Madrid Film School Project ‘Flowers of an Absent Mother’ Explores Self-Acceptance

As a supporter of this project, I am absolutely captivated by the profound journey that “Flowers For An Absent Mother” is taking us on. Ana Puentes Margarito has masterfully transformed her personal experiences into a universal tale of family conflict and emotional recovery, creating a story that resonates deeply with many.

In the city of San Sebastian, one of the many promising ventures birthed from the Madrid Film School ECAM’s nurturing incubator is “Flowers For An Absent Mother” (“Flores para una madre ausente”), a powerful feature debut by writer-director Ana Puentes Margarito. This heartfelt tale of family discord and emotional healing holds a unique appeal, striking a chord with audiences worldwide. Through rigorous workshops like LabGuion, FinLab, and the esteemed ECAM Incubator, this project has undergone an extraordinary metamorphosis.

Filmmaker Margarito Puente acknowledges screenwriter Isabel Peña (“The Beasts,” “The Candidate”) as a crucial guide in refining the movie’s final draft. In his words, “It was like a mental shift: an outside voice tells us things we hadn’t considered before.” He shared this during an interview with EbMaster. “The current script is more aligned with the story I want to tell,” he added. The project is approaching a significant milestone as it waits for news on ICAA selective funding, a vital step towards filming next year.

Originally, the movie was planned as a brief production called “My Life At The Start,” debuting at the Seville European Film Festival in 2022. Over time and through various development stages, the narrative has transformed from one focusing on reconciliation to a profound exploration of self-acceptance. Now, the film revolves around Ana, a 25-year-old woman who revisits her hometown to deal with her ailing father after a long period of separation.

Margarito Puentes collaborates closely with producer Adriana Vera from White Leaf Producciones and obtains co-production assistance from Verbena Films. The Finnish producer Oskari Sipola, hailing from Welhofilmi, has become a part of the team, adding an international dimension to the project. In unison, they cultivate a close, almost familial environment for its development, adopting this method purposefully to safeguard the creative and emotional authenticity of the tale.

The director emphasized their preference for maintaining a close-knit, thoughtful environment. They expressed that collective errors are part of their shared journey. What they strive for is control over the process and prioritizing care for the people involved, opting for a smaller team rather than working with many unfamiliar faces.

The location of the movie, Castilla La Mancha, plays a significant role beyond merely serving as a backdrop for the story. As she put it, “Castilla La Mancha is integral to the plot itself.” Besides being the scene where most of the action takes place, it also holds importance for us financially. We’ve benefited from the region’s support and plan to carry on filming there next year.

Margarito Bridges compares the narrative to an intergenerational journey through emotional scars and family traditions. He describes it as, “This isn’t a tale about grand, external battles; rather, it’s about the delicate and challenging process of healing when those you care for fail to recognize your true self. I hope many people will identify with that.

The director and producer have been keeping an eye on films at San Sebastian with anticipation, as they consider casting for “Flowers For An Absent Mother”. The crucial step now is obtaining ICAA funding, which we’re hopeful to secure in the coming weeks. If successful, we plan to proceed immediately.

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2024-09-27 18:46