After three episodes, I’m still amazed at how this show manages to evoke such strong emotions amidst all the turmoil. The “9:00 a.m.” hour seems even more chaotic than the previous ones, which is quite something. When a patient comes in with a nail to their heart and there’s humor – let’s remind those med students about melee again, Hank the construction worker! – as well as danger, it’s hard not to be amused…and concerned. Yet, by the end of the episode, that patient becomes almost insignificant, leading one to wonder if there might be too much happening? I’m immersed in the intense realism The Pitt is aiming for, but with so many patients coming and going quickly, it’s becoming challenging to connect with them all. We may not be Dr. Robby, the Master of Multitasking, but we appreciate having a few long-term patients to help ground the narrative. I understand why it’s done this way, but I’m also grateful for these recurring characters that anchor our story.