks and salvaged loot from wrecked spaceships drifting in orbit. While these tasks may seem commonplace in a game such as this, their abundance provides ample motivation to explore.

1. In essence, I enjoyed many moments playing Star Wars Outlaws, but at times it seemed hurried, which detracted from fully embracing the Star Wars galaxy’s atmosphere. The initial narrative encounters often felt overdramatic and unconvincing, with one character after another approaching me, a seemingly ordinary individual, with job offers, information, or loud discussions about sensitive matters to overhear. It all had a touch of exaggeration. However, the gameplay, particularly the stealth aspect, was much more to my liking, especially when I discovered the depth Outlaws puts into sneaking. It’s thrilling to engage with a Star Wars game that acknowledges the potential perils of the universe and encourages strategic thinking instead of relying on brute force.

Star Wars Outlaws Hands-On Preview: Hey Kid, You Wanna Do Space Crimes?

1. My main challenge was frequently discerning the specific actions I could perform within an area. You know when developers are jokingly criticized for highlighting everything that can be climbed, destroyed, or collected with a bright yellow paint? Star Wars Outlaws is one reason they do this, as I often found myself uncertain about what I could interact with in the game. Although I admired the game’s approach to letting me decide how to proceed instead of marking objectives, the abundance of lights and buttons across the Star Wars universe made it difficult to distinguish between interactive elements like control panels or generators and mere decorative background textures. Consequently, I often struggled to determine my next course of action.

In this part of the game, I found the concept of combatting somewhat unclear and lacked direction on how to manage unfavorable situations without enduring significant damage. It seems that Outlaws struggles to effectively address such emergency situations. However, when you’re able to implement clever strategies using all available resources, particularly Nix, the experience becomes thrilling and satisfying.

1. In this brief overview, we’re examining a vast gaming experience; the main curiosity lies in assessing how effectively Star Wars Outlaws combines these aspects for players, using tutorials and clear explanations to guide gameplay. For example, features such as character advancement, weapon enhancements, and skill acquisition could alter the game’s equilibrium, with combat becoming a more integral part, while stealth and navigation may become more intuitive. Primarily, Star Wars Outlaws appears expansive, offering enjoyment and immense potential for exploration within its extensive Star Wars underworld.

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2024-07-30 19:40