League of Legends: The Most Memorable Patch Moments for Champions
The initial post comes from a self-declared expert on Jhin who reminisces about the notorious Season 8 update when Guinsoo’s Rageblade enabled Jhin to dish out critical hits totaling over 1500 damage. Visualize the nerve-wracking laughter of your Jhin, causing chaos and hitting shots that could terrify even the bravest support players! This update was no joke—it was a storm that made gamers rush towards Jhin like they would for the last piece of pizza at a party. Alas, not all moments are destined to endure, as Riot quickly rectified this imbalance in damage, leaving our Jhin fan and many others mourning what might have been. Amusing comments poured in, with CJ24251 jokingly suggesting that any update capable of transforming jungle item Ezreal into a mid-lane monster should receive an award for the mayhem it caused.