Wonder Woman’s Shocking Fate in Suicide Squad: What Happened to Our Favorite Amazon?
In the world of superhero action, it came as quite a shock to many when Wonder Woman engaged in combat against a clone of Superman. An initial Reddit post by LuckyBoneHead refers to a video explanation given by Harley Quinn. In this video, Harley alleges that all Justice League members fighting against the Suicide Squad are clones, while the genuine Justice League remains untouched. However, Wonder Woman’s absence from this reassurance has left fans like GeneJacket feeling slighted. They express their discontent by saying, “Nope, you didn’t miss a thing…she’s the only one that’s actually dead,” suggesting that her departure appears to be an awkwardly executed plot twist. This sudden demise seems abrupt and devoid of emotional impact, given Wonder Woman’s significant role in the DC universe. The lack of information concerning her death leaves fans puzzled as to whether more background details were discarded during production.