Manor Lords: Should You Upgrade Burgages? Insights from the Community

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent on city-building and strategy games under my belt, Manor Lords has undeniably captured my attention with its captivating blend of medieval strategy and resource management. The recent debate on the Manor Lords subreddit about upgrading burgages sparked my curiosity, as I’ve been grappling with this decision in my own gameplay experience.

In the Manor Lords community, the game’s combination of medieval strategy and resource management has drawn a large following of city-building enthusiasts. A question posed by Red_RingRico in the Manor Lords subreddit has ignited an animated debate: “Should one always upgrade burgages?” This discussion centers around the pros and cons of enhancing burgage plots, with particular consideration given to resource consumption and overall game satisfaction. The dialogue reveals that opinions within the community are split on the importance and cost-effectiveness of upgrading these essential game components.

Is there any reason not to upgrade burgages?
byu/Red_RingRico inManorLords


  • Upgrading burgages can enhance income but may demand more complex resources.
  • Higher-level burgages can lead to lower happiness if not managed properly.
  • Community opinions are mixed on the prioritization of different upgrades.
  • Understanding the game’s difficulty settings can influence upgrade decisions.

The Benefits of Upgrading Burgages

One main idea that emerged from the subreddit conversation is that improving your burgages brings significant benefits, particularly in terms of passive income. As user PowerfulCheesecake48 noted, there’s little reason to delay upgrades on the standard setting. By enhancing their burgages as soon as possible, players can accelerate the generation of revenue from their regions, which is essential for developing artisans and other resources. The conversation underscores a sense of urgency among players to rapidly advance their settlements and reach their full growth potential. Therefore, upgrading burgages appears to be an obvious choice for those aiming to expand their city and reap the rewards.

Resource Requirements and Happiness Balance

Despite the advantages of upgrading, it brings about considerable challenges. For instance, gamers like Mattgoof and cabrelbeuk raise valid concerns over the escalating requirements for diverse resources when progressing to advanced burgages. These enhanced structures call for a wider range of goods—such as improved clothing and access to additional facilities—which, if unmet, can negatively impact overall resident satisfaction. Dissatisfaction mounts when families fail to have their essential needs fulfilled, resulting in a sharp drop in approval ratings. It’s a delicate dance between addressing immediate resource constraints and considering long-term expansion plans. Not all players are prepared for this intricate choreography.

Strategizing Upgrades Amid Gameplay Challenges

As a cautious gamer, I strongly advise against hastily upgrading my burgage on higher difficulty levels. One wrong move can lead to disastrous consequences. Neglecting essential services like clothing, food variety, and even ale can result in an unhappy population, which could lead to riots and setbacks in my gameplay experience. It’s a classic case of putting in a lot of effort for minimal reward. Families may throw tantrums due to the lack of necessities, potentially disrupting the entire playthrough. Therefore, planning is crucial. Players must have a well-thought-out strategy with the right support services before upgrading. It’s not about rushing to upgrade but about establishing a solid foundation for sustainable progress.

Perspectives on When to Upgrade

Different opinions exist on when to upgrade burgages, with some players like Justnmaze insisting that upgrading beyond level one isn’t worth the effort once enough development points have been earned. They argue that the passive income from multiple upgraded burgages isn’t sufficient to outweigh the additional resource costs. Instead, these players suggest concentrating on essential agricultural areas, like vegetable plots and orchards, which supply crucial resources while minimizing the complexity of managing numerous upgraded burgages. This viewpoint emphasizes a more resource-conscious playstyle that doesn’t abandon the pursuit of wealth but adjusts it to prioritize conservation.

Incorporating Community Insights

In communities such as those surrounding Manor Lords, more experienced players offer valuable insights and diverse perspectives to help newcomers make informed decisions. For instance, Red_RingRico initiated a discussion where players could share ideas and learn from each other, enhancing their comprehension of the game’s dynamics. While there may be a common trend towards upgrading burgages for wealth, individual play styles, resource management skills, and game mechanics understanding can significantly influence decisions. The exchange suggests that adaptability is crucial for managing a growing settlement in Manor Lords.

In the end, conversations about enhancing manors in Manor Lords showcase the game’s captivating intricacy. With its skillful combination of resource allocation, urban design, and real-time pressures, players encounter a variety of engrossing dilemmas to tackle. Regardless of whether you opt for a calculated manor upgrade approach, maintain your level ones with ease, or jump right into the fray, it’s clear that the game’s community is there to support and engage in discussions about each strategy, providing valuable tips for survival. It’s not just about playing Manor Lords but being an active member of a vibrant, knowledgeable community dedicated to unlocking every facet of this richly detailed experience.

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2024-07-29 14:00