Monster Hunter: The Ultimate Test of Endurance – Ranking the Toughest Games to Fully Complete


  • Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate’s difficulty is unbalanced, making 100% completion challenging for the wrong reasons.
  • Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak offers tough challenges like Master Rank hunts and anomalies post-final boss Gaismagorm.
  • Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate has unforgiving top-rank fights, including Extreme Deviants and tough variants.

In the Monster Hunter series, there hasn’t been a consistent level of difficulty throughout the games. Given that there are over 25 Monster Hunter titles if you count re-releases and spin-offs, inconsistency is to be expected. Typically, the most challenging encounters are saved for late game High Rank hunts. Moreover, many games become more difficult when they are expanded with DLC or additional content from re-releases.

Not all Monster Hunter games are challenging just to finish the story campaign. The bosses in the story mode aren’t usually the toughest or final monsters. However, fully completing these games can be a different story altogether. Some Monster Hunter titles have extremely demanding endgame content, requiring a lengthy grind for top-tier gear sets, or one particularly challenging monster that significantly increases the overall difficulty level. These are the games in the Monster Hunter series that are most difficult to fully complete.

8. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

Uneven Expansion

The Monster Hunter series tends to increase its challenge level as expanded editions are released. Monster Hunter 3 (also known as Monster Hunter Tri) was no different in this regard, and it was subsequently enhanced with the release of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. This upgrade brought new gameplay aspects into play, such as underwater combat, however, not all these novel additions seemed evenly balanced.

In the eyes of many gamers, certain hunts in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, particularly those underwater, surpassed the challenge level of other similar hunts at the same rank. Consequently, this game is recognized as one of the tougher ones to fully complete, though perhaps not for the ideal reasons. However, it boasts some truly unforgettable battles against creatures like Brachydios and Alatreon.

7. Monster Hunter

Early Limitations

In its debut as the initial title of the franchise, Monster Hunter lacked any established benchmark for what constituted an enjoyable challenge versus one that was too demanding or dull. More times than not, it struck a satisfactory balance, but there are certain elements that make it challenging for newcomers. Players transitioning from more contemporary versions of Monster Hunter might be taken aback by the significant role monster knowledge plays in both the first and second installments.

In most cases, mastering a monster’s attack patterns in the original Monster Hunter might require several tries for players to endure the more challenging battles. Additionally, understanding a monster’s unique vulnerabilities usually involves some exploration through the menu system. Whether the original game or its re-release, Monster Hunter G, is harder to fully conquer is up for debate. The Fatalis fight in the rereleased version is exceptionally difficult, but it also includes certain improvements that enhance the quality of play.

6. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

The High Rank Hub

In Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, the extended edition of Rise, it feels like a more polished and comprehensive game compared to its initial release. The inclusion of Master Rank hunts, which were largely absent before, not only offers an endgame but also presents some formidable challenges. The new final boss, Gaismagorm, leaves a lasting impression, but players have the opportunity to push their hunting abilities even further once they’ve conquered it.

In this game, you can access challenging versions of previously known monsters, called anomalies, once you’ve defeated Gaismagorm. These are reserved for high-ranking hunters. Even experienced Monster Hunter players might find some of these fights particularly difficult, with Risen Shagaru Magala and Primordial Malzeno providing some of the toughest battles in the series. These hardcore challenges will surely push any player aiming for a 100% completion to their limits.

5. Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

Expanded Endgame

In the original version of Monster Hunter World, battles could be quite demanding. However, when Iceborne was introduced as an expansion, it added even more formidable endgame monsters to the mix. Many gamers will recall Alatreon and Fatalis from Iceborne, as these were particularly tough confrontations and their most impressive representations in the Monster Hunter (MH) series to date.

Some gamers might claim that incorporating the clutch claw feature made the overall difficulty of the game less intense, particularly when used against some original game creatures. However, as more Master Rank bosses and tempered monsters are introduced, the level of challenge significantly increases for those pursuing 100% completion, making the game tougher towards the end.

4. Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate

Hyper Monsters & Deviants

  • Platforms: Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS
  • Release date: March 18, 2017
  • Developer: Capcom

In the uppermost tiers of Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, the battles can be extremely challenging ordeals. With Extreme Deviants, Hyper monsters, and other formidable foes to encounter, MHGU offers some of the most intense variant fights in the entire series. Among these difficult EX Deviant fights, Boltreaver Astalos and Bloodbath Diablos are particularly tough adversaries.

In addition to the challenging variants, battles such as the formidable duo of Silver Rathalos and Gold Rathian, known as the Hyper monster duo, can be quite frustrating. Moreover, there are the Elder Event monsters, among which Crimson Fatalis stands out as a particularly difficult opponent. A single attack from this monster can easily overwhelm an ill-prepared hunter. Navigating through all these high-tier battles is a tough test for any Monster Hunter player.

3. Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

Old School Difficulty

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, essentially the ultimate updated version of Monster Hunter 2, is still considered one of the most difficult games in the series to fully complete for a perfect score. For contemporary gamers, the weapons may feel mechanically restricted, and mastery requires understanding the monsters’ attack patterns and vulnerabilities.

In Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite, numerous fearsome creatures abound, making the process of battling every single one a significant test. Additionally, certain later hunts come with strict time constraints, a feature that’s been significantly eased in more contemporary Monster Hunter games. Late-game monsters like Fatalis and Bloodbath Diablos in MHFU possess lethal attacks, requiring players to learn these moves to stay alive. Achieving 100% completion is no easy feat, as it demands considerable effort and perseverance.

2. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

G-Rank Challenges

In Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, the peak of difficulty lies in its G-Rank quests. These confrontations feature some of the toughest battles found in any Monster Hunter title. The Apex versions in MH4U are exceptionally tough iterations of monsters that were already difficult, such as Rajang and Zinogre. In certain G-Rank quests, players may find themselves hunting several high-level monsters simultaneously, a challenge that can be overwhelming even for the most seasoned players.

In Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, some battles can push the difficulty level close to being excessively tough. Attempting to complete the G-Rank content singlehandedly is generally not recommended, and any player aiming for a full completion of the game should consider teaming up with an experienced multiplayer partner for a more enjoyable journey.

1. Monster Hunter Frontier Z

A Long Grind & Vicious Endgame

  • Platforms: PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U, Microsoft Windows
  • Release date: June 21, 2007
  • Developer: Capcom

In essence, Monster Hunter Frontier Z was an MMO version of the popular Monster Hunter series, and it boasted one of the longest and most difficult endgame phases within the franchise for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the material gathering demands in Frontier were significantly more rigorous than in the mainline games. Secondly, being an MMO, much of its content was intended for group play, with many of the harder battles taking on raid-like characteristics.

In comparison to typical Monster Hunter games, the layout and challenge level deviates slightly. Players might find obstacles they can’t surmount with skill alone, requiring more tedious grinding instead. Completing Frontier fully becomes a lengthy endeavor. Frequent raid boss encounters that could overwhelm players are prevalent, necessitating collaboration with a guild to finish the game. Additionally, mastering the game itself proves challenging due to its unsupported official release, requiring modern players to locate private servers for access.

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2025-03-24 00:13