Manor Lords: Players Voice Concerns Over .987 Resource Management Issues

As a seasoned Manor Lords player with countless hours spent cultivating my very own medieval empire, I must admit that the latest update, .987, has left me scratching my head more often than not. The resource management challenges it’s presented have sent even the most experienced players scurrying for their pitchforks and torches.

Fans of Manor Lords are expressing their concerns about the recent update, version .987, particularly in relation to resource management. A post by user ‘SchroedingersWombat’ points out major issues with keeping food and firewood stocks up, even for seasoned gamers, sparking a broader conversation on Reddit. The opinions in the comments reveal a split in player experiences, as some are finding the new spoilage mechanics burdensome while others appreciate the added challenge. It’s apparent that the .987 release has certainly caused quite a stir among players as they grapple with the game’s complexities.

.987 not doing it for me
byu/SchroedingersWombat inManorLords


  • Players are experiencing significant resource management challenges, particularly concerning food supplies and firewood.
  • Sentiments in the comments range from frustration with the new spoilage mechanics to players enjoying the added challenge.
  • Some players report bugs related to resource production facilities, compounding their difficulties.
  • Others suggest that balancing updates and gameplay strategies could improve the overall experience.

Resource Management Woes

The main idea in the original post focuses on the challenges players encounter when it comes to resource management after an update, particularly maintaining a consistent food supply. ‘SchroedingersWombat’ laments their ongoing struggle to keep a sufficient food reserve, despite having extensive farming and gathering operations set up. This suggests that the spoilage mechanism might be in effect. Moreover, they voice annoyance about their firewood situation, indicating that even when organized, resources still fail to sustain them. A player commented, “This is the first update that has made me run out of food repeatedly, even though I’m doing the same things as usual.” These remarks reflect a widespread worry about the balance within the game’s systems. Some players concur with this concern, arguing that the mechanics are unbalanced, while others recognize the novelty and challenge presented by the update.

Community Reactions: A Mixed Bag

The diverse reactions from the community regarding the game’s update illustrate a wide range of player encounters. For instance, ‘matth3976’ boasts about flourishing within the game, having surpassed 300 hours and maintaining a steady resource economy. They attribute their triumph to skillful food production management and enhancing granaries to prevent food decay, which appears to be a popular tactic for adapting to the evolving .987 environment. On the contrary, other players express worry about the updated pacing and resource distribution, with many expressing apprehensions over their farm productivity and manufacturing facilities. A user commented, “I had to construct additional granaries and restrict their work area to guarantee all the food was preserved,” suggesting that strategic planning is now vital in this update.

Bugs and Glitches: Issue or Enhancement?

In addition to the challenges, various players have pointed out potential bugs that make resource management even more problematic. For instance, ‘Sw33’ mentions inconsistencies in hunting yields, which could lead to reduced meat production and issues with malthouses. Users describe situations where family members collect firewood aimlessly without completing tasks, causing a loop of inefficiencies that can be frustrating. One user has even found an unconventional solution by altering the family numbers at malthouses, hinting that some are learning to increase their production rates despite the bugs. As the community works on resolving these problems, the hope is for developer fixes to bring some relief, but it remains uncertain how soon this will occur.

Balancing the Challenge

It seems that most people agree that the recent update aims to present new obstacles to improve gameplay, but some adjustments might be necessary for a smoother implementation. Ideas are surfacing about adjusting resource decay, setting different difficulty levels, or adjusting food production rates. Player ‘Born-Ask4016’ welcomes the increased challenge, yet recognizes that certain elements appear out of proportion. They recommend fine-tuning the yield from resources like salt mines and ponds for a fairer balance. There’s also a lively discussion going on about focusing solely on vegetable farms, with one user humorously suggesting, “skip poultry… you won’t make enough food because it’s just 3-4 chickens.” This playful banter demonstrates that despite the challenges, the community continues to find amusing ways to connect through shared experiences.

As players grapple with the intricacies of the .987 update in Manor Lords, it’s clear that a blend of annoyance and pleasure permeates the atmosphere. From troubleshooting resource management problems to ironing out glitches, the community is abuzz with strategy discussions, problem-solving ideas, and shared tales. Whether it’s about ensuring villagers are well-fed or dealing with production hold-ups, players are showing their resilience and ingenuity, demonstrating that even in challenging times, the game’s essence—and the spirit of its community—stays strong and lively.

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2024-08-30 05:58