Once Human: How To Play With Friends And How PvP Works

As a seasoned player of Once Human, I’ve spent countless hours exploring both PvE and PvP servers. The thrill of engaging in PvP combat is unlike anything else in this game. The adrenaline rush that courses through my veins when I’m battling it out with other players is truly unmatched.

In the game “Once Human,” you are introduced to a challenging environment brimming with menacing monsters and fellow players in desperate situations. You have the option to collaborate or compete with these Meta-humans, enabling you to acquire coveted loot and resources, whether out in the open world or within your protected territories. However, the specifics of teaming up or Player versus Player (PvP) interactions are not always clear. Depending on which server type you join, you might be unaware that PvP is even an option.

In Once Human, this is a breakdown of the essential information for making new friends, establishing groups similar to Hives and Warbands, and engaging in player versus player combat:

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  • It’s All About The Server
  • Add Friends, Create A Hive And A Warband
  • How To Play PvP In Once Human
    • Activate Chaos Mode
    • Find PvP Events
    • Use the Stardust Resonant Filter

It’s All About The Server

To begin with, if you’re starting Once Human with companions, it’s essential that you all join the same server. There are two types of servers–Player versus Player (PvP) and Player versus Environment (PvE). I’ll explain these further in a moment. No matter which type of server you choose, ensure your friends are on the same one before starting the game. If you create characters on different servers currently, there is no way to move a character to another server; instead, you would need to start over from scratch. Therefore, make sure you’ve decided on the correct server for your gaming experience.

In Once Human, the core gameplay remains consistent across servers. however, there are significant distinctions between its PvE (Player vs Environment) and PvP (Player vs Player) modes. A major aspect is the endgame and seasonal activities. The Manibus event represents the PvE endgame, featuring cooperative encounters to confront a massive boss. In contrast, Evolution’s Call takes the endgame in a more PvP direction. As Once Human introduces new seasons, it’s expected that these scenarios and their focal points will evolve accordingly.

Once Human: How To Play With Friends And How PvP Works

On PvE servers, engagements with hostile players are significantly reduced, making the environment less confrontational and more collaborative. In contrast, PvP servers provide a more active and chaotic experience where you’ll encounter other players for fights more often. If you prefer a friendlier gaming experience and want to avoid unnecessary battles, go for PvE servers. But if you’re up for the challenge of frequent player confrontations and desire the thrill of high-stakes rewards, then a PvP server is your best bet.

Add Friends, Create A Hive And A Warband

As a gamer in the world of Once Human, I’ve made some cool new friends or came across fellow players whom I’d like to team up with. To add these individuals as my buddies, all I need to do is navigate to the game’s “Get United” menu, easily accessible via the main menu after hitting the Esc key. Within this menu, there are four tabs: Friends, Team, Hive, and Warband. The Friends tab is where I can find a list of all those I’ve befriended in the game. I can make new friends by visiting their profiles when they cross my path or simply search for their names to send friend requests. It’s that simple!

Once Human: How To Play With Friends And How PvP Works

If you’re in search of other players to collaborate with on an activity without committing to a long-term partnership, make use of the Team tab. This feature functions as Once Human’s “looking for group” option, allowing you to browse existing teams to join or establish your own. When creating a new team by clicking on the gear icon, you have the ability to add descriptive notes and set restrictions for potential applicants. Additionally, specify the particular activity you intend to engage in.

As a gamer in the world of Once Human, I can tell you that joining a Hive feels similar to being part of a guild in other massively multiplayer online games (MMOs). It’s more than just a group of players; it’s a community where you can find allies and teammates. The perks go beyond the usual benefits, too. For instance, instead of only being able to teleport to my own territories or merge lands with others under my control, as a member of a Hive, I can enjoy the privileges of merging territories with other Hive members or quickly hopping to their territories for strategic advantages.

In the world of Once Human, there exists an alternative to clans which are referred to as Warbands. Each Warband can consist of approximately fifty members. Within these communities, players establish territories, engage in advanced tasks, defend their lands, and compete against other Warbands in battles.

