Smite 2’s God Release Pace: Community Insights and Developer Responses

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I’ve witnessed the evolution of numerous games, each with its unique charm and challenges. Smite has always held a special place in my heart, as it combines elements from my favorite mythology with strategic gameplay that keeps me on my toes.

There’s been a lot of buzz about Smite 2 lately, particularly regarding how quickly new gods are being introduced. A user named ‘godisawomen’ brought this topic up after developer Ajax acknowledged and engaged with the community’s preferences for specific deities. The dialogue reveals a blend of anticipation and concern among players as they grapple with the challenge of striking the right balance between fresh content and cherished characters. Some are keen to see classic gameplay aspects reintroduced, while others are expressing reservations about the development speed and quality of the upcoming gods. All in all, there’s a noticeable sense of anticipation as players yearn for a combination of innovative elements and familiar figures—who wouldn’t be excited to witness their beloved god return in an updated form?

Ajax addresses the Smite 2 God release pace, and talks about community requested Gods (video)
byu/godisawomen inSmite


  • Ajax’s comments suggest the team is committed to careful pacing rather than a quantity-over-quality approach.
  • Players expressed a desire for opportunities to vote on future god releases, indicating a strong community involvement.
  • While some expressed disappointment with current god choices, others emphasized the importance of meaningful updates to existing characters.
  • Concerns about graphics and performance optimizations have surfaced, especially regarding the transition from Smite 1 to Smite 2.

The Community’s Voice

The community associated with Smite is unquestionably enthusiastic, particularly regarding the deities within the game. Following Ajax’s input on the frequency of releases, player reactions displayed a wide variety of viewpoints. For example, a player named ‘loganknowerofthings’ suggested that the community should be given the chance to select a new god each month, fostering a more collaborative environment that many feel could improve gameplay experience. This perspective underscores the community’s wish to influence the game’s growth and contribute to its development process. Such comments highlight a strong appreciation for engagement and input, as players yearn for an environment where their ideas can mold the game’s future, rather than just responding to changes initiated by developers.

Pacing vs Quality: The Great Debate

The pacing of god releases has become a hot topic among players. Many are anxious about how long it will take to see the entire roster from Smite 1 revitalized in the new game. One user, Morlu, succinctly stated, “3 gods every 3 weeks and I’m happy.” This eagerness for a steady stream of characters contrasts with the fears expressed by others about the possibility of shortcuts being taken during development. Several comments highlighted the importance of not rushing the process to the detriment of quality. For example, NewSageTriggrr6 shared concerns that hastily developing gods might lead to bland, uninspired gameplay that feels more like a port than a refreshing iteration. The struggle between getting new content versus ensuring that content is compelling and fun for all players is clearly a complex balancing act faced by the developers.

Meaningful Updates: More Than Just Aesthetic Changes

As a dedicated gamer, I’m always on the lookout for more than just cosmetic changes when it comes to god redesigns. What truly excites me are meaningful updates that transform gameplay and infuse depth into my beloved characters. Just like JonBeeTV mentioned, developers have a tough job: they need to reinvent timeless gods with fresh mechanics while avoiding burnout from the labor-intensive process of remaking existing content.

Technical Concerns Amidst Excitement

As a dedicated fan, I’ve been closely following the chats about Smite 2, focusing particularly on the technical side of things. EmoLotional has highlighted some performance issues that surfaced during the alpha phase, such as concerns over graphical optimizations and system compatibility across various platforms. The shift to DX11 brings promise for better frame rates on multiple systems, yet we also recognize that these updates might impact accessibility.

In the bustling exchange of ideas about Smite 2’s future, it’s evident that the bond between players and creators is indispensable. The longing for both nostalgic elements and fresh innovations paints a vibrant picture of diverse viewpoints, revealing the dreams, worries, and expectations players harbor for their cherished game. Rather than mere consumers, players are active contributors, yearning to mold a game they hold dear. The continuous conversations about new gods, substantial updates, and technical advancements suggest a fruitful partnership between the community and the developers, setting the stage for an exciting new phase in Smite’s history.

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2024-09-16 23:43