Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 8 recap: Fly, you fools

As I delve deeper into these tales of Middle Earth, I find myself utterly captivated by their richness and depth. The life journey of this stranger, now known as Gandalf, is particularly intriguing. From his humble beginnings in the battered village to his fateful encounter with Tom Bombadil, it seems each step has been guided by some unseen hand.

Celebrimbor perishes, Sauron triumphs, yet the Elven race comes together.

In last week’s almost-final episode of The Rings of Power, there was a massacre taking place. Celebrimbor managed to save some pieces of his plans and created the Nine rings, while Sauron continued his deception by appearing as fire and rain, causing destruction upon Eregion with Adar’s Orcs gradually tearing down the magnificent city.

After Elrond’s unexpected kiss toward Galadriel, a clash erupted (on my part, as a fervent spectator), as Elves and Uruks engaged fiercely on the muddy marshlands outside the city limits. Meanwhile, Prince Durin mobilized the Dwarves to engage in the battle with their axes, but he abruptly halted them to pacify the king, who had succumbed to an insatiable greed deep within Khazad-dûm.

Before discussing the Stranger and Tom Bombadil, let me assure you that their identities are indeed clarified in a comprehensive manner (and my suspicions were confirmed!).

The Balrog waketh!

Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 8 recap: Fly, you fools

In the depths of the mine, Durin discovers his father, whose mind and spirit have been tainted by the ring. With a low growl rumbling within him, he commands the king to remove the ring from his finger, or face the loss of his hand.

He questions whether you possess the strength not only to handle an axe, but also to use it against your father,” he says, and Durin confesses that he does not have the courage for such a task. He reminisces about arm wrestling matches with his father, recalling how he would allow his father to raise his hand slightly, just enough to instill some pride before crushing it back down.

Show strength once more, Father… remove that barrier,” he pleads, yet he denies and instead smashes a hole in the wall, causing stones to cascade down the abyss. “Join me to witness the genuine riches hidden within our mountains,” the king invites.

Gazing upon the “Durin dynasty,” where mithril treasures spanned lifetimes, a fiery radiance surged from beneath. Suddenly, a searing whip, like a flash of lightning, seized the king’s ankle and dragged him towards the precipice. It quickly became evident that the assailant was none other than the Balrog – the very creature that Gandalf confronted in The Fellowship of the Ring.

After being pushed away by the power of its blade, King Durin takes off his ring at last. “I always kept you from striking,” he says to him, then charges towards the Balrog wielding his axe. Their weapons collide, and the ensuing shockwave causes the mine to cave in (one of the most thrilling scenes in the entire series).

The Stranger meets the Dark Wizard

Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 8 recap: Fly, you fools

Under the dusky sky of Rhûn, he encounters the Dark Wizard. “Manwë [the leader of the Ainur, the wizards and divine spirits] foretold your arrival. I must admit my resolve wavered at times, but my belief in you, my old companion, remained steadfast,” he says to him.

As a gamer, I can’t help but feel a thrill as my character reveals a significant truth about themselves: they are among the Istari, one of the five. “It was you who persuaded me to forsake the farthest west and enter this world,” they say, “for you knew that none of us could stand a chance against Sauron alone.

According to The Stranger, it was reported that the Dark Wizard desired a partnership with the Dark Lord, yet he disregards this claim. Instead, he pledges to provide him with the information he’s longed for – “details about his past, his identity, and even his magical staff.

As the situation seemed to improve, the Dark Wizard managed to locate Nori and Poppy safely. However, just as things appeared calm, ominous figures in masks appeared brandishing knives against their necks. In a brutal act, he murdered one of them, causing the other two to scamper away in fear.

Gathering around, he shares the story behind his named, a title born from “fear” and “ignorance”. Poppy and Nori question his actions against the bandit, but he counters, “Compassion alone cannot vanquish Sauron.

The Unknown Figure is curious if the Mystic Sorcerer desires to vanquish Sauron and assume his position as a ruler. Indeed, he does, and he wishes for the Stranger to join him. “I’d rather wander this desert eternally, unnamed and uncared for,” he responds.

The Sinister Sorcerer strongly disapproves of that situation. He lifts countless stones from beneath the earth and suspends them above the Stoors’ settlement. “When you regain consciousness,” he warns, then lets the rocks fall on everyone – but fortunately, the Mysterious Figure arrives in time, intercepting most of them to prevent a disaster.

Phârazon prosecutes the Faithful

Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 8 recap: Fly, you fools

The situation in Númenor grows increasingly darker as Phârazon accuses Miriel of being an ally of Sauron and surviving a trial by abyss using a sea worm’s help. He then declares the leaders of the Faithful as traitors, prompting Lord Belzagar to mobilize the king’s army against those who oppose him.

