Love Is Blind: UK Recap: Momzillas and Mortgages

As someone who has watched their fair share of reality television and relationships unfold, I must say, this batch of Love Island couples is as intriguing as ever!

Poor unfortunate Freddie, yearning to date someone unaware of his charm, and envisioning a future filled with cozy couch-side movie marathons. However, fate had other plans as he stumbled into a whirlwind of miscommunication, dismal shopping excursions, and awkward discussions about finances – all elements that formed a perfect storm in his romantic life. It seems that even though the couples on Love Is Blind: UK may appear more mature than their counterparts on other versions of the show, drama still finds its way to everyone.

Last week found us confined within our pods for extended periods, but this extensive collection of episodes compensates for the lost time. The Greek honeymoon of our couples is exceptionally intense, with Demi and Ollie considering leaving (details to follow), and events escalate from there. Doubts are surfacing, parental anger is simmering, and it’s delightful, in a nosy sort of way, that people are debating their financial plans. As someone who manages an estate consisting of two dogs, one standard-sized TV, and roughly two dozen unused lipstick tubes, it’s intriguing to observe how individuals with substantial assets handle their finances.

Let’s quickly return to the topic of the honeymoon: Firstly, Nicole shocks everyone by arriving with Benaiah. She admitted that she had made a mistake in choosing Sam over him in the pods, and fortunately for her, Benaiah still has feelings for her. Upon their arrival, everyone goes wild and warmly welcomes Benaiah, which underscores our initial impression of Sam being as bad as we suspected. The drama during the honeymoon primarily centers around the love quadrangle involving Ollie, Demi, Cat, and Freddie.

Previously, Ollie was involved with Cat in the pods before he opted for Demi. While I think Ollie honestly feels a deeper connection with Demi compared to Cat, it’s hard not to notice that he subtly shows interest whenever Cat talks privately to him. Some people have picked up on this tension between Ollie and Demi, and they wonder if his feelings for her are genuine. Does this situation resemble the typical scenario where a man who usually pursues attractive Instagram personalities suddenly feels uneasy, or is it possible that those close to Demi, like Jasmine, are overly protective and questioning Ollie excessively about his feelings?

In Greece, it appears Demi and Ollie tend to drain each other’s positive vibes, and they both struggle to express themselves effectively, even when their lives are on the line. However, if I were Demi and constantly being told that my partner isn’t interested in me, I might not be very upbeat either. Ollie believes that external distractions are hindering their bond. At first, I found this idea implausible, but then they moved in together in London and began to flourish, which makes me ponder if they simply needed some space from others.

Freddie’s a pure-hearted hunk, so he mostly just stays out of this mess and tells Cat he’s got her back. But when he admits that he once cheated on a partner seven years ago, you can see the storm gathering. Cat claims that every man she’s ever dated has cheated on her and tells Freddie that she stands by her old mantra: “Once a cheat, always a cheat.” This doesn’t leave much room for progress in their relationship.

As a movie critic, I must clarify that I’m not advocating for dishonesty or suggesting that past indiscretions should go unaddressed. However, one might ponder why Cat didn’t broach the topic during their countless hours together in the pods. The complications between these two only seem to escalate as they share living quarters in Camden.

A fitting analogy for the dismal atmosphere surrounding Cat and Freddie might be a frustrating shopping excursion, where she browses unappealing garments while he offers humorous comments about random items on display, not ones she’s considering. You can sense the growing tension in Cat as her cheeks flush. When Freddie tries to show affection through touch, she responds, “I’m not a pet. Stop patting me like I’m a pet.” Later, she confides in a friend about his lack of physical assertiveness. Despite Cat’s claims that she’s past the cheating comment and they’re simply out of sync, it seems she becomes more animated when she catches sight of his grand, tastefully adorned home.

Let’s take a brief detour to talk about Freddie’s unique decorating style. His home is still under construction, so you won’t find any doors on hinges just yet. But if you look past that, you’ll appreciate the thoughtful arrangement of items – the harmonious blend of baby blue, silver, charcoal, and cream colors; the striking geometric wallpaper on one wall; the shiny silver mirror and crystal doorknobs. Freddie’s home is far from a typical boy’s room; instead, it showcases a captivating and endearing display of creativity. While Freddie may not be the next Bobby Berk, he’s certainly done an impressive job with this space!

As someone who has witnessed many relationships unfold over the years, I have learned that open and honest communication is key to building trust and understanding between partners. In the scenario presented, it seems that Freddie and Cat are encountering a common roadblock in their relationship: the issue of a prenuptial agreement. While some people may view such an agreement as a necessary precaution, others might find it uncomfortable or even disrespectful.

