Originally a quirky, pioneering stage production that premiered within the Sing Sing Correctional Facility, later becoming the basis for the Golden Globe-nominated movie “Sing Sing”, is set to make a comeback. The cast members who were once imprisoned and starred in the A24 film will reunite to bring “Breakin’ the Mummy’s Code” to life on stage in New York.

The performance is scheduled for February 3rd at the New York Theatre Workshop, which is off-Broadway. The event will be presided over by J. Smith-Cameron from “Succession,” and afterwards, there will be a question-and-answer session with the original theater production’s cast and director, Brent Buell, who was portrayed by Paul Raci in the movie.

The upcoming reboot of “Breakin’ the Mummy’s Code” will star original cast members such as Clarence Maclin, Sean “Dino” Johnson, Jon-Adrian “JJ” Velazquez, John “Divine G” Whitfield, Dario Peña, James “Big E” Williams, David “Dap” Giraudy, Miguel Valentin, Cornell “Nate” Alston, Camillo “Carmine” Lovacco, Mosi Eagle, Pedro Cotto, Patrick “Preme” Griffin and Cecily Lyn, along with some special guest performers.

The occasion is organized jointly by A24, The Just Trust, and Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA), and it’s backed by New York Theatre Workshop.

Directed by Greg Kwedar, “Sing Sing” features Colman Domingo as John “Divine G” Whitfield, a character wrongfully imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit. Finding meaning and purpose alongside other inmates, they participate in the prison’s Rehabilitation Through the Arts program. This film, inspired by real events, includes several formerly incarcerated men from Sing Sing who play their own roles within it.

In September, Velazquez, one of those actors, was cleared of a wrongful murder charge that had sent him to prison for nearly 24 years. Less than a year after his release from Sing Sing Prison, he started working on the film “Sing Sing”, stating that this project was “one of the most significant accomplishments in my life.

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2025-01-13 20:46