Did Supercell Forget About Star Levels in Clash Royale? Reddit Users Weigh In!
The main point of contention centers on the star levels, an aspect added to cards to make them more visually appealing as players advance in the game. Since the addition of the Mother Witch, which introduced a new star level, dedicated Clash Royale players have felt neglected. User denis29weer succinctly expressed this sentiment: “Star levels don’t bring in any money for them, so they don’t care about them at all.” This statement reflects a growing view that Supercell prioritizes profits over creating engaging gameplay experiences. Many players have shared similar sentiments, expressing a sense of disillusionment as the game appears to focus more on monetization and less on new features, thus losing some of its initial appeal. How is it that a game once known for its innovative elements seems to be stuck in a loop of monetization?