New Game, Date Everything, Sure Does Live Up To Its Name

As a huge fan of unique and imaginative gaming experiences, I am absolutely thrilled by Sassy Chap Games’ latest announcement: Date Everything! The concept of dating everyday objects is not only intriguing but also completely out of the box. This game promises to take players on an extraordinary journey filled with unexpected romance and emotional connections.

Sassy Chap Games’ newest creation, Date Everything!, introduces an innovative take on dating sims. In this open-ended game, players have the unique opportunity to pursue romantic relationships with everyday objects around the house. From the alluring kitchen fridge to the captivating fire alarm, the possibilities are endless.

In the game Date Everything, your character receives a pair of special glasses named “Dateviators.” These glasses offer a unique perspective, transforming ordinary household items into living, interactable characters. A dusty piano becomes Keyes, an alluring woman, a moped morphs into Cabrizzio, a good-looking man, and even the old vacuum gains a friendly persona as Hoove, rather than the formal Hoover. The romantic encounters extend beyond tangible objects, allowing players to pursue intangible elements such as the air itself and an overpowering feeling of existential dread.

In this captivating game, you’ll encounter a collection of 100 everyday objects that come to life through the artistry of skilled voice actors. Notable voices in the cast include Johnny Young Bosch, Felicia Day, Grey DeLisle, and many others. Each romantic interaction offers three distinct possibilities: you can win the object’s heart as their lover, forge a deep friendship, or even become their sworn enemy.

In this game, the 3D environment transforms as you play, with developers Sassy Chap revealing that these shifts are influenced by your in-game actions. This means certain items might not function as intended if you interact with them in a romantic way. It’s a fascinating concept – imagine the chaos of a broken up relationship with an appliance! And let me tell you, a vengeful toaster is a sight no one wants to see.

Date Everything also features:

  • Over four hours of original music, with each dateable item featuring a unique musical theme
  • 1.2 million words and 70,000 lines of voiced dialogue
  • Over 11,000 hand-drawn images

The release date for “Sassy Chap Games” new title is undisclosed at the moment. However, once it’s launched, players can look forward to enjoying it on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and personal computers.

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2024-07-26 20:08