Love Is Blind Recap: Cut the Cameras

As a seasoned romance novelist who’s penned countless tales of love and heartache, I must say that Taylor and Garrett’s storyline has all the makings of a best-seller. Their relationship, riddled with unexpected twists and turns, is reminiscent of a classic rollercoaster ride—full of ups and downs, but always leaving you yearning for more.

In simpler terms,

This week, we’ve organized a small gathering combined with a Gatsby-style party, the nature of which becomes apparent when costumes begin arriving in Amazon boxes. Just three couples turn up for the wedding fittings, and it’s noted that each woman selects the second dress they attempt on. Mothers, friends, and Lacheys are comforted to know that these relationships seem set for marriage. Let’s examine what transpires for each couple, beginning with two long-awaited separations.

Besides Hannah and Nick, who else expressed enthusiasm? The relationship between Hannick seemed problematic from the start. They struggled even during an engagement photoshoot, having disagreements. After a date involving an indoor obstacle course, Nick expresses his desire to be treated as an equal, to which Hannah responds that she will do so when he starts acting like one. It’s not looking great for them. Hannah also confides in Ashley at the Gatsby party that Nick is falling short in their intimate life and exhibits jealousy towards her vibrator. (I wonder how Mrs. Dorka would react seeing her potential daughter-in-law discussing her son’s discomfort with oral sex on TV? I assume Nick will advise her to skip this episode.)

Regarding the Katie predicament, it’s worth mentioning that before the party, we find out that Nick and Katie, who seems to be Hannah’s closest friend, were each other’s top choices for the initial three days in the pods. Hannah quips jokingly, “Should I kill her?” as she watches their reunion. While Katie does comment that Nick is more attractive in person, it feels like a veiled criticism to me. Could it be that she doesn’t want your man, Hannah? I get the feeling that she might not be sincere about her compliments towards Nick. Her remark about “love isn’t always blind” appears suspicious. However, after listening to their extended 40-minute conversation, even when Katie explicitly declares her affection for Nick, I believe she is just trying to subtly convey a message. This message seems to be that he sometimes mistakenly thinks he’s being charming but instead comes across as immature and objectifying women. It remains unclear how much of this message a smiley Nick truly understands, though.

At Nick and Hannah’s apartment, Nick feels he hasn’t done anything amiss, while Hannah insists it’s about mutual respect. Reminiscent of their infamous “duck” disagreement, Hannah now asserts that she transformed Nick from a boy into a man. However, her intention to demonstrate what a “fun-loving person” she is seems to have taken a backseat! After an exchange without progress, Hannah attempts to put an end to the argument – first by complimenting Nick’s appearance and later suggesting they go to bed.

The atmosphere remains strained when Hannah presents Nick to her circle of friends, who show clear disapproval. Later, Hannah confides in her mother that she and Nick are mismatched on every front. Not surprisingly, the following occasion where they are seen together, Hannah ends their relationship, pointing out the same problems she’s had with him since their trip to Cabo. She is unmoved by Nick’s assertion that he can handle responsibilities like taking care of their father’s cat in the morning. Nick expresses disappointment when he admits he believed himself worthy for her, and this might be the lowest point he has ever experienced in his life.

The situation becomes intriguing as their in-person breakup includes them expressing love and a hug, yet Hannah mentions she initially contacted Nick to avoid surprising him with the split. It seems Nick quickly devised a strategy afterward. In her personal reflection, Hannah expresses feeling manipulated, asserting that Nick prioritized appearing favorably on TV over being attentive towards her. Conversely, Nick implies in his personal thoughts that Hannah ended their relationship due to concern he might refuse at the altar. He casually quotes a Drake song to dispute this. I suspect they both felt self-conscious about their public breakup and confessional exchanges, which appear staged and rehearsed. Fortunately, I’m relieved this relationship has concluded. The initial breakup in the pods should have been final.

Since their trip to Cabo, it seems that Tim might have moved on from Alex. She mentioned to her parents that she desires a partner she can rely on, casting a smile in Tim’s direction while saying, “Even if I’m driving him up the wall.” It’s worth noting that Tim’s facial expression stayed serious. Later on, he confided in his parents that he and Alex don’t see eye to eye on lighter matters.

