League of Legends: The Smurfing Debate – Is It Justifiable or a Detriment?

As a seasoned gamer with over a decade of League of Legends under my belt, I can’t help but feel a tad weary when I stumble upon discussions like this. The smurfing vs boosting debate has been a rollercoaster ride that seems to never end. On one hand, I get it—smurfing allows me to experiment with new champions or roles without the fear of ruining my main account’s rank. It’s like having a secret identity in the world of Summoner’s Rift!

In League of Legends, a game known for stirring intense feelings among its player base, the debate on smurfing and boosting has once again flared up intensely. A post entitled ‘Controversial Opinion: If you’re okay with smurfing, then you should be okay with boosting’ by Redditor NewMetaMessiah prompted strong reactions. The author suggested that both smurfing and boosting involve players using accounts that don’t truly represent their skill level, which can negatively impact other gamers’ experiences. This proposition that players should not selectively criticize these actions sparked a heated discussion filled with diverse opinions and emotions. Some gamers supported or condemned the practices, expressing sentiments ranging from amusement to outright disapproval of both behaviors. The post underscores a broader conversation about fairness and honesty in competitive games within the League community, making it a trending topic.

Hot take: if you are fine with smurfing you should also be fine with boosting
byu/NewMetaMessiah inleagueoflegends


  • The post argues that smurfing and boosting are equivalent and problematic.
  • Responses reveal a divide in player opinions, with some justifying smurfing under certain conditions.
  • Many players express disdain for both practices, citing fairness concerns.
  • Discussions also touch on the nuances of why players smurf, including learning new roles.

The Smurfing Dilemma

As a gamer myself, I’d say it’s only the mythical Smurfs who find smurfing acceptable, chuckling to themselves. The debate over multiple accounts, or ‘smurfing’, can get pretty heated. Some gamers argue that smurfing serves as a way to grow personally. For example, learning a new champion or role often needs a more laid-back setting where losing doesn’t sting so much. Aztek917 puts it well when he says this perspective is important: smurfing can be an essential stepping stone for some players to hone their skills effectively—a justification for what might seem like a tough practice, if used honestly. These top-notch players believe that diving into lower-tier games is a training ground without the worry of rank decay or damaged reputations. But, this argument does raise a question: at what price do we pay for this ‘training’?

The Boosting Paradox

Discussing smurfing in the gaming community requires also addressing boosting, which is generally viewed negatively. User oof_im_dying clarifies that boosting isn’t just about passing on damage responsibilities. They argue that boosting not only ruins games when going up in rank but also when coming back down, affecting various levels of play. A player who gets boosted into a higher rank may not have the necessary skills to sustain that level, leading to a series of losses and causing frustration for both teammates and opponents due to mismatched skill levels. This cycle can undermine the value of the ranked ladder that many players appreciate. However, there’s a paradox here: while gamers often criticize one form of exploitation (smurfing), they may unknowingly accept another (boosting).

Community Perspectives on Fairness

In this heated discussion, opinions are frequently layered, with some mocking the inconsistency in selective anger over certain actions, like condemning ‘smurfing’ but accepting ‘boosting’. A user named ucmecheng ponders, “Is it ok to smurf but not boost? They’re just upset because a booster (challenger) is beating them at their own game (platinum Smurf).” Players seem disgruntled when they encounter a booster but strangely quiet on the topic of smurfing. This rivalry makes one wonder if fair play standards are equally enforced in both practices. Some community members, such as gcrimson, argue that there are different forms of smurfing, making it even more confusing—high-ranked players switching roles for practice versus those taking advantage of tiers. The inconsistency implies that players might not truly prioritize the game’s integrity but rather their personal experiences within it.

Understanding the Motivations Behind Smurfing and Boosting

An underlying theme stemming from the post and its comments is the personal motivations behind both practices. The emotional investment and attachment players have to their ranks highlight a deeper narrative woven through the plays of these games. Some believe players use smurfing as a coping mechanism for frustration stemming from their main account performance, “hot take: most obviously implied statement possible,” adds Ssyynnxx, emphasizing that this discussion isn’t new, but still highlights a personal conflict among lower-ranked players whose games are disrupted. This coping mechanism, whether healthy or not, reveals the impact that rank has on self-worth for many players. As players confront their own shortcomings, they gravitate towards practices that allow for a power fantasy in an otherwise unpredictable environment. The complex nature of these interactions suggests that smurfing and boosting reflect far more than merely unfair tactics—they represent deeper psychological incentives and social interactions within the community.

As I delve into the world of gaming, particularly in League of Legends, the ongoing debate between smurfing and boosting makes me ponder about our shared values and ideals regarding fair play. We’re all trying to make sense of a complex web of right and wrong, asking ourselves: how does our community’s moral compass adjust, and can it create a truly equitable gaming experience for everyone? The answers we find in these discussions not only keep our community alive and buzzing with activity, but they also force us to confront issues that test both personal and collective integrity.

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2024-07-31 10:13