Smite’s Noob Traps: What Players Keep Getting Wrong

As a seasoned SMITE player with countless hours under my belt, I can attest that every god has its quirks and nuances that often go unnoticed by newcomers. In this lively Reddit post, it was refreshing to see players sharing their hard-earned wisdom about the “noob traps” lurking within their favorite gods’ kits.

In a Reddit thread by liberletric, experienced Smite players discuss hidden challenges or “pitfalls” when playing their preferred gods. They shared tips on skills and strategies often overlooked, such as Atlas’s crowd control abilities and the nuances of gods like Chang’e and Ares. This conversation revealed valuable advice for newcomers to avoid mistakes specific to their chosen characters. The community’s analysis underscored that even veteran players can still fall into these familiar traps, demonstrating how complex Smite remains and the constant journey towards mastery.

What’s the biggest noob trap of your main/favorite god?
byu/liberletric inSmite


  • Atlas has great potential that players often underestimate by misusing his abilities.
  • Players frequently overlook synergy opportunities in their god kits, leading to a loss of effectiveness.
  • High-pressure roles, such as tanks, are often played too aggressively instead of strategically.
  • New players require careful coaching on character mechanics to enhance their gameplay experience.

Noob Traps for Specific Gods

The post kicked off with liberletric pointing a critical finger at Atlas, a character whose toolkit may be underappreciated by newer players. Atlas boasts three types of crowd control (CC), yet the community consensus reveals that players often default to one form. This oversight means they’re not leveraging his full potential in team fights; for example, when utilized effectively, his team buff can significantly turn the tide of battle. One commenter mentioned, “People focus so much on the damage aspect of Atlas that they neglect the defensive and team-oriented capabilities.” This neglect can affect match outcomes, demonstrating that understanding a god’s full potential is crucial.

Common Missteps with Popular Gods

A common observation from comments is that many players fail to fully grasp their characters’ abilities and how best to apply them in different situations. For instance, when it comes to Ares, players tend to rush headlong into battle, favoring an overly aggressive frontline stance, disregarding his defensive role. However, TheJumboman suggested, “By skillfully using defensive auras, you can protect your vulnerable teammates quite effectively.” These remarks suggest that a more strategic approach is preferable to mindless aggression. It seems that striking a balance between offense and defense could significantly alter the dynamics of a match within a team.

Shared Wisdom on Ability Use

<pSeveral users chimed in about the intricacies of their characters’ abilities—after all, sometimes it’s the small things that can lead to disaster. Mon_Keedik highlighted that Hades players often misapply their primary ability, saying, “Never use your 1 to clear the wave,” advocating for a strategic layer to skill usage. With such advice on unleashing abilities in sync with passive benefits, it’s amazing how players can maximize their effectiveness. Another player shared valuable tactics for Vulcan, emphasizing efficient skill use: “Don’t fire your ult willy-nilly; plan for team fights!” Such comments indicate that players are willing to share their wisdom, aiming to uplift those who might struggle with character mechanics.

The Importance of Character Adaptability

The debate didn’t stop at mechanics; players expressed the need for god adaptability as well. For Chang’e, right_Entertainer324 articulated a point about her being more effective in the solo lane than as a mid-laner, suggesting a hybrid build offers a better playstyle. “The challenges she faces as a mid-lane Mage overshadow her late-game potential unless you make her tanky,” they argued. This perspective showcases how diverse gameplay strategies can reshape the viability of certain gods in different roles. Players seem conscious of building gods suited to their strengths and the game’s flow rather than relying on stereotypical positions.

Together, Reddit conversations about Smite reveal the intricate nuances of the game and showcase the collaborative spirit among players as they refine strategies. What sets Smite apart is the exceptional sense of camaraderie among its player base, where both beginners and experts pause to learn from each other, constantly adding to a rich body of knowledge that keeps growing. These discussions create a learning-friendly atmosphere, encouraging players to share their insights and personal experiences, thereby helping everyone improve together.

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2024-10-11 22:28