Palworld: Gamers Unite for Future Feature Wish List

As a long-time Palworld player, I can’t help but feel excited when I see the community come together to discuss potential features for upcoming game updates. The recent thread on Reddit about desired improvements truly resonated with me.

Reddit serves as a gathering place for Palworld gamers, where they collaboratively generate a lengthy wishlist of desired new features for future game upgrades.

Let’s start a list of features we would like to see in future updates
byu/Successful-Coyote99 inPalworld


  • Players crave more control with a control panel for sorting and sharing supplies across bases.
  • Customization is key with suggestions for naming bases, adding notes to pals, and creating favorite tabs for different pal categories.
  • A desire for improved admin controls and the ability to convert ancient tech to normal tech points is prevalent.

Control Panel Chaos

In simpler terms, Palworld gamers crave a user-friendly control panel to effectively organize their storage units and resources. This desire for an organized system is consistently expressed by players who place great value on conveniently managing their in-game possessions.

The Power of Customization

In Palworld, I’m thrilled by the freedom to customize every nook and cranny to my heart’s content. From giving unique names to my bases and structures, to adding personalized notes and icons to my pals, I relish the opportunity to make each part of the game truly mine. The enthusiasm for favorite tab requests for various pal categories underscores our collective yearning for a bespoke gaming experience that caters to our unique playstyles.

Admin Angst

As an avid fan of Palworld, I’ve noticed that there’s been a growing concern among the community about the limited admin controls in the game. Many players have voiced their strong desire for more robust administrative capabilities to effectively manage their servers. The current situation presents challenges when it comes to server settings and player interactions, making these topics recurring themes in discussions surrounding future updates.

Enthusiastic Palworld players contribute ideas for new features, demonstrating their deep commitment to the game. They advocate for better structure, personalization choices, and administrative tools, collectively influencing the game’s progression. With a strong community of engaged gamers, Palworld’s future gleams with promise and intriguing prospects.

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2024-07-22 10:14