How To Play PvP In Once Human

Activate Chaos Mode

In both PvE and PvP servers, engaging in combat with other players is possible by enabling a feature called Chaos mode. To initiate this mode, simply press and hold the “P” key. Noteworthy, when using Chaos mode in a Player vs Player (PvP) server, you can attack any player, regardless of whether they have activated the mode or not. This includes entering Chaos mode areas on the map such as Strongholds.

On a PvE (Player versus Environment) server, the Chaos mode is an optional feature. While certain occurrences may trigger Chaos mode, mostly you have control over engaging with other players by activating this setting. Once activated, you can target and attack only those who also have Chaos mode enabled. In contrast, in a PvP (Player versus Player) server, a Chaos player can assault any player at random. Both types mandate a minimum level of 10 to engage in PvP interactions, thus safeguarding lower-level players from harassment by higher-level players.

In Chaos mode, a countdown regulates its operation. Once the time elapses, you will be forced back into normal PvE (Player versus Environment) mode. During this chaotic phase, your objective is to survive while inflicting maximum damage on other players. Engaging in combat and eliminating opponents prolongs the timer.

Find PvP Events

PvP actions are available on both types of servers as well. Take Cargo Scramble for instance, which is an open event where you and multiple players engage in attacking a Rosetta truck. Once you initiate the attack, a monster emerges and takes over one of the participants in the event zone. The objective for that player is to eliminate the others to receive a unique currency reward. While under the monster’s control, a countdown timer runs. Killing other players extends the timer, but dying while possessed results in the creature leaving you and choosing another player. During the entire Cargo Scramble event, there are no consequences for reviving yourself, allowing the battle to continue. At its conclusion, your reward is determined by your performance against other players.

Once Human: How To Play With Friends And How PvP Works

In PvE servers, certain situations that resemble PvP can be initiated. As you get involved, you may choose to join a Warband, which is similar to a clan for humans. With a Warband, you team up with other players to construct larger, more complex bases. On PvP servers, Warbands have the power to seize control of resource-rich locations. Once they’ve taken over, they must protect their territory from rival Warbands trying to steal it.

At advanced stages of Once Human and subsequent episodes, you’ll find challenging PvPvE zones to explore. These zones offer top-tier loot, but entering them puts you in “Chaos mode,” making you a target for player versus player combat. These zones seem to be present on both PvP and PvE servers; however, I haven’t come across one in a PvE server yet, implying they may only appear at high levels or later stages of the game, considering their presumed difficulty.

Use the Stardust Resonant Filter

In both servers, you have the option to initiate a defensive event by setting up the Stardust Resonant Filter in your base. This device converts Echo Stones and Cortexes obtained from dungeons into Starchrom, a valuable commodity. Once activated, the Territory Purification event begins. During this period, monsters will be attracted to the Resonant Filter and will attempt to damage your base. Your goal is to protect it for a specified duration to successfully complete the process.

During a Territory Purification event, not only does this process cleanse your land, but it triggers Chaos mode for your entire territory. Consequently, any player who engages Chaos mode can assault your territory in an attempt to disrupt your Resonant Filter and seize rewards. This occurs in both server types, so you’ll need to defend steadfastly until the timer elapses. Building robust defenses and collaborating with other players can be crucial for success.

Once Human: How To Play With Friends And How PvP Works

As a gamer in PvP servers, I sometimes come across Extra Echo Stones scattered around the map. When I approach one with the intent of claiming it, I’m suddenly thrust into Chaos mode, putting me in the line of fire for other players also in Chaos mode. They can then try to snatch the Echo Stone from me.

Your objective is to return the Echo Stone to your base as swiftly as you can to ensure its safety, before the countdown on the timer reaches zero and before other players track you down. Upon returning the Echo Stone to your base, you’ll need to deposit it into the Stardust Resonant Filter, which in turn means engaging in a Territory Purification event and warding off competing players.

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2024-07-19 21:41