League of Legends: The Curious Case of Former Pro Promisq Griefing Ranked Games

As a long-time League of Legends enthusiast who has watched the evolution of the game and its players, I find myself torn over the antics of former LEC pro Promisq. On one hand, his past achievements as an MSI champion have earned him a special place in my heart. However, witnessing his questionable behavior in ranked games, especially given his background, leaves me feeling let down.

Discussions about League of Legends have long been lively due to its competitive nature. However, the actions of former LEC pro player Promisq in a recent ranked match have ignited intense debate. A post on a widely-used forum highlighted some contentious gameplay decisions made by Promisq, which led fans and fellow players to voice their opinions about his conduct. Many found it surprising and disappointing that someone who was once a professional would engage in such behavior, with some even expressing disbelief.

Former LEC Pro promisq hard griefs a ranked game from minute 1.
byu/Mental_Junket137 inleagueoflegends


  • Promisq’s misconduct in ranked matches sparked lighthearted yet critical commentary on his behavior from both fans and players.
  • Many users drew parallels between his current gameplay and his past performances in the LEC.
  • Reactions varied, from humor about his tactics to genuine disappointment over his perceived trolling.
  • The community wrestled with the expectations placed on former professional players and their responsibilities in casual games.

Mixed Reactions to Promisq’s Gameplay

The reactions to Promisq’s antics were anything but subtle. The user TheTurtleOne quipped, “Nothing new, he’s been doing this even when he was a ‘pro’,” indicating that this was not an isolated incident but rather part of a troubling pattern. It seems that Promisq’s legacy as a professional player is being overshadowed by his questionable behavior in ranked games. Many commenters noted how his antics felt more like mockery than actual gameplay, raising eyebrows over how a former professional player could engage in such behaviors. This irony wasn’t lost on players who have followed his career closely, and it raised the question of whether he was still genuinely invested in the game he once excelled at.

Professional Expectations vs. Casual Play

Amidst the laughter, there was a serious undertone where users like RyanC00per_ expressed genuine concern by stating, “Bro is 30 years old and trolls people at 4am in a video game. Some people should really move on from their mediocre league career; this is just sad to see.” The notion of what a professional player, especially one who has competed at the highest levels, should be doing in casual games underlines a more profound conversation within the community. Are professional players expected to act as role models even when stepping away from the competitive scene? Many players were torn between enjoying the humor of Promisq’s antics while simultaneously lamenting the lack of respect for their shared gaming experience.

The Impact of Trolling in Ranked Games

The issue of trolling in ranked games is far from new in the League of Legends community, but having it come from a former pro adds a unique layer to the conversation. Users like OmegaAce1 noted how the chat was more about roasting Promisq than raising concerns, stating, “Dam, people are cooking his ass in here, not even saying shit like ‘this isn’t okay for a former pro’.” This points to a somewhat cynical acceptance of negativity in the community. It seems that trolling, whether it’s done by random players or former pros, is often met with more humor than critical reflection. Indeed, many users flicked between seeing his antics as a joke while dismissing the real implications of his behavior on the gaming community.

Community Standards and Responsibilities

A vital conversation stemming from this situation is the responsibility of content creators and professional gamers to uphold certain standards even within casual play. Erennooo chimed in with a defensive remark, saying, “That’s former LEC pro and MSI champion Promisq to you.” This highlights the difficulty in reconciling a player’s past accomplishments with their current actions. The question arises: Do past accolades justify continued poor behavior? While some players find joy in watching their favorite pro’s antics, others feel the seriousness of competitive integrity should transcend casual gaming norms. The community seems to be wrestling with this duality, as more players advocate for a higher standard of ethics in gaming.

Eventually, public opinion about Promisq’s actions could spark debates anew on how player actions impact multiplayer games as a whole. Fans who once admired him might now feel a hint of disillusionment, while some may still view it as just a humorous aspect of gaming. As the League of Legends community grows and changes, the values we accept and the standards we uphold will influence its development. Therefore, every player, regardless of their past or present actions, should strive to make positive contributions to our shared gaming experience.

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2024-08-22 22:28