Modern Art Museum in Crime Scene Cleaner, All Secrets and Cassette Tapes

  • Modern Art Museum – Secret #1 and Cassette Tape #1
  • Modern Art Museum – Secret #2
  • Modern Art Museum – Cassette Tape #2
  • Modern Art Museum – Cassette Tape #3
  • Modern Art Museum – Cassette Tape #4

Modern Art Museum – Secret #1 and Cassette Tape #1

Modern Art Museum in Crime Scene Cleaner, All Secrets and Cassette Tapes

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of pixel-pecking and joystick-juggling under my belt, I must say that the Modern Art Museum has become my latest gaming sanctuary. The puzzles it presents are as intriguing as the art itself, and I’ve grown quite fond of this cultural haven turned interactive playground.

At the North Exhibition, there are televisions where you can adjust their screen colors interactively. To solve the riddle, position yourself by the room’s entrance and gaze at the ceiling. You’ll spot a mirror mirroring the ideal color scheme. Once you’ve synchronized the hues, the nearby door will unlock. Step into the unveiled zone, grab the Katana, and demolish the nine dolls. Remember to tidy up any leftover trash afterwards. Upon leaving this space, you’ll encounter another doll with Cassette Tape #1.

Modern Art Museum – Secret #2

Modern Art Museum in Crime Scene Cleaner, All Secrets and Cassette Tapes

Head over to the West Wing, specifically to the band display area. On the wall to your right, close to the glass, you’ll find a series of cassette tape covers that are interactive. Open each one in sequence, which will form a staircase leading upwards. Find the yellow cassette and push it to uncover the hidden room. Make your way inside and open the glittering treasure chest.

Modern Art Museum – Cassette Tape #2

Modern Art Museum in Crime Scene Cleaner, All Secrets and Cassette Tapes

As a frequent museum-goer with years of navigating various exhibitions under my belt, I can confidently say that this item you seek is conveniently placed within the West Wing, alongside the band exhibition. To reach it, however, one must enter from the rear entrance, which may seem counterintuitive to some, but trust me, it’s a straight shot once you’re inside. The path is straightforward and well-marked, so don’t let the unconventional entry deter you from discovering the treasures that await!

Modern Art Museum – Cassette Tape #3

Modern Art Museum in Crime Scene Cleaner, All Secrets and Cassette Tapes

In the North Exhibit, you’ll find the third one. Walk into the duck-filled room, then climb the staircase. Continue along the hallway and retrieve an item lying close to a chest on the floor.

Modern Art Museum – Cassette Tape #4

Modern Art Museum in Crime Scene Cleaner, All Secrets and Cassette Tapes

This last one is in the East Wing, in the red room, on a console table.

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2024-08-19 17:01