Smite: Battling Arachne After the Latest Update – Players Share Their Frustrations

As a seasoned player with countless hours invested into Smite, I can’t help but feel the frustration that sabota1659 echoes in his post about Arachne. The sheer force of her spiders, now capable of dealing 250 damage late game, leaves me feeling like a hapless fly caught in a web. It seems that every time I think I’ve got a handle on the game, the developers throw another curveball my way.

Players who use Smite have gathered on Reddit to share their annoyance following a recent update that boosted the strength of the character Arachne. In a post titled ‘Are you all as fed up with Arachne as I am since the update?’, the user sabota1659 raised concerns about the changes that increased Arachne’s spiders’ damage based on scaling. They pointed out that these spiders can deal anywhere from 150 to 250 damage in late game, significantly altering how Arachne is played. Many players have expressed feeling powerless against her, requiring multiple defensive items merely to withstand her persistent attacks.

Is anyone else absolutely miserable against Arachne right now after the update?
byu/sabota1659 inSmite


  • Players feel frustrated with Arachne’s increased spider damage output, leading to overwhelming encounters.
  • The community reflects a mix of misery and amusement, with some finger-pointing at their own gameplay.
  • Arachne mains are thrilled about the changes, creating a divide between player sentiments.
  • Discussions reveal various strategies employed against Arachne, sparking debates on balance and fairness.

Players’ Outcries

Sabota1659’s original post garnered a lot of interest, demonstrating how swiftly tensions rose within the gaming community. One participant, Franco Sinus, detailed his own encounter with Arachne, admitting, “I took an unexpected amount of damage from the spiders.” Many others can relate to this feeling of being caught off guard by Arachne’s increased power in the game. This reveals that players might not always be adequately prepared for the heavy damage her spiders can inflict, particularly during casual matches.

The Divided Community

It’s fascinating to see that while numerous players complain about Arachne’s power, those who specialize in playing her, like User Puzzleheaded_Bed_445, express joy about it. This suggests a split opinion within the gaming community; those who have found her challenging to beat are facing a tougher adversary with each update, while those who have devoted time to mastering Arachne view the changes as a deserved advantage. Interestingly, this division mirrors a common issue in online gaming, where balance can sometimes favor one side too heavily, leaving certain characters in dominating positions.

Strategies to Bring Arachne Down

During the conversation, players started exchanging ideas on how to tackle Arachne’s challenge, revealing strategies such as keeping allies close to thwart her 2v1 ineffectiveness. For instance, unezs12 points out that Arachne is easily countered when an ally is near because she lacks strength in 2v1 situations. This highlights the importance of teamwork, as huddling together can minimize her ability to single out players, which is particularly important against a strong assassin like Arachne. Moreover, players started proposing alternative picks and builds that boost resistance against her swarm of spiders. Given Arachne’s reliance on isolating enemies and bursting them down, players should stay mindful of their positioning and abilities to ensure they don’t fall prey to her tactics.

The Aftermath of Balance Changes

Changes in balance within games like Smite can stir up strong reactions from players, and EgdyBettleShell expresses his concern, stating, “It’s utterly bizarre in duels,” highlighting that Arachne has become a significant danger across multiple game modes. On the other hand, MatoiWaber remains hopeful, suggesting, “If it gets too powerful they’ll tone her down.” This reassurance may ease some worries, but the ongoing fluctuations in character power levels can cause unease among many gamers. The question of whether Arachne will be adjusted or if this dominance marks a shift in competitive play remains uncertain.

Ultimately, the buzz surrounding Arachne showcases the passionate engagement that players have with Smite and its evolving landscape. Discussions amongst players are not just about winning or losing; they foster community learning and strategy formulation that can change the game’s dynamics. While Arachne has stepped into the limelight, the conversations sparked around her character have united players through shared experiences, misery, and fleeting joy. The challenges presented by such balance updates serve as a reminder that every character in Smite carries its own set of difficulties, and adapting to such changes is part of the gaming journey. With a little humor, grit, and teamwork, players will navigate these new waters, and who knows, maybe Arachne will have her moment in the sun before being reeled back under control. Regardless, the excitement of mastering the intricacies of Smite continues to thrive as players rally together to tackle each other in the battlegrounds.

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2024-09-07 15:43