It’s fantastic to see that Sabrina and Steven, the couple we both adore, continue to be a strong pair. They embody pure happiness during this engagement phase. He’s multitasking by cracking eggs with one hand while preparing pancakes for her, and she’s winning over his friends and brother, even though they find their relationship somewhat unconventional. Their family members are doubtful but optimistic, and I, on the other hand, am ecstatically writing their names in bubble letters with hearts surrounding them. Speaking of mature pre-wedding decisions, Sabrina has chosen to keep her apartment in Belfast as a precautionary measure – a clear sign that these are two thoughtful adults.

Regarding Nicole and Benaiah, I’m quite torn. They make an adorable couple, yet his sister doubts his ability to settle down. Ben seems smitten with Nicole, but it crosses my mind whether his affection is intensified due to his prolonged single status. In a typical scenario, they might date long enough to learn each other’s quirks and figure things out. However, in this case, it feels precarious, particularly since they are still at odds over her former colleague, Sam, who unexpectedly appears at the cast mixer.

Oh dear, Sam! Just looking at him makes me feel like I might hurl a glass at my television. Nicole returns his bracelet and engagement ring to him, and even tells him she thinks he’s misinterpreted – something I find hard to believe. However, it’s clear that Benaiah can’t stomach the idea that Nicole believes her past relationship with Sam was genuine. Meanwhile, Nicole appears reluctant to discuss what happened between herself and Sam; instead, she ends the conversation when Benaiah brings up Sam’s comment about wanting to sleep with her. While every woman has the right to keep some things private, it seems like Benaiah can’t move forward until they address this issue head-on. Despite enjoying their interactions in vineyards, I have my doubts that they will last in the long run.

A pair I’m uncertain about are Tom and Maria, similar to Cat and Freddie in their contrasting financial views. Tom initially looked down on Maria for being a makeup artist, but she’s not that type. In her words to the producers, “Who do you think you are?” Maria is adaptable when it comes to certain aspects of her faith, but she insists that her husband should be a traditional provider, which doesn’t sit well with Tom and his sisters. I respect everyone’s beliefs, but it seems unusual to me that Maria offered to pay for ice cream on their first date and was surprised when Tom accepted. Firstly, it’s just ice cream, not an expensive meal at Nobu, and secondly, it feels like a strange tactic. Why extend the offer to pay only to criticize your partner for accepting?

As I watch them on screen, it’s clear that there’s an undeniable chemistry between them. Their banter is electric, and even when she playfully calls him “vile” and “disgusting,” my heart softens. Tom’s loyalty to Maria doesn’t falter, not even when he spots his old podmate, Natasha, at the party. Though Maria’s family harbors some reservations, they also seem to warm up to Tom. However, if this couple is heading towards marriage, they should discuss who will be contributing towards the mortgage payments.

Meanwhile, Jasmine and Bobby continue to share the same perspective. They’re applying facial masks together, discussing her concerns about his past interaction with a dancer in a music video, and inviting her overly protective mother, Marisa, for dinner. Let me be honest, though — that encounter is tense.

It seems Marisa had the habit of checking through Jasmine’s phone contacts and calling each contact, particularly the boys, to block them. (Wow!) When Bobby claims he didn’t attend university, Marisa remarks that it can be “challenging to converse with someone who isn’t educated” and suggests that he might struggle financially in London. Shocking! Marisa expects Jasmine to disclose everything to her before even her own friends, and she becomes irritated when Jasmine establishes boundaries, keeping certain things private between herself and Bobby.

As a cinephile, I must admit, I remain unruffled despite the fact that Marisa doesn’t seem to be my preferred company. At least her location in the Philippines means she’ll have less influence when Bobby and Jasmine undoubtedly accept each other’s hand in marriage, an inevitable yes because they’re a perfect match.

Lastly, for their enigmatic duo, Ollie and Demi experience a significant change following their troublesome honeymoon. Upon arriving in London, Ollie prepares vegan nachos for her friends, who warm up to him, and he even shares with Demi about his ADHD diagnosis – a condition that he seldom talks about and finds challenging. These two appear genuinely fond of each other, yet they remain hesitant when it comes to intimacy. In the sneak peek for the finale, Ollie hints at the possibility that they might work better as friends, which could be a cleverly placed misdirection or the most anticlimactic twist this series has ever presented. Tune in next week to find out!

Pod Goss

It turns out that “Budgie smugglers” is a humorous British term for Speedos. The connection between budgies and Speedos might seem strange, but it appears to be slang for this type of swimwear. As for the idea of smuggling something in a Speedo, it seems unlikely given their design.

It was incredibly adorable to see Demi and Ollie follow through on their spacecraft banter and play arcade basketball together! I truly hope they can make a great partnership work!!!

• I also want Maria’s family couscous recipe because that plate looked divine.

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2024-08-14 16:54