Optimizing Tactician Trade System in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)

As a dedicated Team Fight Tactics (TFT) gamer with countless hours invested in the game, I wholeheartedly sympathize with the players voicing their concerns over the overwhelming abundance of tacticians in their collection. The feeling of possessing a surplus of characters yet being able to use only a fraction of them is both disheartening and frustrating.

TFT players are finding themselves with an excess of tacticians, leaving them feeling overwhelmed and wanting a trading system to help manage this abundance. According to cmfkr’s post, many players express their disappointment in having so many tacticians yet being able to utilize only a few of them.

Dear RIOT,
byu/cmfkr inTeamfightTactics


  • Players desire a system to trade or repurpose surplus tacticians.
  • Suggestions range from crushing tacticians for star shards to creating a tactician playlist.
  • Some players acknowledge the rarity of tacticians and propose alternative recycling methods.

A Plea for Trade

Some players, including AkumaLuck, have raised doubts about Riot introducing a trading system for tacticians due to its seeming improbability. In contrast, PoisonedSun24 proposes creative alternatives, such as allowing players to reroll tacticians for various rewards, similar to the process of acquiring new skins in other games.

Player Frustrations

Irrationate and other players often voice their annoyance about the abundance of tacticians in the game, fearing that their roles become obsolete and underutilized. Within the gaming community, there’s a growing consensus that we could find better ways to employ surplus tacticians instead of letting their talents go to waste.

Creative Alternatives

Certain players, like SPIRlT, suggest innovative approaches to dealing with excess tacticians in Teamfight Tactics. For instance, they propose trading tacticians for “tactician fragments” or incorporating a changing tactician roster to keep games interesting. These ideas offer more captivating alternatives to the current method of managing an abundance of tacticians.

As a dedicated gamer of TFT, I’m always thrilled to see the community actively engaging in discussions about ways to make our favorite game even better. We’re not just talking about the problems we encounter, but actively seeking out innovative solutions to enhance the overall gameplay experience. By sharing diverse viewpoints and proposing creative alternatives, each one of us demonstrates a deep commitment to refining the mechanics of TFT and ensuring that every moment spent in-game is an enjoyable one for all players.

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2024-07-17 22:15