Hades, the critically acclaimed roguelike game from Supergiant Games, features a complex protagonist named Zagreus, who constantly navigates his lineage and identity. Recently, a Reddit post sparked a conversation about why Zagreus reacts negatively when he is referred to as a “God,” especially by characters such as Achilles. The original post, authored by Daviso452, raises intriguing questions regarding Zagreus’ perception of his own identity, the expectations of divine heritage, and how these elements shape his relationships with other characters and his quest to escape the Underworld. The Reddit thread explores various interpretations of his repulsion towards godhood, which ultimately reveal deep-seated themes of self-discovery and the personal implications tied to his lineage. As players delve into Zagreus’ journey, they see a character grappling with familial expectations and seeking to forge his own identity, rather than simply embracing a title handed down to him by his heritage.