Mastering Oxen Management in Manor Lords: Tips & Strategies

As a dedicated fan of Manor Lords, I find myself utterly captivated by the depth and complexity of managing medieval settlements. One topic that has recently piqued my interest is the strategic use of oxen within the game. In a lively discussion thread on the official Manor Lords forums, players delved into the intricacies of purchasing, assigning, and optimizing oxen usage.

Strategy gamers are drawn to Manor Lords due to its complex medieval settlement management system. A popular topic among players is the role of oxen within the game, leading to intriguing debates about purchasing decisions and ratios. The initiator of this thread, Born-Ask4016, ignited a discussion on when to acquire oxen, how many to keep per household or population, and alternative uses like logging. As players explore resource management, the community contributes their methods for maximizing oxen’s potential, providing valuable tips on efficient usage.

byu/Born-Ask4016 inManorLords


  • Players unanimously agree on the importance of buying a second oxen as a top priority for efficient gameplay.
  • There’s significant discussion on whether oxen should be assigned strictly to farmhouses or if they can assist in logging camps.
  • Buying oxen is a relatively inexpensive investment that pays dividends in speeding up construction and logistics.
  • Many players emphasize the need to adjust the oxen count based on production needs rather than a strict population ratio.

Priority Purchases: Oxen First

As a devoted fan of Manor Lords, I can’t help but notice a common thread in the player community: the strong recommendation to buy a second ox as one of your earliest investments. DynamicSploosh put it eloquently, “A second ox should be my top priority,” highlighting its significance in accelerating construction progress during the game’s initial stages. Players such as Drebin212 emphasized the practical advantages, explaining that an extra oxen helps eliminate delays caused by workers waiting for busy oxen to transport resources like debarked trees. Given Manor Lords’ intricate mechanics and the need for meticulous planning and execution, having multiple oxen undeniably grants a strategic advantage in both resource management and construction efficiency.

Assigning Oxen: Beyond Plowing

The conversation delved into the less-traversed area of using oxen for tasks beyond farming. Ootred shared an intriguing story about encountering a construction roadblock due to unassigned oxen. By efficiently reassigning oxen, they resolved the issue by adding two more oxen and assigning a family to each of their now six oxen. This demonstrates oxen’s versatility in managing not just agriculture but also the entire logistical flow of the community. While some players stick to the traditional notion of oxen being solely tied to farmsteads, there is an increasing awareness of their valuable role in logging activities, particularly when resource management becomes more intricate in later stages.

Investment vs. Immediate Needs

In the discussion about oxen, there’s a consideration of the trade-off between instant resource usage and future production capacity investment. Dizzy-ad-5254 pointed out that oxen are relatively inexpensive at 20 wealth, making them an attractive early game choice. This implies that players might prefer channeling their resources towards oxen instead of other livestock, like chickens or goats, due to the significant role they play in construction and logistics. Players seem more inclined towards quick returns on their investments, suggesting that a rapid deployment of oxen could be essential for achieving success. There’s less emphasis on developing animal husbandry diversity during the initial stages, which puts the importance of swift and aggressive oxen management into question.

Scaling Up: Long-Term Ox Management

As players progress from the initial stage of the game to building larger settlements, effectively managing oxen becomes essential. Players prioritize adjusting their oxen numbers based on construction and production requirements instead of adhering to set ratios for households. A player named analytickantian shared that they increase the number of oxen only when aiming for medium to large-sized towns. This strategy, which correlates ox populations with building needs, seems to enhance gameplay by enabling players to focus on expansions without getting stuck in resource scarcity phases. Another comment, from kad202, emphasizes the benefits of purchasing an ox whenever possible: “Buying an ox is a good investment early on. The first 25 gold pieces spent on a second ox will yield better returns than saving for chicken or vegetable upgrades for food.” This advice resonates with many players and suggests that a flexible approach to managing oxen can lead to smooth gameplay.

In Manor Lords, the vibrant debates about managing oxen showcase an intriguing facet of gameplay that combines tactics and adaptability. Players enthusiastically exchange stories, discoveries, and experiment with different strategies to optimize their productivity. Newcomers to the community will greatly profit from these discussions, resulting in smoother gameplay and thriving settlements. By participating in the community’s knowledge, not only do you enhance your personal experience but also contribute to the collective growth of Manor Lords, fostering a continuous cycle of learning that heightens the overall medieval journey. Keep those oxen productive and sustain the excitement as your feudal aspirations come alive!

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2024-07-29 17:58