REVIEW: “The Beast Within” (2024)

As a cinephile who has traversed the labyrinth of genre films and delved deep into the human psyche through cinema, I find “The Beast Within” to be a captivating exploration of both worlds. The film skillfully weaves together themes of family, trauma, and identity while maintaining an edge-of-your-seat horror thriller vibe.

“The Struggle Within”

The proverb underscores a deep struggle that the movie “The Beast Within” symbolically portrays using an old-fashioned werewolf theme. However, beneath its horror and thriller elements, this film delves into human issues that transcend genre boundaries. Topics like father-daughter dynamics, loss of innocence, and intergenerational trauma are woven throughout the narrative, becoming more apparent as the story progresses.

REVIEW: “The Beast Within” (2024)

In the filmmaking process, Director Alexander J. Farrell, collaborating with Greer Ellison on the script, appears to maximize impact with minimal resources. It’s plausible that budget limitations played a role in some decisions, while others demonstrate keen intuition. The compact cast and confined setting are not only economical but also suit this specific narrative. Additionally, there’s a scarcity of elaborate creature effects, as Farrell predominantly keeps the lycan off-screen during the movie. While it might seem like a simplification, this approach proves effective in serving the story best interests.

The story primarily unfolds in and around a secluded manor, with much of it narrated by a young girl named Willow (portrayed skillfully by Caoilinn Springall, who was also impressive in this year’s “Stopmotion”). Willow has an enigmatic lung condition that necessitates the use of oxygen when she becomes distressed, which is not uncommon in their turbulent home. Her mother, Imogen (Ashleigh Cummings), strives to shield her daughter from a disturbing family mystery. However, the more inquisitive and perceptive Willow covertly investigates, the nearer she comes to an agonizing truth.

In contrast to her strong bonds with her mother and grandfather, Willow’s relationship with her father, Noah, is complex. She holds him in high esteem and also feels apprehensive towards him due to his erratic behavior that fluctuates between affectionate and angry. These mixed emotions arise from Noah’s unstable demeanor. However, instead of addressing the underlying problem, everyone avoids discussing it with Willow, even as Noah becomes increasingly volatile during a full moon phase, keeping her in the dark about the situation.

REVIEW: “The Beast Within” (2024)

Throughout the film, Noah often stays on the outskirts, creating an unsettling atmosphere that Farrell skillfully exploits. This positioning enables us to focus on the characters and their complex relationships, which are the heart of the movie’s narrative. Yet, it also builds a palpable tension that escalates as secrets gradually unfold. Harington effectively portrays both wolves, while Springall convincingly evokes our compassion.

At its conclusion, while the symbolism in the tale might seem quite straightforward, it still packs a powerful punch. Farrell introduces some intriguing twists, and he masterfully sparks curiosity by posing questions that linger in our minds. Simultaneously, cinematographer Daniel Katz reinforces the mood with his skillful compositions, atmospheric indoor scenes, and breathtaking yet ominous aerial views of the landscape. This family story, though leisurely paced, is both challenging and rewarding as it requires our patience. “The Beast Within” can now be watched on VOD.

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2024-08-20 17:56