Moxsy: Updated Best Descendant Tier List

As a dedicated Descendant player myself, I’ve been following Moxsy’s content for quite some time now. His latest video, featuring an updated tier list for our beloved characters, is nothing short of insightful! While I might not always agree with his rankings (I still think Sharon can hold her own!), it’s clear that Moxsy has put in countless hours to gather this data based on his personal experiences.

In Moxsy’s recent video, he shares a revised character rankings for Descendant’s roster within the game. He factors in their performance during mobbing and boss fights to arrive at an overall position. It’s essential to note that these rankings stem from his individual perspectives and interactions with the game, so your own preferences might vary.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Bunny is the strongest AOE character in the game, excelling in mobbing.
  • Lepic is the best bosser, with incredibly high damage output.
  • Valby, Enzo, and Glay are versatile characters that perform well in both mobbing and bossing.
  • Characters like Sharon, Jaber, Essimo, and Kyle could benefit from buffs or reworks to improve their effectiveness.

Mobbing Tier List:

In simpler terms, Moxsy evaluates Descendant characters based on their effectiveness in mobbing (clearing large groups of enemies). Bunny leads the pack due to her exceptional speed and high damage output. Eugen, Ajax, Luna, and Via are also ranked highly, whereas Sharon and Jaber appear lower down the list.

Bossing Tier List:

As a dedicated fan, I’ve noticed that when it comes to taking down bosses efficiently, Moxsy highly appreciates the skills displayed by the Descendant characters. Enzo, Glay, and Lepic consistently stand out as top contenders due to their impressive performance against these challenging foes. Characters like Sharon and Fra show promising potential, but they might need to fine-tune their builds specifically to shine in this area.

Overall Tier List:

By merging the ratings for dominance (bossing) and harassment (mobbing), Moxsy generates a comprehensive tier list for the Descendant characters. Bunny retains the top position, with Glay close behind, followed by Lepic, Valby, and Via. Characters like Eugen and Ajax are held in high regard as support figures, while those in the lower tiers could potentially see an upgrade in their skills.

Remember, the ranking system presented here is influenced by Moxsy’s individual encounters and experiences. Since everyone’s gaming taste differs, you might find varying orderings based on your personal preferences and gameplay style. This list serves as a helpful reference point while taking into account your unique tastes and strategies.

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2024-08-13 03:13