Madden 25 Kicking Guide – Field Goals, Punts, & Kickoffs

As a seasoned Madden veteran with over two decades under my belt (and a few gray hairs to prove it), I can confidently say that this guide has all the information you need to dominate your opponents on the virtual gridiron.

In this tutorial for Madden 25, we’ll demonstrate various kicks such as field goals, punts, onside kicks, and kickoffs. With recent modifications in the kickoff system, two distinctive kicking techniques, and a new control scheme, there’s plenty to grasp about kicking in Madden 25. To help you master these skills like Adam Vinatieri, we’ll walk you through all the essential tips and tricks!

Madden 25 Kicking Guide – How to Kick Field Goals, Punts and Kickoffs

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In the game Madden 25, players need to:

Madden 25 features two different Field Goal Kicking Styles – Classic, and Multi-Meter:

  • Classic – Combines Power & Accuracy into one meter
  • Multi-Meter – Splits accuracy and power into two different mechanics, one vertical, and the other horizontal

Additionally, users have the option to select from two distinct methods for kick control within Madden 25:

  • Tap & Tap – Tap to lock in accuracy, and tap again when you reach optimal power
  • Tap & Hold – Tap to lock in accuracy, and hold when you reach optimal power

Multi-Meter Kicking Explained

Even though Classic Kicking is quite straightforward for many players, others might prefer experimenting with the innovative Multi-Meter Kicking technique.

In Madden 25, the Multi-Meter system works just like it did in College Football 25. It involves using both a horizontal and vertical meter. During the initial phase of a kick, the slider moves horizontally. To ensure an accurate kick, you should press X/A when the slider is around the center position.

To execute the kick correctly, keep pressing A/X (or simply tap if you’re using Tap & Tap) until the bar on the meter reaches its peak. However, be careful not to hold it for too long as this could overpower the kick and affect its accuracy. The ideal situation is to let go or tap A/X when the bar is at the top of the meter but remains still. If it starts shaking, that means you’ve applied too much power.

In essence, there’s no definitive superiority between different kicking styles and control mechanisms; choose the one that feels most comfortable for you.

Dynamic Kickoffs in Madden 25

In Madden 25, a significant update is the introduction of the revamped Dynamic Kickoff system, set to replace the previous one used by the NFL. Here are some key points for kickers to remember when using this new system:

  • Kickers should try to aim the ball deep into the landing zone and as close to the goal line as possible
    • The Landing zone is the area between the opposing team’s goal line and 20-yard line
  • Kicks hit in the end zone that stay inbounds or go out of the back touchback to the 30 yard line
  • Kicks that go into the landing zone first before going into the endzone result in a touchback to the 20 yard line
  • Kicking team players start at the opponents’ 40, whereas the Kicker can’t move past the 50 until the ball touches the ground

As a gamer, I’m all about strategizing, and one of my favorite tactics in this game involves maneuvering the ball close to the enemy territory, specifically within the danger zone near their goal line. Here’s why: if an opponent grabs it, they’ll have a longer distance to travel before making a good counterattack. Plus, if they can’t snatch it and it rolls into their end zone after touching the danger zone, they’re forced to restart at the 20, giving us a significant advantage.

To Kick the Ball in Madden 25, simply press the ‘A’ or ‘X’ key when you want to make a kick. As the arrows connected to the kick meter move upwards towards the top, aim to press ‘A’ or ‘X’ again as soon as they reach the white line near the top with the number 100 next to it. After that, the arrows will move back down. Lastly, press ‘A’ or ‘X’ once more when the arrows return to their original position on the kicking meter (you’ll see an ‘A’ or ‘X’ button icon there as a guide).

Madden 25 offers three different kick types:

  • Placement Kick – Focuses on Placement of the ball and accuracy
  • Deep Kick – Focuses on power of kick
  • Power Squib – Shorter kick with less range used mostly for preventing last second Kick Return TDs

Generally speaking, unless you’re aiming for an unconventional strategy, opt for Placement kicks most of the time. Power Squibs are effective when there are just 2-3 seconds remaining in the game, as they hinder the opposition’s top player from retrieving the ball and making a play. Deep Kicks appear to be ineffective nowadays because a kick landed in the end zone results in a touchback, moving the receiving team back to their own 30-yard line instead of giving them possession at the kickoff spot.

How to Kick Punts & Onside Kicks in Madden 25

As a passionate gamer, let me share a tip for booting the ball in Madden 25: You’ll need to perform a sequence of three button presses, much like the kickoffs we’ve seen before. The secret is to time each press just right for an accurate and mighty kick.

In summary, performing a punt involves pressing three buttons altogether. Yet, there are three distinct kinds of punts that can be utilized depending on the specific scenario:

  • Normal
  • Sky Kick – launches the ball higher in the air, giving your players more time to reach the player. Although the punt does not go as far, it’s good for containing field position if you want to waste time or avoid a punt return TD
  • Backspin – Causes the ball to bounce back after hitting the ground. Does not always guarantee a bounce back, but works well if you want to give your defense good field advantage.

Lastly, onto Onside Kicks.

In Madden 25, Onside Kicks continue to function generally as they did before, but there are some tweaks that could reduce their usage frequency. Starting now, only teams trailing in the fourth quarter can opt for an Onside Kick. Additionally, it’s essential to signal your intention of performing an Onside Kick prior to the start of the play.

Apart from that, Onside Kicks in Madden 25 retain their original rules. Players continue to position themselves in the same starting spots. As before, you must kick the ball at least ten yards ahead before any of your teammates can reach it. If opponents collide with the ball without actually securing possession, your players then have the opportunity to recover it.

Overall, there are three total types of Onside Kicks you may perform in Madden 25:

  • Normal
  • Low – Kicking the ball below the opposing team to move it past their legs
  • High – Kicking the ball high up to give your player a chance to jump and grab it

Personally, I recommend High Kicks for two reasons. Firstly, there’s a solid chance one of their players reaches up for the ball but fails to bring it down. Secondly, it gives one of your players a chance to jump up and grab it. This method does not always work, as the receiving team may still end up grabbing the ball. Therefore, understand there is always a risk with Onside Kicks.

Alright, gamers! That’s a wrap on our Madden 25 kicking guide covering Field Goals, Punts, and Kickoffs. I hope this guide has equipped you with all the essential kicking knowledge for an unbeatable gaming experience. Frankly, I can’t predict what the new Dynamic Kickoff rule will bring to the NFL or Madden field. But I’m eager to see how fellow gamers respond to it throughout the season!

Check out some of our other guides on passing and how to update your rosters.

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2024-08-14 17:09