Apart from surface disagreements, there seem to be underlying problems, as their next argument indicates. Moments after Alex began her first meal of the day, Tim expressed his disapproval about Alex’s nap following the cameras stopping, despite her parents having driven 10 hours to meet her earlier. Alex explained that she thought it would be acceptable since they had already conversed for four hours and believed they would have stayed awake if she had known it mattered so much to Tim.

It seems that Tim dislikes being interrupted in conversations. He feels that she overlooked a phone call and didn’t respond promptly enough to his texts as per his expectations, yet she still wanted him to continue talking when he no longer wished to do so. Tim believes it’s not fair for her to control the timing of their discussions. In Alex’s eyes, Tim wants things done his way, but he hasn’t explicitly laid out the rules. She claims she’s making an effort and is willing to listen, but from Tim’s perspective, Alex doesn’t align with what he seeks in a partner for life.

Following Tim’s firm decision, Alex expresses her disapproval towards him for abruptly ending their relationship just a few days after seeking her father’s blessing and causing him deep emotional distress. (I’m relieved there was no wedding. If Alex’s father had taken the trouble to attend given his mobility limitations, only to witness his daughter being spurned at the altar, that would have been incredibly heartless.) Tim then recounts various incidents we weren’t aware of, such as her ignoring his affectionate gestures like cuddling and him having to ask her to help with dishes after preparing a large meal for her family. He concedes that he may not always express himself clearly. “But,” he says, “if I have to make those expressions, then I’m not the right match for you.

In simpler terms, it appears that Tim and Alex are having a difficult breakup, as Tim takes offense at Alex’s suggestion that the relationship isn’t working due to their incompatible personalities and conflict resolution styles. Instead of agreeing that a breakup might be best, Tim angrily tells Alex he never wants to see her again, sarcastically commenting that their time together was pleasant. Throughout the party, they both deliberately avoid each other, and Alex tells her friends that Tim is a coward. I find it surprising that this hostile ending wasn’t foreseeable during their emotional dates in the pods. Do you think Tim waited long before asking for his sister’s bracelet back after the breakup?

Ashley and Tyler’s relationship has undergone some changes. Tyler managed to win back Ashley’s confidence following a period of distance, during which he made it clear that he is merely a sperm donor to children who may not even recognize him – a statement that could be perceived as quite ominous, considering the alleged photographs showing him actively involved in child-rearing. In fact, people on social media have nicknamed him “Tyler the Procreator.” They claim that he personally donated sperm and allegedly sent messages to another woman inviting her over while they were engaged. It’s crucial that Ashley remains aware of these rumors.

After our go-kart adventure together, Ashley has chosen to give me another chance, although she’s quick to add that any future surprises involving cats or similar situations would be a game changer. He chuckles, assuring me that such incidents are unlikely. However, there are significant plot holes in our relationship timeline. For instance, I can’t help but wonder how Ashley found out about these children in the first place. Did he confess on his own accord, or was it someone else who spilled the beans? Last week, Ashley hinted at requesting proof of his innocence regarding these kids, but we’re left guessing if and how that transpired. She merely suggests that I am reward enough to justify the possibility of these children entering her life in five years’ time.

In simpler terms, Ashley and Tyler often show strong emotions during their appointments. A dream of Ashley’s since childhood was realized when they both went skydiving before the wedding, which only lasted 40 seconds, not a lifetime. After this event, Ashley discusses her concerns about childbirth. The term “donate” used by Tyler to describe his role in their relationship makes him uncomfortable. Despite this, he remains firm in his stance. At this point, whether they say yes or no at the altar seems less significant. I won’t be fully happy for Ashley until I see how Tyler clarifies his position during the reunion.

Regarding Marissa and Ramses, there appears to be a variety of concerns arising in their relationship. Ramses is expressing anxiety over Marissa’s evolving plans about starting a family. Meanwhile, Marissa is mentioning health issues such as vitamin D deficiency and PMS, which were previously discussed in connection with her hesitance towards birth control and his apprehension about unprotected sex.

In their upcoming events, Marisa and Ramses are arranging a bohemian-glamorous wedding on a carpet of rose petals. Ramses jokingly wonders if Marisa intends to arrive from the heavens as part of her plan for no individual aisles. They discuss physical intimacy but chuckle, implying they’ve already sorted it out. It seems that Marissa’s struggles during her period and Ramses’ confidence in marriage may also include an agreement on contraception and family planning, albeit not explicitly discussed in this scene.

