Should Destiny 2’s Strongholds Be Extended to Glaives? A Detailed Exploration

As an ardent gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt and countless hours invested in Destiny 2, I find myself deeply entrenched in the ongoing debate about extending Strongholds to glaives. Having witnessed the evolution of this game since its inception, I’ve come to appreciate the intricacies of its mechanics and the passionate discussions they spark among players.

In a continual development, Destiny 2 maintains its grip on players with engaging conversations that frequently ignite intense debates. A user named LibraProtocol posed an intriguing question on a well-known subreddit: “Could Strongholds be expanded to include glaives?” This topic invites a wide range of perspectives, particularly considering Titans’ distinctive fondness for glaives, leading to discussions about gameplay equilibrium. On one side, some players are excited at the prospect, while others caution potential problems that might emerge. As the conversation deepens, it becomes clear how intricate game mechanics and player choices can be.

Should Strongholds be extended to glaives?
byu/LibraProtocol inDestinyTheGame


  • The question of extending Strongholds to glaives ignited a robust discussion on the subreddit.
  • While many players are excited about potential Titan and glaive synergies, concerns about game balance arise.
  • Several comments suggest alternative paths for glaive enhancement, emphasizing the desire for more diversity in exotic choices.
  • Overall sentiment is mixed, balancing hopes for new gameplay mechanics with fears of overpowering current strategies.

Glaives vs. Strongholds: The Mechanics Debate

Discussing the possibility of incorporating Strongholds into glaives naturally leads to scrutinizing the inner workings of both. Strongholds mainly enhance the efficiency of sword blocking, whereas glaives have distinctive traits such as an integrated shield and damage system. Many users, including Jumpy_Menu5104, pointed out that “Strongholds specifically amplify the existing guard stats of swords,” underlining a crucial gameplay difference. Introducing Strongholds to glaives raises concerns about balance, particularly regarding how this alteration might influence total damage reduction and Titan playstyles using glaives. Could this combination provide an unfair advantage in PvP situations, making players too dominant? As players shift between theory and practice, the intricacies of blending these two aspects grow more convoluted.

Responses from the Community: A Mix of Optimism and Caution

The reactions to LibraProtocol’s post varied from optimistic ideas to cautious doubt about the feasibility of the proposed change. User AlphaSSB showed enthusiasm for the expansion, saying, “I’d be thrilled if it happens,” but added a realistic perspective, questioning, “Whether Bungie will add that feature or not, I wouldn’t get my hopes too high.” This sentiment reflects many players who are looking forward to potential advancements while also acknowledging the constraints of game development.

While some were excited about it, Zeron9119 expressed reservations, especially concerning the impact on the Player versus Player (PvP) battlefield. They questioned the fairness of having a 100% shield at times, fearing it might lead to overuse of weapons like Conditional Finality, potentially creating an imbalanced and frustrating PvP environment. The differing opinions highlight the deep interest players have in the game and the diverse perspectives they bring when evaluating proposed modifications.

The Glaive Exotic Dilemma: Triton Vice vs. Strongholds

A key point in the conversation revolves around the function of current glaive exotics, with Triton Vice being a significant example. User Ace_Of_Caydes voiced frustration by questioning the purpose of Triton Vice itself. They compared Triton Vice’s abilities to the advantages offered by Strongholds and suggested that if Strongholds enhanced glaives without providing a clear identity for Triton Vice, it might make Triton Vice an unnecessary exotic choice. This raises questions about the nature of exotics: should each exotic have unique roles, or should they offer complementary boosts to provide maximum versatility?

Several other players, including Mnkke, added their thoughts, emphasizing a practical viewpoint by pointing out that glaives currently provide “nearly full damage reduction.” They pondered whether additional buffs from Strongholds would be worth the integration, given this high level of protection. This seems to reflect a growing appetite for novelty and variety in the exotic realm, as opposed to just increasing the overall strength of players’ tools. The community, brimming with varied viewpoints, tends to favor more significant and unique improvements over minor power boosts.

Future Possibilities: What Could Glaive Synergy Look Like?

Discussing new methods to improve and harmonize glaives brings up an intriguing topic for debate. Many players have shared innovative suggestions that might appeal to them more than the Stronghold concept. For example, SplashDmgEnthusiast proposed investigating the ACD/0 Feedback Fence, suggesting exotic items that boost melee attacks with glaives. They envision utilizing Armor Charge stacks to design unique builds, hinting at the thrilling gameplay experiences that could stem from creative enhancements instead of just extending current mechanics.

In addition, the players showed interest in an offensive-focused exotic weapon tailored for glaives. User colm180 commented, “I would really enjoy that,” hinting at the possibility of adding a legendary glaive or even a primary ammo kinetic glaive. This enthusiasm suggests that while expanding Strongholds is appreciated, it’s the expansion of exotic weapon diversity and unique abilities that will truly energize the community.

As numerous innovative concepts flourish, it’s evident that gamers have a strong desire for authenticity and customized gameplay that enriches their adventure. To maintain the intricate balance of Destiny 2’s gameplay, incorporating exotics requires delicate design to ensure each one offers a distinctive niche in the game’s dynamic ecosystem.

As a dedicated fan, it’s truly captivating to witness how a single question about Destiny 2’s game mechanics can spark a flurry of thoughts and theories among us players. Engaging in these discussions underscores the fact that while opinions may vary on certain aspects of gameplay, these heated debates are testament to the profound bond between the game and its enthusiastic community. Whether or not Bungie chooses to extend Strongholds to glaives is yet undecided, but one thing is clear—this conversation is far from finished. The community will keep delving into challenging gameplay scenarios, keeping the pulse-pounding essence of Destiny 2 beating strong.

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2024-08-05 15:13