The Brazilian film studio, Coala Films, has joined forces with BAP – Animation Studios for the Portuguese animated feature “Una.” This partnership will enable production on this project to commence in the coming year, thanks to the financial support from BAP – Animation Studios.

At Annecy last June, “Una” was spotlighted during the Portuguese Projects Pitch event. This marks the feature film debut for David Doutel and Vasco Sá, who are producers at BAP – Animation Studios. As directors, they’ve garnered international acclaim with their shorts, such as “Soot” (2014), “Augur” (2018), and the latest one, “Garrano” (2022).

Using “Una,” Doutel and Sá explore escalating social problems, connecting Una’s resistance against a polluting lithium mine in her valley to similar struggles worldwide that aim to counteract the harmful effects of unchecked capitalist exploitation of the environment.

The project named “Una” is being funded by ICA (Portugal), ANCINE (Brazil), PIC Portugal – Cash Rebate and MEDIA Creative Europe, and is being produced by Bando à Parte in collaboration with co-producers BAP Animation Studios, who managed the project’s pre-production phase. Now, Coala Filmes has also joined as a producer for this project.

According to Sá, collaborating with Coala Filmes in Brazil was essential because it enabled us to initiate the film’s production at the start of the new year, as shared with EbMaster, our latest film partner.

It brings us great joy to learn that a segment of ‘Una’ will be produced in a nation that holds special significance for us, due to our strong bond with them, encompassing not just our shared language but also the central themes of our film, where we share common concerns.

Coala Filmes is a 20-year veteran animation studio with a diverse collection of works. Among them are the short films “Dossiê Rê Bordosa” and “Tempestade,” along with the highly acclaimed feature “Bob Spit – We Don’t Like People,” which was Coala Filmes’ first feature film. This groundbreaking production premiered in the Contrechamp competition at Annecy 2021, where it clinched the top prize for that section. Interestingly, it was also the inaugural Latin American film to win the Grand Prix at the esteemed Ottawa International Animation Film Festival.

While most key elements for “Una’s” creative jigsaw have been set, additional collaborators might join the team soon.

According to Sá, we’re currently discussing with potential collaborators about joining our project, so expect updates from us shortly.

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2025-01-07 20:18