Skull and Bones Players Frustrated by Persistent Server Issues

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I’ve seen it all – from groundbreaking innovations to disappointing duds. Skull and Bones falls squarely into the latter category, not because of its gameplay or potential, but due to the persistent server issues that have left me high and dry more times than I care to remember.

Skull & Bones has faced its fair share of exciting experiences and setbacks, yet none may be as disheartening as the continuous server problems that turn players from legendary pirates into unsuccessful sailors. A recent Reddit post by user Dizzy-Passage9294 highlighted connectivity issues that numerous gamers have encountered, longing to enter the game but constantly blocked by endless loading screens and error messages instead. The general feelings shared were overwhelmingly negative, mirroring the exasperation of a community yearning to traverse the wide oceans, but held back by technical difficulties instead.

Server issue?
byu/Dizzy-Passage9294 inSkullAndBonesGame


  • Players are experiencing frustrating connection issues, with many stuck at 6% on various platforms.
  • Error code GANNET-00000140 has become a common adversary among players, leading to widespread complaints.
  • Frustrations are directed not only at the server issues but also at the perceived prioritization of microtransactions over quality service.
  • The community appears united in their frustration, calling for quicker resolutions from Ubisoft.

Players Share Their Struggles

Many users are expressing their frustration as they try to log into the game ‘Skull and Bones’, only to encounter the error code GANNET-00000140. MrDCScorpio, for instance, has been unsuccessful in accessing the game on both his PC and Xbox. He’s stuck at 6% progress. Another user, Rjwals2004, is having the same issue while trying to connect on PlayStation. The widespread reporting of this problem suggests that it’s not just a one-time glitch but a larger issue affecting the Skull and Bones gaming community. In essence, instead of sailing off on maritime adventures, they’re stuck with spinning wheels and error messages.

The Trouble with Tech

In many online games, technical problems can be a real headache, but the main source of complaint seems to be poor server performance, which leaves players stuck, much like boats in a harbor. Fatal_ExceptionUID01 expressed this frustration humorously yet pointedly: “Ubisoft, get your acts together PLEASE!” The tone is a blend of joking and sternness, but the underlying sentiment is clear: dissatisfaction. Gamers grow weary when issues interfere with their gameplay, especially since they’ve paid good money for these games. They also feel let down by the constant request for microtransactions without a guarantee of a smooth gaming experience. Here, the gap between expectations and reality takes a hit, as players ponder if their investment is truly worthwhile.

Microtransactions and Priorities

When someone brings up microtransactions, it’s not just a passing comment but highlights a concern that goes deeper than technical problems. It suggests a widespread doubt about the true priorities of game companies. TasteProfessional657 echoed this feeling by saying, “It’s not just me who feels this way?” This shared frustration stems from feeling neglected as customers while companies continue to make profits. Players are not questioning the business model but asking for a smooth gaming experience without technical issues. The underlying dissatisfaction with the balance between service quality and monetization is apparent as users push for Ubisoft to reconsider how resources are being used. Many users seem to be in agreement, urging immediate action to improve connections and focusing on functionality over other aspects.

The Hangry Players’ Coalition

As tensions rise due to persistent login issues, a spirit of unity among the gaming community blossoms. User ‘Apprehensive_Rub_825’ echoes this sentiment, saying, “I feel the same way, can’t log on either.” This collective expression of dissatisfaction reverberates as players find solidarity in their struggles. Regardless of whether they’re using PlayStation or Xbox, it appears that everyone is grappling with connection problems. Instead of allowing these issues to dampen their mood, a sense of camaraderie is taking shape as they all face similar hurdles. This situation seems eerily similar to pirates gathering in a tavern to swap tales of triumph and turmoil—in this case, triumphs would be successful logins, and the turmoil is battling an array of connection errors and login failures. The shared experience provides not only comfort but also encouragement for players to keep pushing developers for solutions, ensuring their concerns are addressed.

As Skull and Bones continues to struggle with connectivity, the community remains vocal in expressing their frustrations while also uniting to demand better service. The combined sentiments of users highlight specific areas that Ubisoft needs to focus on, particularly balancing their financial motives with the expectations of their player base. Each frustration, comment, and shared story is a testament to the dedication of Skull and Bones enthusiasts, who yearn not just for smooth sailing, but for a sea of well-functioning servers that can support the adventurous spirit that the game promises.

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2024-07-31 08:13