Manor Lords: Navigating the RNG Maze for Better Starting Regions

As a devoted fan of Manor Lords, I find myself deeply immersed in the rich tapestry of city-building and strategy that this game offers. The recent discussion on the subreddit about starting region randomization has struck a chord with me, as I too have felt the sting of poor RNG. It’s like rolling a dice and getting snake eyes every time!

In a fresh twist of words, the hotly anticipated game, Manor Lords – a city-building and strategy title – immerses players in the intricacies of resource management and town development. A recent post on its subreddit by a user known as ThisWeeksHuman brought to light a recurring issue: the impact of random number generation (RNG) on starting territories. The author voiced strong disappointment over frequently receiving unideal region setups, which has negatively affected their gaming enjoyment. Many other players have echoed similar feelings, desiring more control over their initial conditions. Unwanted abundant stone deposits and misplaced fishing ponds are just a couple of examples that have left players eager for fairer spawn options to foster greater creative liberty and picturesque landscapes.

Getting good starting regions is too hard
byu/ThisWeeksHuman inManorLords


  • The community shares frustration over poor RNG for starting regions in Manor Lords.
  • Players desire more control over resource placement to improve the gameplay experience.
  • There are calls for game adjustments, particularly regarding rich stone deposits and clay.
  • Some players suggest modding or manual placement of starting camps as alternatives.

RNG Frustrations

In Manor Lords, a large part of the conversation centers on how randomness influences a player’s early-game journey. ThisWeeksHuman has voiced their irritation over the frequent unfavorable luck (Random Number Generation, or RNG), forcing them to restart multiple times until they find a decent starting region. Deep-Trick shares this sentiment, pointing out that resources like abundant stone deposits can sometimes feel unnecessary or even disadvantageous in the beginning. Players are yearning for an immersive setting with both attractive visuals and balanced gameplay choices, but they feel constrained by the current setup.

The Call for Better Gameplay Mechanics

The general opinion in the community seems to favor enhancing the gameplay mechanics, particularly those related to Random Number Generation (RNG). To illustrate, some forum members proposed adding a feature that allows players to adjust the distribution of resource spawns when starting a new game. This could involve tweaking the rates at which rich stone or clay deposits appear, as they currently seem too prevalent and cause annoyance. Additionally, Aviticus_Dragon pointed out a possible bug that affects region selection, preventing players from getting regions they’ve used before. Problems like these can amplify feelings of randomness and drive players to seek more customized gameplay.

Aesthetics vs. Functionality

A notable topic in the conversation revolves around the visual appeal of Manor Lords, with players showing interest not only in resource management but also desiring attractive environments. For instance, users imagine expansive, breathtaking fields surrounding serene fishing ponds, creating a delightful and enchanting scene. Unfortunately, the current Random Number Generation (RNG) system can sometimes hinder these visions by placing resources awkwardly. Furthermore, as ThisWeeksHuman pointed out, beauty might be subjective, with some builds appearing odd or misplaced. Nevertheless, it’s clear that the community values a balance between aesthetics and functionality, expressing hope for future updates that reflect this artistic perspective.

Player Creativity and Modding Solutions

The discussion ventured into the realm of modding too, where players proposed that Nexus Mods could potentially offer improved starting conditions for Manor Lords. Pizzaplanet247 hinted at potential mods tweaking resource spawn settings as a collaborative approach to alleviate the annoyance faced by numerous newcomers. Additionally, Mordomacar suggested a feature that allows manual selection of starting locations, which could significantly boost player engagement and satisfaction with their chosen territories. This suggestion ignited excitement among many commentators, showcasing a community eager to experiment with both official and fan-made solutions to enhance their gameplay experience.

Community Engagement and Support

The Manor Lords subreddit shows a lively, collaborative environment among its players. They don’t just complain about Random Number Generation (RNG), but also help each other by sharing experiences and proposing solutions. The original post attracted a variety of responses, from agreeing with the highlighted criticisms to offering ideas for moderation. AutoModerator intervened with a polite reminder about keeping conversations respectful and remembering that the game is still in development stage. This acknowledgment sets the groundwork for mutual understanding: while existing problems are legitimate concerns, there’s an underlying belief that the game has potential for improvement. This active involvement demonstrates the players’ strong interest and optimism towards the game’s future development.

The intense conversations about where to start in Manor Lords reflect players’ longing for an engaging and visually appealing gameplay. As they grapple with the intricacies of Random Number Generation (RNG) and resource allocation, their shared goal is improved mechanics, increased control over visual aspects, and opportunities to express creativity within the game. The determination shown in these discussions, along with the insightful discussions on the subreddit, suggests a dynamic and continuously improving future for Manor Lords as new updates are planned.

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2024-10-20 20:58