Star Wars Outlaws Creative Director Confirm Next Patch To Resolve Early "Punishing" Quests

As a seasoned gamer with decades of gaming under my belt, I must say that it’s refreshing to see developers like Massive Entertainment actively working on resolving issues in their game, Star Wars Outlaws. It’s not often we get to witness such dedication and commitment to improving the player experience, especially post-launch.

Since its debut last month, developer Massive Entertainment has been diligently addressing launch day problems and post-release concerns with the action-adventure game Star Wars Outlaws. This led to a quick PC fix being implemented shortly after release, tackling early graphical glitches. It appears that another update is on its way soon.

According to Julian Gerighty, Creative Director at Massive Entertainment, who recently spoke with GamesRadar+, a new update is set to be released soon. One significant aspect this update aims to improve is the initial stages of the game, focusing on resolving problems related to malfunctioning stealth sections or missions.

Based on an interview with Gerighty, it was pointed out by the game’s developers that the difficulty spikes, particularly during early quests, were not ideal as originally planned. The creative director of Massive highlighted Mirogana City quests as being excessively challenging for players due to the instant-failure stealth sections, a flaw they acknowledge needs improvement.

Star Wars Outlaws Creative Director Confirm Next Patch To Resolve Early "Punishing" Quests

Instead of eliminating the failure state entirely, there are numerous opportunities for improvement where we can make the experience significantly more enjoyable and comprehensible. However, as Gerighty pointed out, the purpose behind these stealth sections was to create a sense of tension during climactic moments. Unfortunately, it seems that this objective hasn’t been achieved in the way they originally intended.

Today, I must admit it seems unjust. Surprisingly, this wasn’t part of our initial plan. It appears to have arisen over the past week, but we’re actively addressing it now for a possible update within the next 10 days.

To put it simply, Gerighty announced that a patch for Star Wars Outlaws will likely be released within the coming week or two, but we’re unsure of the extent to which this update will affect various quests or parts of the game. On a positive note, it’s reassuring to know that Massive Entertainment is addressing concerns about gameplay and performance issues from players, and plans to roll out these fixes for both console and PC users soon.

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2024-09-10 19:13