One LoL item is so powerful it can wipe out both teams at the same time

As a seasoned League of Legends veteran with over a decade under my belt, I’ve seen it all – from the rise and fall of champions, to the birth and death of items. But nothing quite compares to the sheer, unadulterated chaos that unfolds when Statikk Shiv decides to make an appearance.

In the game League of Legends, there’s an item that’s so potent it could obliterate both teams simultaneously, which would be equivalent to earning eight kills in quick succession – nearly instantly. This is almost like getting two ‘penta-kills’, a term used when a single player eliminates all five members of the opposing team.

In League of Legends, there’s an array of items to select from, which form a vital part of the game. These items play a crucial role in shaping how your champion behaves and performs during battle. They usually determine the strengths of your character, with most champions having a preferred item setup.

In addition, it’s worth noting that renowned artifacts often possess unique advantages, making them stronger than the sum of their parts. These perks may include extra damage, slowing effects, or even active abilities that bestow potent benefits.

One powerful item is the beloved Statikk Shiv. Originally removed from the game, the reprised item came back in full force. Balance changes have toned down the item a fair bit, but the item is still wreaking havoc, as demonstrated by this ridiculous clip.

Two Pentakill at once ft. Statikk Shiv
byu/jeffreyseh inleagueoflegends

When a player uses Statikk Shiv and successfully takes down an opponent, it unleashes chain lightning that electrifies any nearby enemies. This electric shock links to an endless number of targets as there’s something to strike. Remarkably, the effect can even trigger itself, leading to situations where things could potentially escalate significantly.

Here, Statikk Shiv repeatedly activated due to enemy deaths, effectively wiping out both teams without mercy.

Taking a closer look, it’s clear that Renata unleashes her final ability, inadvertently attacking her own team including Veigar, causing his demise. This action triggers Statikk Shiv, a lightning-fast item, which bounces between the two teams, inflicting massive damage.

The final outcome is the total elimination of both teams. This happens as intense chain lightning sweeps through all ten champions and their minions, causing widespread destruction. Notably, Vayne, who possessed the Statikk Shiv, managed to score a pentakill for her team. Similarly, Renata achieved a pentakill by ultimately focusing on Vayne.

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2024-09-23 08:48