Sharon Stone on How Movies Have Changed Since ‘Basic Instinct’: ‘Films Are Less About Men Writing About Their Fantasies of the Way Women Are’

As an admirer of Sharon Stone‘s impressive career and resilience, I am deeply moved by her reflections on the changes in the film industry and her personal experiences. Her insights into the evolution of filmmaking and the role of women in Hollywood are both enlightening and inspiring.

At the Taormina Film Festival on Friday, Sharon Stone was honored with the Golden Cariddi Lifetime Achievement Award. In her speech, she opened up about her personal struggles with health issues. Additionally, she expressed concerns for the future of her country and shared insights about the evolving film industry.

“Since the early 1990s, the film industry has undergone significant transformation. When I produced ‘Basic Instinct’ back then, it caused quite a stir. Nowadays, studios focus primarily on producing large-scale blockbuster movies, costing hundreds of millions of dollars. In contrast, films I worked on three decades ago were budgeted at around $50-60 million maximum. The rise of streaming platforms is the latest shift in our industry, and while it might not be ideal, we’re returning to creating smaller yet more pertinent movies.”

With films such as “Challengers” and “Love Lies Bleeding” is sex coming back to the movies? “It’s not something we’re coming back to in my mind. It’s stayed on TV. You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t natural. None of us would be here if sex and sexuality wasn’t a natural part of our human condition,” she said.

As a woman who has spent decades observing the film industry, I can’t help but notice a significant shift in the landscape of filmmaking. In the past, it was all too common for films to be written and produced by men, with women relegated to the sidelines as mere objects of male fantasy. Critics would then weigh in with their assessments, often focusing on whether or not these films met the expectations of their male audience.

The film in question has undergone a significant transformation from being focused on whether women are meeting the expectations set by writing, direction, production, editing, and criticism, to exploring instead if it portrays authentic representations of the human condition. In simpler terms, the discussion has shifted from examining gender roles within the film industry to evaluating its portrayal of universal human experiences.

Her own career was dramatically derailed, and her life threatened by a nine-day brain bleed. Part of her recovery involved writing a memoir “The Beauty of Living Twice,” as well as “making a daily decision to change your reality.”

Art played a significant role in helping her heal personally, and it provided an outlet for her to fully explore her humanity.

As a movie critic with a diverse artistic background, I’ve always considered myself a multifaceted artist. I’m not only a writer and painter but also an actor with a secret longing to sing and dance. I was introduced to painting at a young age by my middle namesake, Aunt Vaughn, who held two master’s degrees in painting and literature. My upbringing was richly immersed in both art and literature, making me incredibly fortunate.

I’m delighted to share the news that the Municipality of Rome has granted me the opportunity to present a solo exhibition at the Richard Meier Museum coming mid-November in Italy. This development, as a painter, is the most thrilling experience I’ve had to date. I’m so elated I could weep but I won’t because there’s no time for that. Instead, I’m working tirelessly on new pieces.

When questioned about the present state of affairs in the U.S., Stone expressed a sense of fear without directly referencing Trump or Biden. He acknowledged the historical pattern of countries experiencing periods where individuals seek control, adding, “I’m grateful I’m not a politician.” He continued by expressing his deep affection for America and voicing concern over current events. He noted that this is the first time in his life he has seen someone running for office based on hate and suppression. However, Stone emphasized that while the U.S. may be facing these challenges, it is not the first or last country to do so.

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2024-07-19 19:46