No Man's Sky Suddenly Introduces a Long-Awaited Mechanic. Aquarius Update Will Tempt Players to Explore Even the Most Distant Planets

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt, I must say the latest update to No Man’s Sky – Aquarius – has truly caught my attention! After years of anticipation for a fishing system, it’s finally here, and just when we thought the worlds couldn’t get any more refreshing after the Worlds patch.

As a devoted fan, I’ve got to share some exciting news! The creators of No Man’s Sky have done it again – they dropped an unexpected update without any fanfare. This one goes by the name Aquarius, following closely on the heels of Worlds, a patch that brought more players back to the game than in five years. And let me tell you, this latest iteration delivers long-awaited mechanics! Here’s the official trailer for your viewing pleasure!

Grab the fishing rod and catch a few fish

At long last, as a dedicated fan, I can’t contain my excitement! The days of lamenting the absence of fishing in games by Hello Games are officially over. Today’s update brings the much-anticipated addition of fishing to the vibrant universe of No Man’s Sky. Timed perfectly with the recent revitalization of the game’s worlds, this new feature promises an even more immersive experience

A unique logbook will document our fishing adventures, detailing each catch and experience. In our quest to discover various types of aquatic life, we may need to travel to numerous far-off worlds. To aid us in this journey, a versatile floating vessel called the Exo-Skiff will be at our disposal, skimming effortlessly above the water’s surface. Additionally, automated nets have been incorporated to collect fish from diverse locations as we venture forth

Furthermore, the update Aquarius also introduces:

  1. new culinary recipes;
  2. option to make baits;
  3. deep diving suit;
  4. collection of posters;
  5. message in a bottle;
  6. Aquarius jetpack.

As an eager participant, I embark on an exhilarating journey today that spans approximately six weeks. This adventure, brimming with fresh gameplay elements, promises to be a fascinating exploration! Completing this expedition could potentially yield extraordinary prizes for me and fellow players alike

You can find the full list of changes in the studio’s official post.

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2024-09-05 14:32