Smite: Should Midgardian Mail Remove Haste?

As an avid Smite player with countless hours logged into the game, I’ve experienced the ebb and flow of gameplay mechanics firsthand. The recent debate over Midgardian Mail removing haste is a topic that hits close to home for me.

In an intense argument about the rules of Smite’s games, players debate whether removing haste from Midgardian Mail will change the game experience. Some suggest improving the item’s secondary feature, sparking disagreement among users.

With Hasten back in the game they should give Midgardian Mail the ability to remove haste.
byu/lalaisme inSmite


  • Players express concerns about the relevance of Midgardian Mail in countering hastened builds.
  • Differing views exist on whether the item’s current mechanics effectively address haste abuse cases.
  • Suggestions for alternative item adjustments, like horrific emblem, are proposed to counter haste.

Midgardian Mail’s Current Effectiveness

User idunnoanameorsumthin defends Midgardian Mail’s performance by pointing out its valuable features. They bring up how this item helps protect against fatalis, emphasizing the importance of having defensive magic items with comparable functionality.

Debate on Stacking Mechanics

User RemoteWhile5881 disputes the assertion that Midgardian Mail no longer decreases the basic attack speed of enemies when stacked. They highlight the 32% reduction of attack speed this item offers at its maximum level, demonstrating its ongoing significance in checking fast-attacking builds.

Proposals for Item Adjustments

User darklordbm proposes an innovative idea: instead of making horrific emblems take away haste during their effect, they could offer an alternate method to handle issues with haste manipulation in the game.

After delving deep into the topic, I’ve come to realize that opinions among players regarding adjusting Midgardian Mail’s mechanics in response to haste vary greatly. Some enthusiasts argue for intriguing new gameplay dynamics, while others push for a more evenly balanced approach to item efficiency.

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2024-07-21 21:58