Why Ms. Freeze Should’ve Taken a Backseat to Killer Frost in Suicide Squad
Initially, our focus is on the surprising decision of introducing Ms. Freeze in “Suicide Squad”, which left many spectators puzzled. As RevShadow_508 notes, fans were looking forward to revisiting the Suicide Squad universe, but found themselves questioning why there was a shift towards Ms. Freeze rather than exploring Killer Frost’s storyline further. RevShadow highlights that with more intriguing characters hiding in the nooks and crannies of the DC universe, the choice of Ms. Freeze seems somewhat unexpected, given the presence of stronger candidates: a perspective shared by other players. A comment from lilGojii even humorously emphasized this point, stating that Ms. Freeze isn’t popular among fans; in fact, she’s not a character that people were hoping for. It feels like picking vanilla ice cream when you could have chosen from an entire sundae bar!