Overwatch 2 Patch: Why Are the Most Broken Heroes Still Untouched?

The debut of Overwatch 2‘s first midseason update has arrived, however, it did not manage to balance out some of the most powerful characters within the game.

Hero Perks have dramatically changed the way Overwatch 2 operates, unlocking new abilities for heroes throughout a match. As the first iteration of Hero Perks, it was understandable that many outliers exist with imperfect balance. With Perks, characters like Sojourn, Torbjorn, and Ana became incredibly strong and near must picks in every game.

Regrettably, although the midseason update claimed to rectify several weak Perks, it failed to improve the key abilities of these characters significantly. Consequently, we may find ourselves returning to the familiar meta that previously existed.

The strong remain strong

Overwatch 2’s mid-season 15 patch seemed to take the popularized approach of “if everyone is broken, no one is.” With hardly any nerfs coming the way of the strongest heroes, the balance team opted to buff up some of the weaker Perks instead.

Unfortunately, this means the top performing characters like Sojourn, Ana, and Tracer escaped with no nerfs at all, while other top tier heroes like Torbjorn escaped with a slap on the wrist. In fact, Tracer actually received a buff to one of her Perks.

In their latest update, Blizzard decided to enhance Sombra, Soldier: 76, and Genji, who were already popular choices, but it’s doubtful that these adjustments will significantly shift the balance at the higher skill levels.

Initial responses to the patch updates are quite varied. While some players praised the approach of boosting weaker characters, many others have expressed disappointment due to Blizzard not taking immediate steps to reduce the power level of overpowered characters.

“No Ana perks nerf or [Sojourn] nerf is crazy,” said one player.

“No changes to Sojourn and they buffed one of Tracer’s instead of doing anything to how ridiculous the recall blink one is,” wrote another. “It’s joever.”

Critics have pointed out that there haven’t been enough adjustments to Ana and Zarya, who are considered two of the most powerful characters in their game roles.

“Not nerfing double nano is uh…interesting,” said one user.

“So we are playing ZaryaWatch for the rest of the season,” wrote another player.

More major changes are likely expected during the next season, especially with Blizzard’s promise to introduce new Perks entirely. Still, as players were expecting more of a dramatic balance philosophy from Overwatch 2, this midseason patch is understandably disappointing from the balance side, at least from the perspective of most players.

It’s possible that Blizzard might be making adjustments (nerfs) to certain characters, but they could counterbalance these changes by improving others (buffs). We won’t fully understand how this patch affects gameplay until players have had some time to test out the newly buffed heroes.

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2025-03-18 22:55