During the tuxedo fittings, Ramses confides in his friend that he’s growing more and more smitten with Marissa day by day. However, just four days before their wedding, they face tension on a romantic boat outing. Marissa voices her concerns that Ramses hasn’t been dedicating enough time to wedding preparations or addressing her mother’s needs, which leaves her fearful that the mental workload in their marriage might fall solely on her. At the same time, she admits to being ready to endure five to seven years of unhappiness before even considering divorce. This revelation comes as a shock to Ramses, who also seems to be under some stress about making his second marriage a lasting one.

Two days before their wedding, we’re hit with another conflict. As Ramses leans over with his head in his hands, a toilet flushes – the only sign of what’s going on. Marissa mentions that some unknown external factors have stirred up doubts in him about the simple risks of love. It’s unclear if there was a specific event that sparked this discussion or if these are just lingering concerns. Earlier, I had been wondering if either might call off the wedding at the last minute, but now I’m uncertain they’ll even make it to the altar.

Taylor and Garrett have a romantic vibe reminiscent of a Hallmark film. Their unique wish for a letter-writing nook at their wedding stems from their secret tradition of exchanging hidden notes, emulating the heartfelt letters Taylor’s grandparents used to exchange. However, every good romance movie needs its challenges, and Taylor and Garrett provide one with a significant disagreement.

Just prior to the Gatsby event, Taylor discovers that an old flame contacted Garrett. At first, it seems like Taylor had merely overlooked the message. However, we’re left wondering how she became aware of it, what the ex’s message contained, and why their relationship ended. We don’t get these details, but it’s clear that this situation is distressing for Taylor, who has a history of infidelity. She assures him they will navigate through this difficulty. Before entering the party, Garrett compliments Taylor by saying she looks fantastic, and there’s evident warmth in her telling him to hush. Later, while conversing with Tyler and Ashley, Garrett modifies his account to explain that he did reply to the message, expressing his engagement and well wishes. This revelation causes Taylor to cry with Ashley in the restroom before returning to argue with Garrett about the distinction between facts and details. Now, she’s uncertain if she should introduce him to her family in San Diego the following day, a decision that might lead to calling off their wedding. Garrett expresses his discontentment at this possibility, asserting that this incident doesn’t define who he is.

Soon after, it’s discovered that Taylor and Garrett are in a car in San Diego. In a private conversation, Taylor admits that they stayed up all night chatting and crying. Surprisingly, his response to his ex was more cordial than she anticipated. However, she clarifies that he didn’t mean it maliciously, so she chooses to put this issue aside and focus on their relationship instead. The sudden shift to footage of them grinning with her family is somewhat unexpected, but there’s not much more closure provided in the scene.

Although earlier previews suggested a tense conversation, it turns out that Taylor and Garrett enjoy a rather pleasant meal with Taylor’s mom. Throughout the experience, Taylor speaks highly of Garrett while trying on wedding dresses. Meanwhile, during his fitting session, Garrett confides in his friends about not wanting to lose Taylor. He also reflects on the fact that he’s never been in a relationship where he didn’t hold all the power.

Regardless, they’re clearly in high spirits as they explore a peculiar art gallery together. Garrett remarks that the joy from this encounter significantly surpasses any tension. Their easy conversation about statistical significance and refrigerator storage for opened mustard suggests they’ve managed to overcome their previous disagreement. Frankly, it feels somewhat jarring to witness such swift healing, given how frequently their argument was portrayed earlier on. Nevertheless, among the remaining couples, I find myself most convinced when they express their love for each other.

See y’all at the finale!

Extra Engaged

• Someone thankfully asked Monica what Stephen put in his Venmo note, and whew … I personally think she’s entitled to hold a grudge. But at the Gatsby party, Monica tells the other women that she called Stephen and they’re in a good place. She says they talked for more than two hours, and while she’s not excusing his actions or open to dating him again, she believes he’s a good person who fucked up. I mean, Monica did let him know in the pods that she’s always found a way to forgive cheating exes. Time is a flat circle?

Bohdan wasn’t channeling Gatsby at the party; instead, he seemed more suited for rowing a gondola in Venice.

In the initial episode of this season, during a sneak peek segment, Ramses made an unexpected comment saying, “If we weren’t engaged, I would sleep with you.” However, we haven’t reached that point in the storyline yet… Wow, could such a situation actually unfold in the final episode? Or was this line perhaps edited together from different parts of the show to create a shocking effect? Indeed, that would be quite an audacious editing choice.

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2024-10-16 15:54