Mastering Tekken: The Art of Conditioning Your Opponent!

As a seasoned Tekken enthusiast with decades of experience under my belt, I find myself constantly captivated by the intricacies and depth that the game offers—especially when it comes to the enigmatic character of Lars. The recent Reddit thread titled ‘Only play like this after conditioning your opponent’ by user mars1200 has sent shockwaves through our community, igniting passionate discussions on the mastery of Lars’s stance transitions.

Discussions about Tekken’s character Lars have been particularly active lately, especially the post by user mars1200 titled ‘Play like this only after conditioning your opponent.’ This sparked a lively debate on Reddit about the intricacies of using Lars’s stance changes and how effectively controlling these transitions can overpower an opponent when skillfully mastered. The idea of preparing an opponent for a barrage of stance pressure was a concept that many players found interesting, as they shared their strategies, tips, and personal experiences related to Lars’s distinctive gameplay style.

Only play like this after conditioning your opponent
byu/mars1200 inTekken


  • The post highlights the importance of conditioning opponents when using Lars’s stance transitions.
  • Players express a mixture of excitement and frustration about facing or playing as Lars.
  • Many comments showcased the bewildering nature of Lars’s moves and how they challenge traditional defensive strategies.
  • Players shared tips on handling the overwhelming pressure from skilled Lars players, leading to a vibrant knowledge exchange.

The Magic of Conditioning

From a passionate Tekken fan’s perspective, mastering the art of conditioning in this game is all about engaging in a strategic mental battle with my opponents. Lars’s swift stance transitions throw them into a spinning guessing game—a contemporary twist on the classic Rock-Paper-Scissors where every choice leads to complex combinations. EuphitLing, a fellow player, captured the struggle perfectly when he said, ‘I can’t seem to figure out how to block this 50-50 situation with Lars; it feels like an endless 50/50 conundrum.’ This encapsulates the challenge we face against Lars—when our adversary is conditioned, defending against their moves becomes a fight against an unending barrage. Conditioning isn’t just about delivering a powerful strike; it’s about creating a mental landscape where my opponent feels cornered and uncertain of their own actions.

Lars Enthusiasts Sharing the Love and the Hate

The reactions to Lars were as diverse as the characters in the game. FlanBlanco famously encapsulated the dual sentiment of affection and frustration with the statement, ‘I love Lars. I hate Lars.’ This expresses a common feeling within players who have invested in learning his moves. Many players, like OldSpiteful, remarked on their awe in facing a good Lars player, exclaiming, ‘bro is SHOOK and so am I 😭.’ The comment demonstrates that while there may be frustration, respect for a player’s skill is ubiquitous among the community. Others, such as dork_mage, humorously noted their aversion to Lars’ overwhelming nature, saying, ‘this is why I don’t like Lars lmaooo. he’s definitely on crack.’ These comments bring to light the two extremes: those who revel in the chaos of fighting Lars and those who cower under his pressure.

The Technical Side of Lars

Lively debates broke out among gamers, offering suggestions and guidance on how to tackle the Lars predicament. TheKaizz contributed by sharing their personal experience: “Indeed, you reach this state where you just feel invincible at DDR and nothing can stop you. It’s both stunning and infuriating, lol.” Fellow gamers like AfroBankai acknowledged the widespread puzzlement about dealing with Lars, jokingly suggesting that many are conditioned to be confused because most of us don’t understand what Lars is planning from the start (xD). These honest moments foster a strong gaming community by sharing strategies, discussing common challenges, and even poking fun at mutual confusion. Discussions on crucial techniques like ‘countering major stance transitions’ are common as players work together to enhance their gameplay against the whirlwind known as Lars.

Overcoming the Lars Challenge

Overcoming gaming challenges such as the formidable opponent Lars can initially appear overwhelming, but the support from the community helps players. The conversations among gamers help instill the belief that even when Lars seems too powerful, there are strategies to balance the game. As Marlon_x26 mentioned, when opponents start retreating under stance pressure, the game is essentially won, showcasing the importance of understanding the intricacies of Tekken’s gameplay. Player unity thrives as more experienced and novice gamers answer each other’s questions, spreading knowledge rapidly. This creates an atmosphere where everyone feels prepared to face Lars, and with time, players gain a deeper comprehension of their characters and the game itself.

Discussions about Lars in Tekken reveal more than just gameplay tactics; they showcase the emotional ups and downs players encounter during their gaming adventures. Ranging from the thrill of pulling off advanced moves to the pressure of facing a skilled adversary, the Tekken community consistently shares their wisdom and fellowship, turning the game into not only a contest but also a social event. This welcoming environment encourages both beginners and experts to unite, learn, evolve, and appreciate the complex beauty of fighting games, all while cheering for or expressing frustration over their favorite, least favorite, and every other type of character in between.

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2024-08-16 11:13