Smite 2: Why Fans Are Ecstatic About Its Stunning New Features

As a dedicated Smite player with years under my belt, I can’t help but feel like a kid at Christmas when reading about the upcoming Smite 2. The graphics alone have me itching to upgrade my graphics card! It seems Hi-Rez Studios has been listening to the community and delivering on their promises for a much-needed facelift. And let’s not forget the reasonable pricing of that ascension pass – I might just have to sell a kidney to get that sweet cosmetic goodness!

Enthusiasts of the game Smite are abuzz with anticipation following a Reddit post detailing the impressive aspects of the upcoming Smite 2. The post, penned by Link2212, covers everything we know so far, including stunning character skins, customizable card art, and pricing that players find fair. Many members of the community have responded favorably, expressing their delight with the behind-the-scenes information and rekindling their trust in Hi-Rez Studios. In summary, there’s a lot of optimism in this discussion thread, as fans are eager to explore the new gaming experience that Smite 2 is set to deliver.

Smite 2 just looks incredible
byu/Link2212 inSmite


  • The graphics and art style improvements are being praised across the board.
  • Players are excited about the reasonable pricing of the ascension pass.
  • Community reactions show a significant turnaround of sentiment toward the game.
  • Players are optimistic about the game’s future developments, including gameplay and content updates.

The Graphics Revolution

In the Reddit discussion about Smite 2, there’s a lot of praise for the updated graphics. Link2212 said it looks “extremely clean,” and many others echoed their approval of the visual enhancements. It’s exciting for a game that’s been around for a while to get a graphical update, and players like aleanotis who previously disliked the look are now pleased, calling it “next-gen Smite.” This shift in art style shows Hi-Rez is listening to player feedback about graphics. Good visuals can really pull you into a game, and these changes seem designed to do just that. The positive response suggests that Smite 2 might attract new players who may have passed on the series because of its previous aesthetic.

Price Point and Player Investment

As a passionate gamer, I’ve got to say, the conversation around Smite 2’s pricing model has been quite intriguing. The Ascension Pass, as Link2212 put it, feels like a no-brainer once you’ve unlocked the necessary diamonds with legacy gems. It’s almost like it becomes free for us dedicated players! This approach has garnered plenty of positive feedback, especially from long-timers like Calm_Quarter2190 who didn’t hesitate to shell out $100, showing their commitment to the franchise.

Community Spirit Restored

Among the community, there’s a refreshing vibe that stands out compared to past debates filled with uncertainty about Smite 2. Many users admitted to having initial doubts about the game’s development. However, these reservations have dissipated following the impressive work done by Hi-Rez in a short span of time. FMKtoday expressed, “This update is fantastic! I didn’t think it was possible to make so many changes so swiftly. My faith has been restored,” reflecting a shift in sentiment that the community seems to be embracing wholeheartedly. Longtime players who have witnessed the game’s transformation also express optimism. The sense of renewal is palpable, as exemplified by Vita_Morte’s comment on the progress made in just three weeks, expressing their excitement for the upcoming open beta. This wave of renewal hints at Smite 2 potentially uniting the player base more effectively than Smite 1 did, fostering connections through shared enthusiasm rather than constant criticism. The community’s spirit is a testament to players coming together with warmth and anticipation for the game’s success.

Anticipation for Gameplay Evolution

As a passionate gamer, I’m thrilled about the artistic enhancements and pricing of the upcoming game. Yet, the conversation isn’t just about aesthetics and cost; it’s about the gameplay evolution too. Calm_Quarter2190 hinted at this, expressing excitement that “this game will transform over time, not just six months from now, but a year, five years, even a decade.” This suggests a readiness to adapt to change, as players eagerly await continuous upgrades – a necessity for the longevity of any online multiplayer game.

The fanbase of Smite has demonstrated remarkable resilience and rekindled passion for Smite 2. With all the optimistic feelings about its improved graphics, smart pricing methods, and promises of gameplay improvements, it seems the series is on the brink of a fresh beginning that many are eager to join. As more information becomes available, it’ll be fascinating to observe how this wave of affection translates into player interaction as the game progresses, but if anticipation is any clue, Smite might be moving towards something extraordinary that players will value for years to come.

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2024-08-10 04:58