Pokemon Go March 2025 Events: Raids, Spotlight Hours, Community Days, And More

The mobile game Pokémon Go is set to start a fresh chapter this month, and they’re making quite an entrance! Throughout March, players can look forward to a mix of brand-new and returning activities and events.

The upcoming Might and Mastery series will introduce the mythical Pokemon Kubfu into its season-long narrative starting on March 5th. Additionally, the game will feature two Community Days this month, along with a Dynamax Raikou Max Battle Weekend and a Mega Absol Raid Event day.

For the upcoming weeks in March, there are several exciting events lined up in Pokemon Go, including the Bug Out and Festival of Colors, in addition to what we’ve already seen with March’s activities. Here is a list of the major events happening in Pokemon Go this month:

[List of events]

Table of Contents [hide]

  • March Raid Schedule
    • Max Battles
    • Five-star Raids
    • Mega Raids
    • Shadow Raids
  • March Spotlight Hours
  • Powerful Potential
    • Field Research Encounters
    • Raids
    • Max Battles
  • Fuecoco Community Day
  • Festival of Colors
  • Dynamax Raikou Max Battle Weekend
  • Catch Mastery: Archen
  • Deep Depths
  • Totodile Community Day Classic
  • Mega Absol Raid Day
  • Bug Out
  • Fuzzy Buddy Research Day

March Raid Schedule

Pokemon Go is refreshing its raid rotations once again beginning March 4.

In the initial part of this month, the legendary birds Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres are coming back for five-star raids. Tapu Koko and Heatran are expected to join later in March. As for Mega Raids, they will showcase Mega Lucario, Mega Swampert, and Mega Pinsir. Additionally, Shadow Regice will be seen in special Shadow Raids every weekend.

During Max Battles this month, you’ll encounter a fresh lineup of Dynamax Pokémon, such as Chansey, Machop, and Caterpie. For the complete schedule of Raids in March, take a look below:

Max Battles

March 4-10

  • Gastly
  • Beldum
  • Pidove
  • Darumaka
  • Sobble

March 10-17

  • Krabby
  • Beldum
  • Drilbur
  • Darumaka

March 17-24

  • Machop
  • Chansey
  • Scorbunny
  • Falinks

March 24-31

  • Charmander
  • Caterpie
  • Chansey
  • Pidove

Five-star Raids

March 4-13

  • Articuno
  • Zapdos
  • Moltres

March 13-22

  • Tapu Koko (w/Nature’s Madness)

March 22-31

  • Heatran

Mega Raids

March 4-13

  • Mega Lucario

March 13-22

  • Mega Swampert

March 22-31

  • Mega Pinsir

Shadow Raids

Weekends in March

  • Shadow Regice

March Spotlight Hours

In March, there will be an increased number of Spotlight Hour events hosted by Pokemon Go, each featuring unique Pokemon selections and exciting bonuses for players to enjoy throughout the month.

Every Tuesday evening between 6 PM and 7 PM local time, a specific type of Pokémon becomes more common in the wild, providing a great opportunity to expand your Pokedex and accumulate candy. Additionally, during that hour, you’ll receive an additional bonus when capturing Pokémon, like double XP or Stardust.

You can see March’s Spotlight Hour schedule below:

March 4

  • Featured Pokemon: Makuhita
  • Bonus: 2x transfer candy

March 11

  • Featured Pokemon: Roselia
  • Bonus: 2x evolution XP

March 18

  • Featured Pokemon: Shellder
  • Bonus: 2x catch Stardust

March 25

  • Featured Pokemon: Cutiefly
  • Bonus: 2x catch XP

Powerful Potential

Pokemon Go begins its latest season on March 5th with an exciting event called “Powerful Potential,” which continues until March 10th.

The happening signals the beginning of the “Might and Mastery” Special Research narrative, where players will encounter the legendary Wushu Pokémon Kubfu in the game for the very first time. Furthermore, this event offers an exclusive opportunity to capture a radiant Charcadet.

