Smite Patch 11.7 Update: Community Reactions and Insights

As a longtime Smite gamer, I’ve seen my fair share of patches that have left the community buzzing with excitement and frustration. With the release of Patch 11.7, my social media feeds and gaming circles were once again ablaze with discussions and analysis.

Smite recently unveiled Patch 11.7, sparking lively debates among players about the modifications. The Smite subreddit became a hotbed of activity as users expressed their opinions on the update’s effects, focusing mainly on character and item adjustments. Players were seen analyzing buffs and nerfs while trying to understand how these changes influence gameplay mechanics. From controversial Jorm buffs to debatable Morgan Le Fay enhancements, the community is eagerly discussing the latest news and its potential impact on competitive play.

Patch 11.7 | Bonus Update Recap
byu/BluesUltra inSmite


  • The buffs to characters like Jorm and Cthulhu sparked joy among players, with some claiming they were almost guaranteed wins if played well.
  • Concerns about underperforming gods were highlighted, as several users criticized the lack of attention given to them in the patch.
  • The ongoing discussion on balance changes reflects a vibrant community that deeply cares about character viability.
  • The patch’s impact on meta builds, particularly for certain characters, has players thinking outside the box, with alternative item builds being proposed.

The Jorm and Cthulhu Buff Delight

One notable topic from the subreddit centered on the announced enhancements for Jormungandr and Cthulhu. User KingCanHe humorously commented, “Jorm becomes even stronger, I’m rolling on the floor laughing at this point. Jorm and Cthulhu are almost certain victories in solo matches, if not the entire game, depending on how effectively you utilize your lead to help your team snowball.” This perspective was shared by many players, who are excited about the new benefits these gods bring. However, the improvements make these gods even more formidable, leading to concerns about matchmaking fairness and potential overpowered characters in skilled hands. The conversations reveal a rich pool of strategies, allowing expert players to capitalize on these enhancements to outperform their opponents.

The Morgan Le Fay Dilemma

In the ongoing discussion, User BlakersW brought up an intriguing question: “Was Morgan Le Fay in need of an enhancement?” This statement initiated a small debate among users, revealing differing perspectives on her power boost. Several players argue that she was already powerful within the current game meta and express skepticism towards Hi-Rez’s rationale for granting her more strength. As the community delves deeper into this topic, it underscores an essential aspect of the game: striking a balance among characters is a complex endeavor. If gods possess too much power, the meta risks becoming stagnant, with even weaker gods being overshadowed.

Frustrations Over Underperforming Gods

As a passionate gamer, I’ve seen both sides of the coin in the latest patch. On one hand, I’m thrilled about the buffs to Jorm and Cthulhu. But on the other hand, I’ve noticed a growing frustration within the community regarding underperforming characters. A user named glorfindal77 put it bluntly, “Why bother patching if nothing changes for the weaker gods?”

The Impact of Meta Room Diversification

The shifting realities within Smite’s game meta have sparked lively discussions among players as they plan new tactics for unconventional builds. PKdude2712 quipped, “Come on HiRez, don’t make me consider an AA Norm build. I know I will.” This lighthearted comment underscores how some gamers are embracing the opportunity to experiment with non-traditional builds due to recent patch adjustments. As players explore the intricacies of post-update itemization, the volatility in gameplay mechanics could lead to emerging meta patterns that keep Smite feeling fresh and exciting. Adjusting build strategies keeps the Smite universe vibrant, showcasing a balance of innovation and strategic thinking that aligns with MOBA games’ perpetual evolution.

Delving into the heated debates ignited by Patch 11.7 reveals a devoted player base eager to shape Smite’s continuous growth. Enthusiasts applaud the power-ups bestowed upon beloved gods, yet voices echo urging recognition for overlooked champions. Striking a balance between boosting playable characters and keeping underrated ones competitive is a delicate task even experienced game developers grapple with. The vibrant dialogue testifies to an intense fascination with character strength and strategic depth, underscoring the enduring excitement within the Smite community for every new patch update.

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2024-07-25 00:43