Gazing up at the cascading foliage of Númenor’s tree, I find myself awestruck as it gently drifts across the sunset sky. In a desperate plea, Ëarien implores Elendil for aid, prompting him to embark on a western journey. Yet, Miriel stands firm, refusing to depart with him.

She claims her home is in Númenor, yet she bestows upon him an extraordinary gift – Narsil, known as “the White Flame.” This sword will eventually be refashioned into Andúril, Aragorn’s sword. “Regain your rule and with this blade, fulfill your destiny,” she advises him.

RIP Celebrimbor

Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 8 recap: Fly, you fools

The situation continues to deteriorate within Eregion as the Orcs rampage through the city and target the few remaining archers. Galadriel guides a small party towards safety, but they soon find themselves surrounded by Orcs in the forest. In an attempt to protect them, she proposes a deal: if they allow her safe passage, she will surrender herself to Adar.

As Sauron mercilessly torments Celebrimbor with repeated arrow attacks, hoping to force him to reveal where the Nine rings are hidden, the tortured blacksmith resists. Despite his body being drenched in blood and shaking in pain, he refuses to give in. “The rings lie beyond your grasp,” he says, “and soon I shall depart for the shores of the dawn, carried away by a wind you can never chase.

Sauron does not want you to die so quickly, and he makes it clear to you. He suggests methods for prolonging your life, but warns you that he is a manifestation of Morgoth, destined to be defeated by the Rings of Power. One Ring in particular, he says, will lead to his complete downfall.

Equipped with a spear, he thrusts it into Celebrimbor’s abdomen, pushing him against a column. “I am the maker,” he declares, and with his final gasps, Celebrimbor replies: “No, you are held captive. Sauron… The Ring’s Master.

As the Orcs approach, they query whether he is known as Sauron. “I go by various names,” he replies softly, a single tear trickling down his cheek.

Kemen takes over Pelargir

Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 8 recap: Fly, you fools

In Pelargir, Theo inquires from Isildur about how he manages with the loss of his mother. “Not well… I’ve borne it poorly. I hadn’t recognized that until I arrived here. It appears there are greater things happening than I thought, and after which I felt insignificant,” he replies.

Isildur proposes taking Theo to the land of Númenor, yet he expresses a preference for living as an ordinary person, referring to himself as a “commoner.” Estrid enters, sharing that her husband has begun constructing a home for them in Pelargir. “I believed his gentleness represented love,” she admits, “but when I heard those words, I felt unwell.” They embrace, and he invites her to accompany him on his expedition.

Unbeknownst to them, Kemen – often compared to Middle-earth’s Joffrey – has just made an appearance. With this arrival, he swiftly annuls the colony’s previous accord with Miriel. He reconnects with Isildur, but their warm greeting quickly turns frosty as Kemen’s immaturity creeps in. He denies Estrid boarding the ship to Númenor and reveals that Elendil is wanted for high treason.

In a spiteful tone, he declares, “If things were up to me, the old man would no longer be alive.” Before making a chilling promise to harm Berek, he continues. Meanwhile, Isildur composes himself as Kemen shares that Pelargir is being transformed into a fortress for Númenor’s soldiers. The inhabitants will have to provide timber if they wish to remain in the city.

Afterward, Isildur sets sail on a vessel bound for Númenor, leaving Estrid and Theo ashore. Meanwhile, as Elendil departs from Númenor, we observe Miriel, who is shackled, standing before Phârazon.

Adar… the Elf

Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 8 recap: Fly, you fools

As a devout admirer of Middle-earth lore, I find myself expressing my delight in relaying the news: Galadriel consents to Adar’s conditions. With a shared determination to vanquish Sauron, she extends an alliance. Remarkably, Galadriel offers Adar and his Orcs safe haven within Mordor, allowing them to dwell peacefully and undisturbed.

As I turned around, I felt a surge of life returning to me, thanks to Galadriel’s magical ring. “When I was last in this state,” I pondered aloud, “I went by another moniker… a trivial name, one that wasn’t truly mine. Adar is the title I’ve earned.

Instead of desiring such power himself, he offers the ring to Galadriel, promising to establish an enduring truce on Middle-earth should they collaborate. With Sauron vanquished, there’ll be no more fire or strife – only unity and peace shall remain.

One of Adar’s most trusted companions from Uruk is carried in on a stretcher, having been wounded by Sauron. Upon approaching, he whispers “It’s already too late” and stabs Adar, meeting his own demise in a scene reminiscent of the Dark Lord’s execution at the start of the Second Age.

Sauron vs Galadriel

Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 8 recap: Fly, you fools

In this rephrased version: Sauron stealthily emerges behind Galadriel, instructing the Orcs to destroy what is left of Sauron. However, she attempts to counterattack, but he blocks her with a weapon infused with Morgoth’s power – his crown. In that moment, Sauron notices her ring shining in his gaze. Desiring both her ring and the Nine, a battle breaks out between them.

