Smite: Is Hide of Nemean a Noobie Trap Item? Analysis & Community Opinions

As a long-time Smite player, I’ve seen my fair share of debates surrounding item effectiveness, and the Hide of Nemean is no exception. In my opinion, this item can be quite tricky to master and may not always live up to expectations for newcomers.

In the League of Legends community, there’s frequent debate among Smite players regarding the worth of the Hide of Nemean item. The argument centers around its ability to reflect damage versus other game items. Some players believe it falls short and share their opinions in Reddit discussions. Let’s explore these perspectives and rationales.

Is hide of nemean a noobie trap item?
byu/Icyweiner7058 inSmite


  • The Hide of Nemean can be situational and ineffective against lifesteal builds
  • Players suggest the item needs a new passive to stay relevant
  • Some argue that it counters crit builds but falls short in the current meta
  • Reflects only physical damage, making it less impactful with protections

The Trick Behind Hide of Nemean

The conversation centers on how uniquely this item shows signs of physical wear and tear, as well as its ability to counter specific character builds. However, some gamers have been underwhelmed by its performance, arguing that protective abilities can significantly decrease the reflected damage, making it less impactful than first assumed.

Debate on Item Relevance

In simpler terms, players are emphasizing that the Hide of Nemean needs an update to keep up with other popular items such as Midgardian Mail. The conversation suggests that the item is only useful in specific situations and lacks the flexibility required to be effective in the current game environment.

Comparing to Alternate Options

As a gamer, I’ve come across some impressive items in my gaming journey, and the Mystical Mail is definitely one of them. But when it comes to the Hide of Nemean, things aren’t as rosy. Comparing the two, it becomes clear that the limitations of Hide of Nemean are more apparent. Some players argue that its passive state only shines in certain situations, like when used with Kuzenbo’s abilities. But overall, its utility in diverse gameplay scenarios is quite limited.

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2024-07-22 19:29