Samuel L. Jackson Signed His First Marvel Offer for Nine Movies and Wondered: ‘How Long Do You Have to Stay Alive to Make Nine Movies?’

As a seasoned movie critic with decades of film industry insights, I must say that Samuel L. Jackson‘s career trajectory is nothing short of extraordinary. His unwavering dedication to his craft and his unique ability to embody iconic characters like Nick Fury have solidified his status as a Hollywood legend.

In an in-depth chat for GQ magazine, Samuel L. Jackson shared his surprise at how swiftly Marvel Studios moved through the terms of his initial nine-film contract. Originally, he consented to Marvel’s proposal to portray Nick Fury in a total of nine films, starting with a brief appearance at the finale of “Iron Man” (2008). Since then, Jackson has been featured in over a dozen Marvel productions, such as various “Avengers” installments and key films like “Iron Man 2” and “The Marvels.

Jackson stated, “I was aware that I had a contract for nine films.” Kevin Feige, the head of Marvel Studios, informed me, “We’re going to propose a nine-film deal to you.” I hadn’t realized they would produce nine movies in just two and a half years. That’s quite rapid! It seems like I’m burning through my contracts. Fortunately, it all worked out.

Jackson has expressed to The Los Angeles Times that his passion for the Nick Fury character has never waned, and he prefers creating blockbuster Marvel films with a potential box office gross of billions over pursuing Oscars or seeking out parts in movies aimed at winning awards.

Though I initially felt disappointed about not winning an Oscar, considering ‘I deserved one for this or that,’ I eventually got over it long ago and it no longer holds much significance for me,” Jackson shared. “Nevertheless, I always enjoy attending the Oscars. I appreciate receiving a presenter’s gift basket, which I share with my family members. My daughter and wife often pick out items from the basket. It’s quite exciting… But beyond that, I’ve moved past it.

Jackson remarked, “I’ve never made the Oscars the benchmark for my success or failure as an actor. My true measure of success is my contentment: Am I pleased with what I’m accomplishing? I’m not making films to win statues. Instead, I prefer being Nick Fury, or enjoying myself as Mace Windu wielding a lightsaber.

During Jackson’s time as Marvel’s top agent, he additionally starred in his personal Disney+ series titled “Secret Invasion.” You can see Jackson’s entire interview in the GQ video provided below.

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2024-09-26 01:16