Should Support Players in Smite Buy Chalice of Healing at the Start? Insights from the Community

As a seasoned Smite player with over a thousand hours under my belt, I have been part of countless debates about starting items, and I must say that the current discourse around support characters choosing Chalice of Healing versus healing potions is one for the books.

In Smite, the battlefield is no longer just for gods, but also for tactical approaches on how to kick off a match successfully. A recent post by user bestower117 ignited a lively debate among players about whether support characters should initially opt for the Chalice of Healing or traditional healing potions and wards. This continuous argument showcases the varying strategies players employ, from focusing on longevity in the lane to enhancing early-game presence with additional wards and health potions. The fierce exchange of views in the comments section underscored the importance that a simple item choice can have on the course of the game.

Should support just buy chalice of healing at the start?
byu/bestower117 inSmite


  • The community is split on whether Chalice of Healing is beneficial or a gold waste for support characters.
  • Many players argue that the immediate need for health and warding capabilities often outweighs the long-term benefits of the chalice.
  • Context of the game—like opposing junglers and team composition—can heavily influence optimal starting items.
  • Personal playstyle and hero-specific mechanics play significant roles in deciding starting purchases.

Emphasizing Immediate Needs

A common idea in the comments is the importance of addressing immediate needs early in the game, with several players stressing the value of the item Chalice, which heals significantly at the beginning. However, they also argue that buying multiple healing potions and wards can greatly extend one’s time in the lane due to the added flexibility they offer. Given the aggressive nature of the game Smite, particularly during the early stages, being ready for potential attacks or damage from opponents is essential. Another user, Echo_NO_Aim, agrees that Chalice is acceptable as long as you manage your mana using your starter’s passive, but many others suggest that prioritizing Chalice could leave a player at a disadvantage during crucial moments.

The Case for Chalice

On the flip side, some members of the community vigorously endorsed the buying of Chalice of Healing, stating it provides priceless long-term advantages. One vocal supporter, Sad-Material1553, exclaimed, “Chalice is top-notch,” showing clear backing for the item. However, the benefits of a Chalice can greatly depend on specific situations – such as dealing with certain enemy jungle gods or managing health. For example, I__have_Questions correctly noted that if it’s determined the opposing jungle isn’t a major threat and your solo laner is strong enough to maintain mana through totems, then Chalice becomes a reasonable choice. Characters like Yemoja were suggested as prime picks because of their natural mana regeneration, potentially enabling more aggressive moves and healing without frequent base returns.

Playstyle and Game Knowledge Matter

A pivotal factor determining whether to prioritize Chalice over healing pots is playstyle—not just the player’s, but also the characters they’re utilizing. HotBoiFrescaJones identified as a “4-5 health pots and 1 multi type of dude,” expressing how his personal approach led him to avoid Chalice until later in the game. Likewise, lil_glam emphasized that choosing your items heavily depends on the gods being played, stating, “What’s their mana sustain, their ability costs, which starter you’re going.” This insight highlights that knowing both the strengths and weaknesses of one’s god while also reading the enemy can lead to significantly different results in item selection. It’s clear that those who factor in their playstyle and team context often optimize their gameplay better than those who play blindly.

The Balance Between Cost and Effectiveness

Budget_Jackfruit_967 succinctly encapsulated much of the debate; they argued that early-game sustainability is a critical factor, leading them to favor pots initially, with the Chalice coming later. Many players expressed a similar idea—sacrificing early warding for chalice feels like a high cost. Some players reasoned that “the longer the game goes, the value decreases” for a Chalice, as emphasized by The_Manglererer. This brings forth an interesting economic aspect—players have to decide between short-term gains in a fragile initial phase versus potential long-term advantages. As debates swirl around procured items and their implications, it seems that value is a nuanced discussion without an absolute answer.

In the heat of debates about initial gear in Smite, it’s clear that decisions aren’t always fixed. Factors like personal playstyle, overall game plan, and more shape whether a Chalice is more effective than healing pots, or vice versa. The support role, often underestimated, can significantly impact the entire game’s result, leading to thoughtful discussions about item choices and strategic planning. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, as players from various situations present contrasting options, thereby enriching the intricate strategy that characterizes Smite. Each game offers a unique battlefield experience, pushing players to adapt their strategies based on knowledge, flexibility, and imagination.

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2024-08-22 22:13