Galadriel gives Sauron a slash across his face and pushes him over a wall, yet it’s evident that he is the stronger of the two. However, she becomes momentarily confused when he adopts the appearance of Halbrand. In response, she attacks, only to find herself transformed into him instead. This leaves her battling her own reflection. For a short while, he morphs into Celebrimbor before both of them tumble from a rocky outcropping onto the ground below.

I perceive you, I understand your thoughts. The situation remains unresolved,” he proposes. “It’s over,” she assures, preparing for a more intense battle. He corners her, using Morgoth’s crown as a barrier. “Had I crowned you, a queen of light revered across Middle-earth,” he declares, “I would have ceaselessly pursued peace until the entire land bowed to your radiance.

Galadriel declares that the Free Folks of Middle-earth will never submit to him. However, as she’s knocked down, he regains control of the Nine. He mentally commands her to give him her ring, which she reluctantly removes and gives to him. She then clenches the ring tightly. “Heal Middle-earth by healing yourself,” she advises him. After this, she sacrifices herself by falling backwards off a cliff, ensuring he cannot reach her.

Elrond uses the ring to save Galadriel

Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 8 recap: Fly, you fools

On the lands of Eregion, Gil-galad and Elrond are compelled to bear witness as Orcs destroy every trace of Celebrimbor’s craftsmanship, turning his history into ashes. The Dwarves then arrive, inciting them to retaliate. Elrond believes he recognizes Durin, but it is Narvi who informs him that “the prince is in mourning.

They discover Galadriel, who, due to her injuries inflicted by Morgoth’s crown, is being irresistibly pulled towards the realm of darkness. Alone, Gil-galad cannot rescue her, so Elrond takes on her ring instead.

The Stranger is… Gandalf!

Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 8 recap: Fly, you fools

Despite Nori and Poppy’s best efforts to assist the Stoors in rebuilding their village, there are some things that can never be restored. Regardless of how determined we may be, or how painful it might be, there are times when our attempts are futile. The world is vast, and at times, the forces working against us are simply too powerful. Mr Burrows once said, “When things break beyond repair, all we can do is acknowledge it and move on.

In a heartfelt farewell, the Stoors graciously thank the Stranger, whom they affectionately refer to as the “great elf”, before embarking on their inaugural migration. As Nori looks into his eyes, she says, “It’s long past due for me to tread my path and for you to follow yours.” With heavy hearts, they bid each other a tearful goodbye.

He’s left alone in the battered village, but as he walks away, his foot catches a large stick. It’s his staff!

As I, the gamer, step back into the dwelling of Tom Bombadil, I realize that this nameless journey is etched in my memory forevermore. “Ah, it seems like another one of your enigmatic tests, doesn’t it?” I muse. “I was destined to prioritize camaraderie over dominance, to aid rather than conquer, and ultimately, to uncover this…

A wizard doesn’t happen to stumble upon his staff; instead, the staff finds him, much like his name,” Bombadil muses. After a brief pause, he shares his insight: “I suppose they will be calling me Gandalf, don’t you think?

Now, Bombadil initiates the melody, and the duo serenades through the evening hours. Meanwhile, a shadowy figure gazes up at the heavens; it remains unclear whether he is Saruman, one of the Blue Wizards, or someone else altogether – we are yet to discover his identity.

In the depths of Khazad-dûm, Narvi informs Durin that the survivors from Eregion sought refuge in a northern valley. “Inform [Elrond],” he advises, “that Khazad-dûm is prepared to extend assistance once again.” However, as Disa notes, they themselves are grappling with their own issues.

She expresses that my father’s death has left us in a complicated situation. The rulers of the Blue Mountains had bestowed great gifts upon him, and now they wish to reclaim these tributes. Moreover, as Narvi informs me, other Dwarves assert they have a right to the throne – including his brother.

Welcome to Rivendell

Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 8 recap: Fly, you fools

In a tranquil haven, guarded by Elven rings, Galadriel stirs awake. Though it’s never named Rivendell, it’s unmistakably where they find themselves, in its most primitive form. Elrond returns her ring to Galadriel, and there she is reunited with Arondir.

In a critical moment, Gil-galad faces a choice: he can either launch an offensive against Sauron or withdraw to fortify his defenses – this dilemma is often referred to as the choice between the sword and the shield. Galadriel advises that they should emphasize to their people that light triumphs over darkness, not just brute strength.

She remarks, “The sun is still shining,” as they survey the survivors. Gil-galad lifts his sword high above them, signaling the start of battle. The war has commenced.

  • Episode 1
  • Episode 2
  • Episode 3
  • Episode 4
  • Episode 5
  • Episode 6
  • Episode 7

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2024-10-03 10:19