During this event, not only the highlighted Pokémon will be showcased, but also Timed and Field Research missions themed for specific events, as well as unique Raid and Max Battle opponents. These special bosses will join the fray alongside your featured Pokémon.

Field Research Encounters

  • Alolan Raichu
  • Hisuian Typhlosion
  • Sableye
  • Gothita
  • Solosis
  • Sinistea



  • Gothita
  • Solosis
  • Sinistea


  • Alolan Raichu
  • Hisuian Typhlosion
  • Sableye

Max Battles


  • Dynamax Grookey
  • Dynamax Scorbunny
  • Dynamax Sobble


  • Gigantamax Venusaur
  • Gigantamax Charizard
  • Gigantamax Blastoise

Fuecoco Community Day

The inaugural Community Day for March Pokemon Go is happening on the 8th, and it features the fire-type reptile Fuecoco as the star.

Between 2 and 5 in your local afternoon, Fuecoco will be more commonly found in the wild, giving you a better chance of discovering a shimmering Fuecoco. Moreover, if you manage to evolve Crocalor, Fuecoco’s evolved form, into Skeledirge by March 15th, it will acquire the powerful Charged Attack, Blast Burn, upon evolution.

During this event, along with an abundance of Fuecoco appearing, some additional perks are up for grabs! For instance, Lure Modules or Incense you activate will last a whopping three hours. Plus, capturing Pokémon brings triple Stardust rewards and double Experience Points. Furthermore, the game presents special Time-limited and Field Research missions to conquer throughout the event.

Festival of Colors

The celebration carries on as the Festival of Colors returns, happening between March 13th and 17th. Further information will be shared nearer the time.

Dynamax Raikou Max Battle Weekend

Players of Pokemon Go can look forward to expanding their collection by capturing an additional Dynamax legendary Pokemon during the special Dynamax Raikou Max Battle Weekend, taking place from 15th to 16th March.

During this event, not only do you get an opportunity to battle Dynamax Raikou in five-star Max Battles, but there are some exciting extras as well! For a limited time, the collection limit for Max Particles will be boosted to 1,600, and Power Spots will refresh at a faster rate. Additionally, you’ll receive eight times the standard amount of Max Particles from each Power Spot you visit. Enjoy the enhanced rewards!

Catch Mastery: Archen

Pokemon Go has announced another Catch Mastery event, featuring the Fossil Pokemon Archen as the star. This event will occur on March 16th, starting at 10 AM and ending at 8 PM in your local time zone.

Deep Depths

The ongoing Might and Mastery season in Pokemon Go sees the introduction of a fresh event titled “Deep Depths”, scheduled for the period between March 19 to 24. Further information regarding this event will be disclosed towards the latter part of March.

Totodile Community Day Classic

The second Community Day event in March is scheduled for the 22nd of that month, featuring the water-type Pokemon Totodile as the main attraction.

During the duration of this event, you’re likely to spot Totodiles in the wild more often than usual, and your chances of finding a shimmering Totodile are boosted. Furthermore, any Croconaws that you evolve into Feraligatr before March 29 will gain the ability to use Hydro Cannon as a charged attack.

Additionally, the game presents themed Timed and Field Research tasks for players to accomplish along with some extra perks. Lure Modules and Incense will be active for three hours instead of their regular time span, and eggs placed in Incubators will hatch at one-quarter of the typical distance needed.

Mega Absol Raid Day

Mega Absol is the star of another special Raid Day event scheduled for March 23.

Bug Out

The Bug Out event for Pokemon Go is coming back from March 26th to the 30th. This annual occasion usually focuses on Pokemon of the bug type, but Niantic hasn’t shared specifics about this year’s festivities yet; they plan to reveal more information later in March.

Fuzzy Buddy Research Day

Pokemon Go concludes March by hosting a Fuzzy Buddy Research Day on the 29th of March. Further information about the event will be shared as we get closer to it.

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2025-03-02 00:25